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Arthur M. Young

Arthur Middleton Young (1905 - 1995) was the inventor of the Bell Helicopter, a cosmologist, philosopher, and well known author of The Reflexive Universe and The Geometry of Meaning.  He has delved into many ideas and issues in physics, mathematics, astrology, geometry, consciousness and evolution.  Author Tom Robbins called Arthur Young, "the greatest theoretical genius since Einstein."  His website includes his "Theory of Process" via writings and an extensive video and audio library, as well as references to ongoing work intended to extend Young’s theory into new areas ranging from medicine, cognitive science, brain research and cellular biology to developmental psychology, problem solving and organizational planning.  <http://www.arthuryoung.com>  

Young was one of the first to recognize the importance of the third derivative, the basis of The Fifth Element.  Young did not, however, discuss in any detail the initiating force of a mechanical or electrical system, and concentrated instead on the four elements or four derivatives (zero, first, second, and third) of the resulting actions.  Thus Young’s third derivative is identically The Fifth Element.  

Young’s theories have been presented in many formats (books, essays, etceteras), as well as eliciting the interests of numerous other scholars.  With regard to Young’s theory, “The Theory of Process”, John S. Saloma <http://www.arthuryoung.com/the1exc.HTML>, has noted the process to be fourfold, i.e.:

      I.  unconscious action      position       zeroth derivative
     II.  unconscious reaction      velocity       first derivative
    III.  conscious reaction      acceleration       second derivative
   IV.  conscious action      control       third derivative




[The Fifth Element’s initiating force could be included in the above as the first term, O.]  

According to Saloma:  “Young describes how the child learns.  He reaches out in a spontaneous act or in curiosity to feel some strange object.  This is the instinctual starting place of learning, (I) thoughtless or unconscious action.  If he touches a hot stove, he withdraws his hand instinctively in pain, (II) unconscious reaction.  Next he observes the situation, reflecting on what has caused him pain.  Eventually he makes the mental connection that signals an awareness of the situation, (III) conscious reaction.  Finally he incorporates and applies that awareness to future encounters with stoves, exercising deliberate action or control, (IV) conscious action.  Thus, there are four aspects in this learning cycle: (I) impulse, (II) feeling, (III) reason, and (IV) control or manipulation of physical reality.  Through  this cycle, the child acquires a conscious grasp of the world.”  

On particular note is Young’s nomenclature for the third derivative, i.e. “control” and/or “conscious action”.  This may be one of the connecting links between Consciousness and the physics of

According to Arthur Young <http://www.arthuryoung.com/valueofastrology.HTML>, “Science is based on the derivatives discovered by Leibniz and Newton.  The derivatives are rates of change.  The first derivative is rate of change of position, or velocity; the second derivative is rate of change of velocity, or acceleration.  The third derivative, change of acceleration, because it is an option, is ignored by science.  But it is because we can change acceleration that we can drive or control a car.  Through control we use the laws of determinism.  This control is the principle which makes it possible for life, in similar fashion, to use the laws of determinism to control metabolism, to store energy and move against Entropy.”  

The last sentence above is fundamental important and bears further thinking.  Try it.   

Keep in mind that the planets and their moons do not revolve around the Sun or planets in perfect circles (where the centripetal and centrifugal accelerations would be constant), but in eclipses, where there are changes in accelerations.  This is critical to The Fifth Element and Connective Physics, but also Hyperdimensional Physics as well.  

Meanwhile, in another essay <http://www.arthuryoung.com/freewill.HTML>, Young claims that, “The third derivative is both obvious and of major importance.  The failure of science to recognize it should be shouted from the housetops by all branches of knowledge.  In a way it is more important than the Declaration of Independence, because it is not just a rival point of view, a ‘right’ which depends on moral judgment and has its limitation.  Does the thief have a ‘right’ to steal?   

“The third derivative is a law of nature.  Every machine must incorporate means for its control.  Without this law life would not be possible.  Its neglect by science, more than any other factor, has made it possible for science to replace religion.”  [For more detail, see Science and Religion.] 

