NumerologyNumerology attempts to describe the relative existence of everything in nature, based on the premise that all is reducible to numbers, and that all numbers follow the natural law of mathematical progression. In particular, ratios of numbers become pure entities and take on fundamental importance. This is true of the so-called Transcendental Numbers (p -- the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, f -- the ratio of sequential entries of Fibonacci Numbers, and e -- the base of the natural logarithm, wherein subtraction of logarithms is equivalent to division/ratios of numbers). Even numbers such as integers can be expressed as ratios, e.g. “4” is actually the ratio, “4/1” (or even “8/2”). A basic axiom is that all things in nature evolve in cycles, mathematical progressions which are measurable and predictable. [And cycles have ratios -- as in the year, the time for the Earth to circle the Sun, being given in terms of the cycle of the Earth to rotate once upon its axis, a day.] Cycles are often based on Time, but not necessarily so, as even counting from one to twenty involves a cycle of returning to the use of “1” following the “9”, etc. The use of numbers for predictive purposes were used by Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Hindus, Chinese, Hebrews, and early Christians. Most of the symbologies employed followed the progression of numbers, with Ones signifying a beginning or genesis, the higher numbers representing the progress through life, and Nines signifying completion. Shortly after 600 B.C.E., the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, founded the first university and developed his theory of numbers. These theories are the basis of all natural law today and are also the foundation for the occult science of Numerology. Pythagoras determined that everything progressed in predictable cycles, and assumed a relationship with respect to the alphabet -- i.e. the Sumerian idea that letters, gods and goddesses were assigned numbers relative to their station. The updated Pythagorean conversion table uses numbers 1 through 9, each of which is related to certain letters of the alphabet. An alternate version is the updated Chaldean Conversion Table, which works in a similar way except it is numbered 1 to 8 and the letters associated with each number are different as well. [There is no number 9 in the Chaldean chart because, to the ancient Chaldeans, 9 was believed to be a sacred number and was kept apart from the rest -- see, e.g., Nines.) Numerologists use these two methods for calculation with the Chaldean table being the oldest and most accurate.
Fundamental to dealing with Numerology is the so-called “reduction of numbers”. This means essentially that one takes any number with two or more digits and reduces it to a single digit. This is done by adding each of the integers in the number to arrive at a total whose integers are then added again, until a single digit is obtained. For example(s): 5,040 ® 5 + 0 + 4 + 0 = 9 5,280 ® 5 + 2 + 8 + 0 = 15 ® 1 + 5 = 6 872,533 ® 8 + 7 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 3 = 28 ® 2 + 8 = 10 ® 1 + 0 = 1 314,159,265 ® 3+1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5 = 36 ® 3+6 = 9 A possible exception to the general rule of reducing numbers until a single digit is reached is whenever the total reaches what is called a “Master Number”. The “Master Numbers” are those with double digits, i.e. 11, 22, 33, 44... Supposedly, these Master Numbers have a greater significance, and refer to characteristics beyond mundane experiences. In a manner of speaking, these are the higher octaves, harmonics, of experiences. But they are also sometimes just potentialities, which are never quite attained -- after which they single digit number which they add to, becomes the dominant factor. Some of the characteristics of the numbers 1 through 9, as well as some of the “Master Numbers” are shown below, and represent the progressive life cycle of men and women, the total spectrum of experience. In general: 1 represents aspects of creation and self -- genesis, original, creation, beginning, 2 represents aspects of gestation and union -- loved ones before self, maternal, 3 represents aspects of self-expression -- self-expression, self-projection, social ambition, conversation, writing, communication, facility with words, grace, 4 represents aspects of self-discipline -- practicality, physical work, endurance, concentration, budgeting, order, form, construction, routine, systematic, 5 represents aspects of re-creation and is the apex for change in the cycle -- 6 represents social consciousness -- responsibility to others, adjustments, family, 7 represents intellectual and spiritual development -- wisdom, knowledge of self, mind, intellect, philosophy, metaphysics, mystery, secrecy, solitude, study, research, science, writing, faith, specialization, refinement, pride, acquisition by attraction, dignity, bridging worlds, and observation. 8 represents material accomplishment -- money, material freedom, business, high finance, control, power, success, achievement, recognition, profit, executive ability, management, authority, fairness, and responsibility. 9 represents selflessness and universal awareness -- fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion, 11 represents impractical idealism -- visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, 22 represents practical idealism -- practical genius, creator of the future, power 33 represents Christ Consciousness -- universal nurturing, social consciousness raised to a world class, global responsibility, master teacher and healer. 44 represents a higher octave of 8, 55 represents a higher octave of 1, 66 represents a higher octave of 3, 77 represents a higher octave of 5, 88 represents a higher octave of 7, 99 represents a higher octave of 9. These aspects of Numerology can be related to both Astrology and Tarot. The latter, for example, is fundamental to The Fool’s Journey, wherein the 22 cards of the Major Arcana are matched by the first 22 numbers of Numerology, and both are descriptive of the various paths between the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. Astrology is also included, but the idea of comparing Numerology based on 9, and Astrology based on 12 is more of a challenge. However, in considering the characteristics of the numbers (above) with the “houses” of Astrology, one notes that one can logically assign numbers as follows: where “5” represents the change from the lower private part of the chart to the upper public aspects. Other aspects are easily correlated. Fine. Look it up in your own book! Applying Astrology Astrology Death and Rebirth Forward to:
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