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Kali Lumenes

New -- 21 April 2006  

Humanki -- Episode Six


The scene is a beach west of Iraklion Crete, early morning. DAWN and ALEX, breathing hard, perspiring, their hair messed up, are paddling the raft using a canvas flap and their hands. As they approach the shoreline, ALEX looks over the side and after a moment’s appraisal, jumps into the water. He immediately goes in over his head. His head bobs back up, his face showing considerable surprise. DAWN covers her mouth with her hand.


Deeper than I thought.

Grabbing one of the ropes attached to the raft, he begins swimming and pulling the raft. When he finally reaches shallower waters, he struggles to stand up and haul the raft toward shore. DAWN ceases her paddling and sits back, catching her breath. As the raft hits the sandy beach, she jumps out and joins ALEX in hauling the raft up onto the beach and then away from the water's edge.


Where exactly are we going?


It's called "Kali Lumenes". Also known as "Fair Havens”. It's on the other side of the island.


(suddenly looking worried)

Do we get there by land, or by sea?


By land. A rented car. With someone else driving.


Good plan.

DAWN appears to be sleeping, while ALEX watches the driver in their rented Volkswagon bus take the hairpin turns at the fastest possible speed of the laboring vehicle. DAWN then leans against ALEX and curls herself contentedly into his embrace. ALEX smiles, positioning himself to hold her.

Later, the VW bus pulls away as ALEX and DAWN stand in the white, sun-baked street outside a white walled structure. The Fair Havens (Kali Lumenes) is situated along the southern coast line, overlooking a rugged conglomeration of horizontally stratified sedimentary rocks. The sun-bleached rocks and the crumbling shale is surrounded on two sides by foamy seas. The cloister itself is a disjointed series of white walls with broken plaster; the complete structure apparently built at different times and according to different traditions. The walls are high and built on a foundation of upthrust rock. Only an occasional tree top gives any indication of life on the other side of the walls. A heavy wooden door is wedged between two bulky column supports for the wall, but has rusty hinges and undisturbed growth and doesn’t look as if it's been opened in years.


Kali Lumenes, huh? Looks more like a convent.


Actually, that's what it's supposed to be: An obscure religious order of mostly women in a cloister well secluded from the mainstream. Supposedly nuns with special ties to the Virgin Mary. In reality, they're more likely goddess worshipers.


Which should be convenient for us. For in true goddess fashion, men would be allowed in as well. That means I can take you with me. If you promise to behave yourself.


Thanks. I really appreciate your kindness.


Assuming of course, we find out how to get in.

ALEX steps forward to knock on the door, when DAWN suddenly stops him with her hand on his shoulder. He looks at her, waiting patiently. She appears to be listening to her intuition.


Something in there, but I don’t know....

(then looking at ALEX)

I suppose it might just as easily be something good. Go ahead. Try the door.

ALEX does so, even pounding on the door with his fist. But there is no response. DAWN then steps forward to give the door a good shove. Again nothing. Then she looks around, and sees a MAN dressed in local garb moving down the narrow street toward them. As the man trudges along with a purposeful gait, but apparently oblivious to DAWN and ALEX, DAWN smiles and intercepts him, allowing just enough space for the man to continue to walk along his chosen path.


Excuse me. Can you help us?

The MAN continues to walk, apparently ignoring DAWN. But he speaks as he passes her.



Without missing a step, the man continues down the stone pathway adjacent to the wall. DAWN without hesitation falls in behind him, followed by ALEX. They follow the man until he turns a corner and steps into an alcove composed of a small bench and another, smaller wooden door. There he stops and lets them approach the door. The door opens without a sound, a small hand curled around the door the only evidence of how the door had opened. DAWN smiles at the man.


Thank you.

DAWN proceeds through the door. ALEX tips his non-existent hat and follows her.

Inside the walls of Kali Lumenes, a small woman, dressed in white robes, her hair wrapped in a white bandanna like a nun on a "dress down day", silently closes the door. Without a word, she turns to the strangers.


