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Tree of Life


Updated July 30, 2003


Act I, Scene 2

The set is subtly modified and slightly cluttered, as if a long time has passed and things have not been going all that well.  Apparently, reality has failed to keep up with expectations.  The banners may now hang unevenly, as if no one has bothered to adjust them recently.  Any logos from the previous scene should be removed and/or replaced with English Elizabethean logos.  The thrones should include additional decorative items, suggesting a more Elizabethean motif, but which do not appear to be new.

The KING enters, in an entirely different mood from the previous scene.  Instead of anticipating great things and being excited, he is bored and temporarily unimpressed with life in general.  He no longer wears his robe, but instead is costumed with a loose blouse reminiscent of a pirate at leisure. He does, however, continue to wear his crown (which appears slightly gaudier) and royal necklace.  He wanders in and takes a seat on his throne, draping himself on the chair with untoward casualness.  He glances around the room, not pleased with what he sees.  Then he merely looks disgruntled.

            KING:  (frowning)  What this place needs is a woman’s touch.  Preferably one who understands the basic rudiments of housekeeping!  (He glances toward the bedroom.)  Sometimes I don’t know why I even bother with Catherine. (Then he appears to make a sudden decision, as a malicious smile crosses his face.)  Particularly when variety is the spice of life.  And when there’s such a delightful variety out there!  Hmmm.  Perhaps it’s time to spice things up again!  (The KING continues to smile, relishing the idea.)

JACK enters down the center ramp.  In his late thirties, JACK is a nice looking fellow, with the appearance of a man who is extremely flexible.  Something of a man of the world, he is also one without any hint of power, preferring instead to survive by his wits.  He is dressed in a lower class, pseudo-Elizabethean costume.  As he enters, he glances around, clearly appraising what he sees.  He carries a small piece of paper (an ad) in his hand. Then he notices the KING relaxing on his throne.

            JACK:  Hi, there.

            KING:  (The KING looks up, only faintly interested in JACK.)  Who are you?

            JACK:  Jack.  I’m here to answer your ad for a Jack-of-all-trades.

            KING:  (showing minimal interest)  No kidding.

            JACK:  (shrugging his shoulders)  What can I say?  Times are getting tough all over.

            KING:  And you’re a Jack?

            JACK:  Definitely.

            KING:  (standing up and assuming his kingship)  I’ve been advertising for a Jack for centuries.  Why is it that you’re just now getting around to applying?

            JACK:  Hey!  What can I say?  The world’s been turning pretty crazy of late.  At this point, it’s any port in a storm.  If you know what I mean.

            KING:  (carefully)  No doubt.  (then deciding in part)  Any experience?

            JACK:  As a Jack?

            KING:  Of-all-trades.  The hours are long, the pay’s dismal, the fringe benefits are virtually nonexistent, you’ll have to put up with some outrageous decisions by the powers that be...

            JACK:  No problem.  I used to teach in the public schools.

            KING:  Oh, then you know what I’m talking about.

            JACK:  Definitely!  I’m very experienced at thinking on my feet.  And dodging spitballs.

            KING:  Which will be quite helpful here.  (He then makes his decision.)  Can you start right away?

            JACK:  Sure.  What do you need me to do first?

            KING:  Look after the castle.  I’m leaving for a little R and R.

            JACK:  R and R?

            KING:  (grinning, man to man)  Raping and Pillaging.

            JACK:  (with just a touch of sarcasm)  Sounds like fun.  Especially the Pillaging with an R.

            KING:  (chagrined)  Usually it is.  But it’s been getting tougher of late.

            JACK:  (genuinely)  I know what you mean.  The women are getting tougher.

            KING:  (disgruntled at the thought)  Apparently.  In any case... (He starts to leave, adjusting his crown in the mirror.)  If the Queen asks about me...

            JACK:  (surprised)  The queen...?  You have a queen?

            KING:  Tell her I’ve been detained.  Or that I had to work late.  Or whatever you think she might buy. 

The KING exits via the ramp.

            JACK:  (to the departing KING)  No problem.  (to himself)  Gee, I hope the Queen’s an understanding sort.

