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There are two kinds of Anarchy.  One is highly destructive, not only to the recipient of the anarchists’ wrath, but also ultimately to the anarchists themselves. (11/1e/10) This first form could be construed to be a form of Anomie, a form of "social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values; also : personal unrest, alienation, and uncertainty that comes from a lack of purpose or ideals." Wikipedia goes a bit further, and among other things notes that:

"...a society with too much rigidity and little individual discretion could also produce a kind of anomie, a mismatch between individual circumstances and larger social mores. Thus, fatalistic suicide arises when a person is too rule-governed, when there is ... no free horizon of expectation."

Suicide being, in general, a detriment to upward mobility seekers and others who might be seeking individuality, this form of anarchy would have to be considered a negative. However... there is another type of anarchy, one which serves an example, a beacon for personal and cultural self-transformation.  Being a very independent, individual free-thinking can lead to either from of anarchy.

For example, Black’s Law Dictionary [6th Edition, 1991] defines anarchy as:  “Absence of government; state of society where there is no law or supreme power; lawlessness or political disorder; destructive of an confusion in government.  At its best it pertains to a society made orderly by good manners rather than law, in which each person produces according to his [or her] powers and receives according to his [or her] needs, and at its worst, the word pertains to a terrorist resistance of all present government and social order.”  [emphasis added]  

In the more mundane dictionary definition, an anarchist is an advocate of political or social disorder, someone apparently who is not adverse to resisting “law and order” advocates and/or their minions.  Curiously, any tendency toward disorder is a state of Entropy -- as in the case of several notables.

In fact, it is from a whole host of anarchists -- luminaries such as Henry David Thoreau, Aldous Huxley, and Mahatma Gandhi, to name just a few -- that some of the greatest improvements in society have been manifested.  In the civil rights movement of the United States in the 1950s, inspiration was drawn from an anarchist philosophy, which espoused a conviction in the worth of individuals regardless of race, the fallibility of the governments to appropriately honor this worth, and the right of individuals to peacefully oppose unjust treatment by society, the State, and statutory laws.  

Anarchists of this type recognize that all beings want the same things:  happiness, love, freedom, peace of mind, well-being, soul, and meaning.  These are the good guys/gals!

There are, of course, the nasty anarchists whose credos are more attuned to selfishness, greed, domination and/or exploitation.  These are the examples of individuality which do not lead to justice, but to terrorism and destruction.  These are the bad guys/gals.  

The nasty anarchists also include the ones who scream long and loud at the evils of anarchy, and in the process of covertly causing or ensuring acts of anarchy for purposes of causing fear, are exploiting the situation they in fact generating in order to increasingly dominate over lesser members of society.  These are often the “law and order” advocates, the “authorities” who use their status and rank to gain increasing control over others.  These are the current governmental elite who view the Constitution for the United States of America has an obstacle to be overcome, avoided, or superseded.  

Anarchy is thus a two-edged sword.  It can bring great benefits or great destruction.  It can advocate justice and freedom, or the model of “might makes right”.  When structures resist the anarchist’s cry for change, the choice is between non-violence and violence.  The inevitable question is:  At what point and under what conditions does the idealist anarchist change from the non-violent approach to the violent one?  And what is the obligation of the defender of the structure to be flexible, and thereby reduce the likelihood of such a change -- and its inevitable, destructive consequences?  

Finally, while anarchy is entropic (i.e. an advocate of natural law), Consciousness is anti-entropic.  Humans, by their very nature (i.e. in accordance with natural law), are prone to create structures to serve themselves.  Humans resorting to anarchy are tearing down those same structures.  [For structures, also read Paradigms.]  This apparent dichotomy is not contradictory, but merely a manifestation of the cyclical nature of the universe, the Death and Rebirth of all things, and that which ultimately leads to transformations of the up close and personal kind.  It is Cycles, Music, and the Harmony of the Spheres.  It is all interlinked, connected, and in the final analysis, One.  

Wow!  This is good stuff!  


Arbitration         Nature of Law         Justice, Order, and Law

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The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress         Revolution        Acting


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Free Speech         The (9) Supremes         The Halls of SCOTUS

An American Third Party         A Third Party That Knows How to Party




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