Thank you for allowing us in. We're...

The woman holds up her hand in the universal sign for silence. She then gestures for DAWN and ALEX to follow and leads them across a small patio and down a narrow, roofed passageway between two of the buildings. The passageway twists its way through a maze-like assortment of walls, occasionally passing roofless sections, until it comes to three doors clustered around a slight widening of the space. The woman opens the left hand door and steps aside to allow the others to enter. As DAWN and ALEX step inside, the woman follows and closes the door.

DAWN and ALEX enter a room whose sole furnishing is a large wooden conference or dining table of many years vintage, surrounded by a dozen chairs. There are no other objects in the room -- even the walls are bare, without so much as a cross. The woman gestures for DAWN and ALEX to sit down. She then again makes the gesture of silence and excuses herself. The two guests sit quietly for a moment until ALEX leans forward to rest his elbows on the table.


Interesting welcome.

ALEX smiles, content with his statement, as DAWN silently acknowledges the thought. The only other door to the room then opens and another woman, dressed like the first, enters with a tray containing two goblets. She quietly sets the goblets before each of the guests and with a slight bow turns to leave the room. From outside, a single, sonorous tone sounds. The woman stops in her tracks, takes a deep breath, and turns to the guests. A small relief is apparent on her face, but her voice is quiet and slightly out of tune from not having spoken for hours.


She will join you shortly.

The WOMAN then turns and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.


Thank you.


Does this mean we can talk now?


You mean we couldn't before?

ALEX grimaces at DAWN's humor and picks up his goblet. Cautiously, he smells it and then uses a finger to tentatively taste it. Abruptly he smiles.



ALEX samples a large portion.




(also sharing in the drink)

Simple but perfect hospitality!

As the two drink and seem content to enjoy the quiet, DAWN suddenly looks up, her body erect and poised for action. ALEX notices her change, but says nothing. Then the door opens and a smiling ANNA calmly walks into the room.


Hello, Dawn. We meet again.

Casually and with royal grace, ANNA walks over to one of the empty chairs and places her hands on the back of the chair, leaning forward slightly. DAWN stares back in intense silence.


You've had quite an adventure. But in the process, I’m afraid you’ve given my Uncle Kurt a great deal of trouble and undoubtedly left him in a state of acute frustration.


Is that good?


It has its satisfying moments. But it’s also a bit dangerous.


(her voice on edge and accusatory)

What are you doing here?

ANNA is clearly surprised by DAWN’s question, but then smiles and stands up straight.


I live here at Kali Lumenes. In fact... I am Kali Lumenes.

ANNA begins to move slowly about the room, keeping her eyes on DAWN. At the same time, ANNA’s demeanor is kind and compassionate, her voice gentle and calm.


We’re on the same side, you and I, Dawn. I don't suppose you were aware of that, but we are. And I hope we will continue to be.

DAWN, remaining silent and stoic, continues to follow ANNA’s every move.


I can appreciate your initial lack of trust, but perhaps it would help things by your knowing that Gilbert Lewis is still alive.

Dawn and Alex are stunned and delighted at the same time. ANNA simply watches their reaction.




That’s wonderful! But how in the world...? I mean, his injuries...


...were serious. But he is recuperating


Is he here? Can we see him?


Not anytime soon. He is in a very secret location -- not quite as lush as Kali Lumenes. In fact, when he first woke up there, his only comment was that heaven looked a lot shoddier than he had expected.


That’s Gil.


For the present, no one other than the three of us and his caretakers know that he’s alive. It’s much safer if the world thinks he’s dead. They won’t spend as much time looking for him.


This is incredible. And wonderful...


(taking a seat facing DAWN)

I'm only sorry you couldn’t be told earlier.


But perhaps now we can begin to set things right. To begin with, you and ALEX have a haven here for as long as necessary. And considering Kurt's obsession with finding you, Kali Lumenes should serve you well in that regard. In the meantime...



I have to know: Are you an extraterrestrial?

ANNA laughs and leans back, smiling. Then she shakes her head, grinning.