The QUEEN enters, also dressed in pseudo-Elizabethean style, but with a somewhat better style of dress than JACK’s.  She is, however, without a royal robe or royal jewelry.  In addition, her hair is no longer flowing about her shoulders, but is tied up in what would appear to be a more conservative style, one more appropriate for an older, married woman who is no longer interested in attracting any man other than her husband.  She no longer has the confidence or lightness that she had in the first scene, as if time had taken its toll of her as well.  She is also somewhat frustrated and faintly angry. 

She sees JACK and is immediately taken aback.  Just as quickly, she recovers her royal station and speaks in a commanding voice.

            QUEEN:  Who are you!?

            JACK:  I’m the Jack.  The King just hired me.

            QUEEN:  Oh.  A servant.

            JACK:  (momentarily upset at his title being degraded)  Actually, a Jack.

            QUEEN:  Nevertheless a menial.  (Ignoring JACK’s shocked look, she turns to the mirror, expressing another displeasure to herself.)  All I can say is:  It’s about time!  You were promised eons ago!

            JACK:  I was?

            QUEEN:  (assuming command, and without looking at JACK)  Bring me my royal robe!

            JACK:  (puzzled)  Your what?

            QUEEN:  My royal robe of state!!  Find it, and bring it to me!

            JACK:  Find your robe?  Gee, I don’t know.  (He glances around.)  Do you know where you left it?

            QUEEN:  (turning on JACK, amazed)  Where I left it??!!!!  Am I a wardrobe mistress?!!  Do I look like a wardrobe mistress?!  (She turns, apparently amazed at his gall.)  Where I left it!  As if I must take care of every menial detail?!!  (back to JACK) What do you think menials are for?!!  Well?  (JACK continues to look confused, forcing the QUEEN to throw up her hands, figuratively.)  Find my robe, and bring it to me!  Quickly!  (Abruptly she turns back to the mirror, expecting her orders to be carried out.)

            JACK:  (JACK glances around, thinking furiously.  Then a light dawns. He points to the stage left portal.)  I’ll bet it’s in there.  (When the QUEEN does not deign to notice him, JACK shrugs his shoulders, turns and runs to the room, looking for the robe.  With JACK off stage, the sound of ransacking is heard, after which, JACK yells from off stage.)  Eureka!  (Abruptly he rushes back into the room, carrying what to all appearances is the royal robe.  Approaching the QUEEN he suddenly looks unsure of himself.)  This it?  (The QUEEN barely glances at it.  Then she turns away, readying herself for the JACK to assist her in putting the robe on.  JACK quickly catches on, and puts the robe on the QUEEN’s shoulders.  As the QUEEN draws herself up and begins to admire herself in the mirror, JACK steps back to admire it himself.)  Nice.

            QUEEN:  (looking in the mirror, her attempted smile quickly fades)  It’s just a thing.  Certainly not worth the price I paid.  (then with a sudden thought)  Where is my royal necklace?!!!

            JACK:  Necklace?

            QUEEN:  The crown jewels!  Where are they?!!!

            JACK:  The crown jewels?  Ohhhh!  The crown jewels!  No doubt in a safe place.  I feel sure of it.

            QUEEN:  (strongly)  Bring them to me!  Now!

            JACK:  Now.  Right.  (JACK, looking forlornly, glances back toward the portal where he had found the robe, figuring that it’s his best bet.)  Be right back.  Don’t go away.  (JACK races back into the room.  Once off stage, there is considerable commotion with several distinct noises and followed by the sound of a large crash.  Then there is utter silence.  JACK slowly walks to the door without the necklace, obviously worried.  Then he gets an idea.  With the confidence of a good con-man, he steps back into the “throne” room.  To the QUEEN, and with a dramatic flourish, he announces his findings.)  Your majesty.  (The QUEEN turns expectantly.)  The King has the crown jewels!  (aside)  As you would expect.

            QUEEN:  (genuinely puzzled)  The King?  (JACK shakes his head affirmatively.  Then she asks, with considerable suspicion in her voice:)  Why?

            JACK:  (taking a wild stab, but with great self assurance)  He’s... uh... having them appraised.