As long as science ignores the third derivative it will not be able to deal with life, and will miss the point of cosmogenesis.” [emphasis added]  

One of Young’s primary considerations was that the universe was more about verbs than nouns.  In his view, it was the process.  Just as others think of it’s not where you’re going, but how you get there -- not goals, but avenues toward goals -- that is critical, Young took the same tactic in developing a Theory of Process.  

According to <http://www.arthuryoung.com/theory.HTML> Arthur Young's “Theory of Process” is “a formal analytical tool, a model based on number theory, geometry and topology.  It is also based on Young's extensive study of traditional wisdom, Jungian archetypes, Theosophy, Astrology, yoga, mythology and other modes of knowledge and insight.  Young used this model to help comprehend and integrate a number of disciplines and areas of inquiry.”  

John S. Saloma writes <http://www.arthuryoung.com/the1exc.HTML>, in his essay on Young’s work, entitled, THE THEORY OF PROCESS:  

“In his major book, The Reflexive Universe, Young introduces the reader gradually and in logical sequence to the basic concepts of his integrative paradigm, known as the theory of process.  Throughout his work, he seeks to establish points of contact with the scientifically oriented mind, attempting to win a hearing from science as well as philosophy.  Young views all major theories of cosmology not as rivals but as ‘partial or tentative expressions of a unitary, universal theory leading to an ideal (and ineffable) center from which differences radiate like spokes of a wheel.’  ‘It is this faith,’ he remarks, ‘that is the cornerstone of The Reflexive Universe--the faith that if you follow any one theory to its ultimate limits you will get to the same center.’"  

In <http://www.arthuryoung.com/the2exc.HTML>, with respect to “Major Themes in The Reflexive Universe,” we find:  

“The concept of ‘process’ is the single most overarching and inclusive term in Young's theory and a good starting point for a systematic consideration of his ideas.  Process is a description and an interpretation of how the universe works.  Young uses the term interchangeably with ‘time-structure,’ suggesting an underlying and definable dynamic.  Process is initiated by a purposive, goal-seeking thrust, an initial venturesomeness that pushes it ahead.  At its most fundamental level, the universe is a process put into motion by purpose, analogous to a learning experience.  Ancient cosmologies speak of God wanting to know himself, seeking to actualize that which was only potential.  This same undeniable thrust toward actualization is the essence of what Young means by process. [emphasis added]   

“Thus, Young recognizes both 'first cause’ (in the guise of purpose) and a teleological (directed toward an end) design in nature, two admissions to theory that modern science has scrupulously avoided.  Since at least [the time of] Sir Francis Bacon, science has limited itself to the consideration of secondary causes, rendering itself a partial theory of the nature of reality.  Young's aim in the theory of process is to achieve a comprehensive theory or metaparadigm that includes and is thoroughly consistent with the best science but which is capable of dealing with nonobjective, nondefinable aspects of reality beyond the accepted limits of science.    

“Young's investigation of how process works led him to some profound insights into the nature of reality.  At the most general level, process or time-structure exhibits several features.  It incorporates ‘the arrow of time,’ the basic asymmetry of time, always moving ahead from the past through the present into the future.  Young rejects the assumption of relativity theory that time is dimensionally interchangeable with space.  The fundamental irreversibility of time must be included in any basic cosmological statement.    

“Process is defined as a series of actions or operations taken to reach an end.  Process, accordingly, Young concludes, must have direction, build on itself and use means to attain its goal, these means being determinate or predictable if they are to be effective.  The free, initiating, creative play of purpose needs fixed laws, constraints, and a deterministic framework through which to realize its goal. Young's process paradigm deals expressly with this interplay of freedom and constraint.”  


Clearly the nature of process involves control.  Any Consciousness encountering events and situations must interact with those experiential happenings by making choices, and choices are the essence of control.  The identification of Consciousness with control thus connects Consciousness with the third derivative, and/or The Fifth Element of what can be encapsulated as Connective Physics.  Everything connects with everything, and the link that makes the connection is consciousness, choices, control, and... most any other “c” word you can think of.  According to David Bohm, even the electrons are doing the “c” word -- making yet another connection of the Mind-Matter kind.  


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