Ninki told me I could count on your being blunt. The answer is yes and no. No, in the sense that I was born on Earth. Yes, in the sense that my parents and grandparents were not.


And your grandfathers were Enki and Enlil?


I claim Enki as my grandfather. Enlil, or as he is now known, Nathan... I admit to.

As the others look surprised, ANNA hesitates, shifts in her chair and then straightens up.


My family -- my extraterrestrial family -- has been in a struggle for control of your planet for millenia. Right now, there are probably something on the order of two hundred of us involved in the struggle and located here on Earth. But the struggle has always been a battle primarily between Enki and Enlil. And while it took me a long time to realize it, it’s now become clear to me that Enki is the true God of Wisdom, and the only one I want to align myself with -- now or in the future.


And the Patrons...?


(leaning back, with a wry grin)

A euphenism my uncle Kurt thought up. He calls his group the Patrons, when in fact they are simply patronizing, using deception and covert activities in order to control all humans. The problem is that there are too many of you. They may think of you as nothing more than talented beasts of burden, but when there are so many of you... they can’t afford a stampede.


Like trying to fight army ants on the move.


Good analogy. Unfortunately, they have responded in turn with a multi-faceted effort to radically reduce your population. They have sponsored or encouraged everything from genocidal war, to diseases such as AIDS and cancer, to political shenigans to take your freedoms away, to a work ethic which deadens and straight-jackets everyone, to...


The work ethic is bad?


Absolutely! A principal method to control the masses is to keep them busy at unimportant and inane tasks such that they never stop to think, or consider what is really going on in the world. Workaholism is the ultimate technique for keeping people unconscious.


But you said they're responsible for diseases and plagues... Why deny humans their health? Even ranchers want their herds healthy.


You're right, of course. Cattle, pigs, sheep, even dogs and cats receive better nutrition than most humans. But you can neuter the animals. They don’t protest quite as much as humans do. Meanwhile, AIDS, the Ebola virus and other diseases are being experimented with to see if they can be used on a massive world-wide scale for population control. The only hesitation is that the Patrons themselves might succumb to the diseases! We're all genetically linked, you know.


All that suffering and death... But why are the Patrons so afraid of us?


Because you have the potential to evolve faster than we can even imagine. You could become as we are, with all of our powers... And then, very quickly surpass us!


But how is that possible? Don't we have the same genes, the same DNA?


Not exactly. In the cross breeding between our species, you received everything we have -- all of our assets and liabilities. But you also received the rapid development DNA from Homo erectus. And it was that extra set of genes that most terrified those of the Patrons who could understand what was happening. Everything was then done to limit you, including denying you the essential elements in your diet which might activate most of your latent DNA and your unused brain capacity.


You mean, deny us the Manna?


That was one technique, yes. But there was another one -- and far more insidious.

ANNA hesitates, and then stands up, walking away as she explains further.


One way to think of it is as a series of viruses that were implanted in your DNA and which imposed upon you the emotions of separation, guilt, shame, servitude, sorrow, despair and a belief in death. These are all emotions which have absolutely no positive use or advantage to any soul with free will.


These viruses were implanted in us intentionally?


Yes. At the insistance of my dear paternal grandfather, Enlil, your species was severely handicapped from the very beginning.


Is there a cure?


Originally, we didn't think so. But mankind has once again surprised us, and begun to develop therapies which allow you to remove the DNA viral implants.


Probably, not good news for the Patrons.


Keep in mind that from the viewpoint of the more fearful of my people, as a species you might be tempted to exact a little revenge for the cavalier treatment you've received from us.


Why don't they just shut us down right now?


One reason is that four thousand years ago, some of our members attempted control of the humans at any cost. But it backfired and caused us enormous grief.


What exactly happened?


To regain control of things during a major war, the cities of Sodom and Gommorah were bombed with atomic weapons. Because of the radioactive fall out, this also resulted in the destruction of the Sumerian Civilization -- a civilization which our family had built and nurtured for millennia. The disaster caused a crisis in the hierarchy, the end result of which was the imposition of a “breathing spell”.