            QUEEN:  Appraised?

            JACK:  Insurance.

            QUEEN:  (looking away, disgruntled.)  Probably hocked.  Like everything else in the Kingdom.

            JACK:   (concerned)  Hocked?

            QUEEN:  I’m afraid the Kingdom’s royal debt has become rather excessive of late.

            JACK:  Yes, well debt seems a bit excessive everywhere these days.  But as long as the printing presses work...

            QUEEN:  (oblivious to JACK’s ramblings)  Where is the King?  He should be here.  (bitterly, to herself)  So that we can share everything.

            JACK:  (pretending ignorance)  The King?

            QUEEN:  The King!  You know, tall fellow with a beard, walks around as if he owned the place...

            JACK:  Oh!  The King!

            QUEEN:  (sarcastically, taking a line from My Fair LadyBy George, I think you’ve got it.  The King!  Where is he!?

            JACK:  King... George?

            QUEEN:  Of course!!  Where is King George?!!!

            JACK:  (Again thinking furiously, he glances toward the ramp.)  Ohhhhh!  King George.  Of course. (With the QUEEN impatiently waiting for his answer, JACK gestures toward the ramp.)   Out.

            QUEEN:  Out?  (When JACK nods yes, she turns away, resigned)  Why am I not surprised?!

            JACK:  Excuse me.

            QUEEN:  (for JACK’s benefit)  I’d hate to think that the King is out chasing some female again.  I wouldn’t want to have to tear her eyes out!

            JACK:  Her eyes?

            QUEEN:  (turning to JACK directly)  Any woman responding to my husband’s advances is nothing but a temptress, a slut, a harlot!  Women like that don’t deserve to live!

            JACK:  But wouldn’t your husband be somewhat guilty for such infidelity as well?

            QUEEN:  I couldn’t harm my husband!  I love him!  How could I live without him?

            JACK:  Oh yes, of course.  I think I understand.  (as the QUEEN turns away)  You don’t destroy the one person you’re dependent upon.  Quite logical.

            QUEEN:  He is the King.  I must love him.  What else could I do?

            JACK:  That I don’t think you’re quite ready for.

            QUEEN:  It’s all those conniving females.

            JACK:  No doubt.

            QUEEN:   Nevertheless, his presence is required here!  Therefore you must go and fetch him!

            JACK:  Fetch him!?  Me?

            QUEEN:   Of course.

            JACK:  (obviously concerned)  You want me to go... (JACK gestures to the ramp, panic on his face.)

            QUEEN:  I want you to find the King!  He’s out there!  Somewhere!  Go find him!

            JACK:  But perhaps he’s engaged... with affairs... (quickly) of state!

            QUEEN:  (with a wicked smile)  Then interrupt him! 

            JACK:  (dreading the thought)  Interrupt him?

            QUEEN:  (forcefully)  If necessary, turn the city upside down!

            JACK:  (still trying to avoid the idea)  Isn’t disturbing the piece against the law?

            QUEEN:  Then I’ll change the law!  I can do that, you know!

            JACK:  No doubt.  Still... The dangers involved!

            QUEEN:  What dangers?

            JACK:  It’s a jungle out there!!

            QUEEN:  (skeptical)  A “jungle”?

            JACK:  There’s all those strange people everywhere.  Beating up on each other.  Knocking heads.  Running around with all sorts of weird dreams and funny notions, babbling about this and that...  I mean it’s a real zoo.

            QUEEN:  (not buying JACK’s procrastination)  Don’t be ridiculous!

            JACK:  Did you know there’s an aardvark out there writing his memoirs?

            QUEEN:  (astounded)  An aardvark?

            JACK:  (decisively)  Yes.

            QUEEN:  What in the world would an aardvark have to write about?

            JACK:  I don’t know, but he’s on his 12th volume.

            QUEEN:  That’s incredible!   (JACK shrugs in agreement.)   Why should he want to write so much about himself?

            JACK:  To be remembered, I suppose.

            QUEEN:  Immortality?

            JACK:  Why not?  It’s a cinch you can’t rely on the kids to remember anything.

            QUEEN:  Still it does seem rather strange.