What kind of breathing spell?


Right now, the Earth is in a holding pattern. The hierarchy, at the bequest of Enki several thousand years ago, extablished a period of noninterference. This has been in large part ignored by Nathan and Kurt, but it has limited them to covert, behind the scenes actions. Unfortunately, there's only a few more years left before the period of noninterference ends.




With the end of the Age of Pisces. No later than the end of 2013.


You said Enki was responsible for the instigation of this... what you’re calling ‘a noninterference period?’


Enki, along with Ninki and Thoth, have been on humanity’s side for a long time. But that support includes honoring your free will. And like a good parent, Enki knows he can't lead everyone by the hand. Instead, he gives clues, and lets you figure it out for yourselves.


What kind of clues?


Nonverbal ones. Language is far too easy to misinterpret. Thus Enki speaks feelings and emotions, using symbols to communicate. Symbols are far more effective -- particularly in a world of many languages and many misunderstood words. Crop circles are one example of his clues.


What about the Humanki? Who are they?


(abruptly laughing)

Think about it. The "ki" stands for earth -- as in Enki, Lord of Earth. “Human” originally meant "man who hears sound" -- the sound being that of the "hu". Thus the Humanki are the humans of earth who can hear the sound of the universe.


But that could be anyone!


Yes. Provided they've done the prerequisites. Cleaning up their act, eliminating the implants of guilt, shame, and so forth, absorbing the mono-atomic elements, becoming human superconductors, becoming light beings...


So how do we start?


Well... If you've got a few days to spare...


The scene shifts to NATHAN, alone in his luxurious, old-world office, talking to a view screen.


It's been over a month since we have had any evidence of their still being on the planet!


There is a severely limited number of places they could go and still manage to avoid us. For me, there’s only one possibility left.


(his face hardening)

You're suggesting a traitor in our midst?


I think you know my thoughts on that. I see no reason whatsoever that a surprise visit to her lair on Crete would not now be next on our agenda. It's the only other place on the planet our fugitives could possibly be!


I might remind you that your unannounced twin excursions to Glastonbury and Lake Baikal a month ago are still having very negative fallout. We can not be made to look like fools again. I need strong justification before you go rushing into Kali Lumenes, and incurring the wrath of...


Perhaps you need justification. But I don't. She's betrayed us before!


That was a long time ago. All that has been officially forgiven and forgotten.


I, however, have an excellent memory, and very little forgiveness. Make the arrangements, big brother. I'm leading this assault team myself!

KURT ends the video transmission, and leans back in his chair. For several moments, he hardly breathes, his face reddening and hard with a look of intense determination.


DAWN is in her private room at Kali Lumenes, dressed in the habit from the first dream scene, and is sitting in a meditative posture with the same background of dark greens and browns as from the dream. Her face is quite luminous. A few subtle and minor flashes of colored light beams begin playing upon her face.


I now welcome to enter within me all insights and information which are in my highest and wisest interests and which come only from my Higher Self and the Light.

A series of visual effects quickly intensify to mind-boggling proportions. The effects begin with DAWN entering a multi-faceted blue azurite crystal. Once there, streams of rainbow colors begin slashing through the space. The sheer brilliance of colors is at first chaotic, but slowly gravates to some semblance of order. Appearing in rapid order are a host of geometrical shapes (including, specifically, spinning tetrahedrons in all dimensions, and DNA helixs twisting themselves into tetrahedrons -- all formed by multi-colored light beams). Shapes reminiscent of sophisticated crop circle formations as well as flashing glimpses of stars and the night time sky, including specifically: Sirius, the Orion constellation, and the Southern Cross. Along with the light show are sounds, one of them a deep base note of "huuuu". Toward the end DAWN is shown playing in her crop circle, the one from previous scenes. She moves easily through the crop circle, now clearly being the one directing the creation of the design. As the visual effects end, DAWN is seen still sitting in her meditative state, undergoing an orgasm reminiscent of the one at the beginning of the movie. As the erotic nature subsides, DAWN still has her eyes closed, breathing very hard, and with tears flowing copiously down her cheeks.