            JACK: Hey!  He’s one of the tame ones.  There’s also a nun out there who has renounced her vows... in her tenth month.  Boy, is she in a foul mood!

            QUEEN:  In one’s tenth month, anyone would be in a foul mood!

            JACK:  There’s also a rabbit that’s become disillusioned with sex and the general lack of a meaningful relationship.

            QUEEN:  A rabbit?

            JACK:  He kicked the habit.  (Pause.)  The nun was furious.

            QUEEN:  (Slowly the QUEEN begins to suspect she’s being diverted from her goal of having JACK find the King.)  I can imagine.  On the other hand, a good kick in the appropriate place can accomplish wonders.  But before we go further into that (referring to JACK) subjec.t.. (She raises her voice slightly.)  You will go and find the king!  Now!!!

            JACK:  Now?

            QUEEN:  Think of it as a quest.  One fit for a Knight.

            JACK:  But I’m not a Knight.

            QUEEN:  Oh?

            JACK:  Well... I was once a Knight... (his voice trailing off)  a long time ago... in a galaxy, far, far... (with the Queen looking increasingly bewildered)  But, I've begun to realize that once a knight is enough.

            QUEEN:  Go and find the King!

            JACK:  (with little enthusiasm)  Yes... your majesty.  (JACK turns, glances at the ramp, and then turns back toward the audience.)  Why do I get the feeling that I’m about to begin tilting with windmills?

The KING enters from the top of the ramp.  His blouse is soiled and out of place, as if things did not go too smoothly in his quest to bring joy and delight to his subjects.  From the top of the ramp, he announces his presence by addressing the QUEEN.

            KING:  Catherine!  (The QUEEN turns to the sound of her name, her dander already up at the KING’s demeaning tone.  JACK merely smiles, momentarily relieved.  Without any further fanfare, the KING marches down the ramp and toward the QUEEN.  He addresses her directly.)  Well???

            QUEEN:  Well what?

            KING:  Are you with child yet?

            QUEEN:  (astounded)  Am I with child!!?

            KING:  The kingdom must have an heir!!

            QUEEN:  Do I look like I’m with child?

            KING:  Of course not!  I would have noticed.

            QUEEN:   As you may recall, there are a few prerequisites in producing a child!  None of which have been initiated as of late!  (She turns and distances herself from the other two, staying just within earshot.)

            KING:  (turning on JACK)  And you!

            JACK:  (JACK flinches.)  Me?

            KING:  (The KING takes off his royal necklace and ceremoniously places it around JACK’s neck.) You will be the new Minister of Interior Affairs!   Now... What are you going to do about it?

            JACK:  (hesitantly)  About interior affairs?

            KING:  About providing an heir for the kingdom!  An heir must be produced.  And soon!  (Then with a knowing wink at JACK.)  Tonight would be particularly nice time to initiate it!

            JACK:  (quietly to the KING)  Things not going too well out there?

            KING:  (begrudgingly, to JACK)  The women are learning to fight back, if you know what I mean!

            JACK:  Oh, I do.  I do.

            KING:  Accordingly, other means must be found to ensure the continuity of the Kingdom!

            JACK:  (slowly catching on)  Like an heir?

            KING:  (with a devious smile)  Exactly!

            JACK:  (gesturing toward the ramp)  Well, there’s a nun out there...

            KING:  (enraged)  A nun!!!?

            JACK:  (quickly backtracking)  Who might be useful as a midwife.

            KING:  It’s not time for a midwife!  Not yet anyway!

            JACK:  You’re right of course.  You’ll need someone capable of producing a child.

            KING:  Yes.

            JACK:  Like a woman.

            KING:  Absolutely!

            JACK:  (quietly, to the KING)  But not the Queen?

            KING:  (quietly, to JACK)  I’m afraid not.

            JACK:  Some other woman.  To fill in.  So to speak.

            KING:  (eagerly)  Right, right!

            JACK:  (returning to normal voice)  I have it!

            QUEEN:  (suspiciously, moving back toward the two men)  What?

            JACK:  A surrogate mother!

            KING:  (intrigued)  A surrogate?