Later, in an interior hall, DAWN is walking toward the closed door to the commons. She is still dressed in the light pants-skirt-blouse combination -- a very modern and feminine version of the monk's habit from the first scenes of the movie. Suddenly she phases [i.e. her body appears to lose embodiment and transforms itself into a sparkling outline of her major features]. At the same time, the door to the commons begins to sparkle like a clear, moonless night. DAWN appears to move into the midst of stars and into an atmosphere of deep, rich blue. After passing through a short space, she finds herself just inside the door of the commons, the stars and the night slowly vanishing, her body rematerializing, and the normal space-time continuum re-establishing itself. For a moment DAWN is breathless. She turns to where ALEX is sitting at the table, himself equally amazed with his mouth open.


What was that!?


You appeared to have shifted dimensions in order to get through the doorway.


But it seemed so easy. Like breathing.


You've come so far. Way beyond me.


Maybe. But maybe you're simply taking a slightly different route to the same goal.


I hope you're right.

The two smile at each other, just as the door opens and ANNA enters.


I realize we're all getting by with less than four hours of sleep a night, but is there any particular reason we're having this meeting at three o'clock in the morning?


Yes. I've just received a warning from someone I trust. Kurt is planning a frontal assault on Kali Lumenes.


What do we do about it?


You must leave immediately.


But it's too soon. We're not ready.


You may be more ready than you think. But regardless of whether or not you're ready to battle with Kurt, the fact is he's now on the attack and Kali Lumenes is his target. After his fiasco at Lake Baikal and Glastonbury last month, he’s probably desperate for a win.


How much time do we have?


Possibly two hours. By first light.


Do we know where we're going?




The scene shifts to the cliffs and ocean surrounding Kali Lumenes, at first light. DAWN and ALEX, with minimal baggage,are scrambling down the cliffs and onto the rocks jutting out into the sea. ANNA stands on the upper cliffs watching. A small fishing vessel is twenty to thirty yards offshore, moving slowly. DAWN and ALEX prepare to dive into the water.


You know, you'd think an island as large as Crete would have ways to arrive and depart which don't involve swimming in the ocean!

ALEX laughs as DAWN dives in and begins swimming toward the boat. ALEX follows her, keeping his eye on her. Together they swim around the bow in order to be shielded from view of any spies on the land by the boat's wheelhouse. Two men are standing by a small fishing net hung over the side and dragging in the water. DAWN uses the net and the assistance of the two sailors to scramble aboard with ALEX right behind her. Once on board, the two swimmers slip into the bunk area below the wheel house, as the boat's engines slowly increase, the sailors pull the net back into the boat, and the boat begins to make headway again.

With a change of clothes, DAWN and ALEX step into the fishing vessel's wheelhouse, and silently acknowledge the Captain's help. He responds with a toothless grin, a shudder to indicate the coldness of the water, and then returns to his piloting. On the horizon, the sun is coming up from behind the boat (which is heading west). ALEX points out two specks in the western sky -- at their height, already reflecting the first rays of the sun. They watch the specks at they grow larger, until they can be distinguished as two black helicopters. Both helicopters are of the latest vintage and deadly sophistication. As the helicopters pass overhead, ALEX turns to DAWN.


Looks like our luck is still with us.


I'd like to think so. Are we going all the way to England by sea?


Not a chance! This boat will take us only as far as mainland Greece, where we'll land on the southeast tip of the Peloponnesus. There, we go overland to a small airport, where a private jet will take us to England.


A private jet. May I assume we will be landing in England like normal folk?


Probably not. Anna's arranged for parachutes.


You’re kidding!?



DAWN returns ALEX's broad smile, as he turns to gaze ahead. Then she joins him in relishing the fishing vessel's progress along the southern coast of Crete.



Episode Five -- Out of Egypt

Forward to:

Episode Seven -- Avalon


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