            QUEEN:  (outraged)  A mother?!!!!

            JACK:  (to the KING)  Of course.  In your duty to the throne and the need for an heir, you must bed a surrogate mother, and thereby produce a child.  (with great dramatic flair)  A Royal Surrogation!

            KING:  (loving the idea)  Of course.  My duty!  To the Throne!

            JACK:  (supporting the KING)  To the Bed!

            QUEEN:  (enraged at the idea)  To hell with this!

            KING:  (turning on the QUEEN, in all his royal power)  It is done!  The King’s Minister of Interior Affairs will select a surrogate mother from my people, so that the kingdom will have an heir!

            QUEEN:  You’re kidding!!

            KING:  (to the QUEEN)  No!  It is my duty!  (aside, to JACK)  I like blonde beauties [Or other description of the actress who plays the part.], ones with lots of gusto, and with large... (With his hands, the KING indicates to JACK the universal sign for large breasts.)

            JACK:  Hands.  Of course.  Exactly what I had in mind for the production of a strong, healthy male heir.

            KING:  (smiling broadly and winking at JACK)  My duty is very strong.  Bring her to me tonight!

            JACK:  (bowing)  Your royal wish is my command.

The KING swaggers off, exiting stage right. JACK is feeling pretty good, and happily checks out the necklace presented to him by the KING.  Then his good mood dampens as he notices the QUEEN moving toward him, hate in her eyes.  JACK desperately searches for a solution to spare himself from the QUEEN’s wrath.

            QUEEN:  (with heavy malice)  A surrogate mother?!!   Someone else in my bed with that womanizing, over-sexed male chauvinist that calls himself King?  Another... WIFE?!!!!

            JACK:  (worried)  Wife?  Who said anything about a wife?

            QUEEN:  Do you seriously think any woman who shares the King’s bed will not want to be Queen?

            JACK:  Oh, I don’t think the King would ever...

            QUEEN:  (furious)  Are you kidding!?  The King is capable of anything!  (with her hurt becoming more obvious)  He has more than amply demonstrated that fact!

            JACK:  Gee, I’m sorry to hear that.

            QUEEN:  (genuinely hurt)  He promised me so much...  (shaking her head)  But it was all lies!  And now he doesn’t even bother to lie, flaunting himself before me!  My God!  Does he care that little for me?

            JACK:  I’m sure he cares.  Probably nothing more than a temporary diversion from marital bliss.

            QUEEN:  Since the day we were married!?

            JACK:  Really?

            QUEEN:  (confiding in him)  Jack, try to understand.  I gave up a great deal in order to share my life with that man.  But all his assurances, his promises, his protestations of love...  None of them were true.  He’s ignored and demeaned me, and now threatens to bring a woman under this very roof -- as if to ensure that I know how valueless I am in his eyes.  I can’t even remember the last time he treated me with respect!

            JACK:  But he made you Queen!

            QUEEN:  (quietly and with an inner strength)  Don’t be ridiculous.  I’ve always been Queen.  And it wasn’t the King who made me so, either.  (Slowly, she begins to reassert herself.)  But there are certain rights to being Queen.  Rights that I intend to insist upon, rights which I will regain.

            JACK:  (encouragingly)  Of course, you will.  After all, it’s the coming thing!

            QUEEN:  (turning to JACK, her voice very self assured)  And I will tolerate no insidious acts against me.  If necessary, I will feed any Ministers of Interior Affairs and any female he brings into this castle to the royal goats! 

            JACK:   Goats?

            QUEEN:   Goats will eat anything!

            JACK:  (worried)  But your majesty... surely you realize that my suggestion... was for your benefit!

            QUEEN:  (not believing him for a moment)  My benefit?

            JACK:  (inventing as he goes)  Of course.  Inasmuch as the king sometimes... visits the ladies.

            QUEEN:  Like a rabbit!

            JACK:  Exactly!  And if he were to find one to his particular fancy...  Who knows what might happen then?  But!  If instead of the King choosing... the Queen chose the royal heir’s surrogate mother.

            QUEEN:  The Queen?

            JACK:  Chose the surrogate mother.  In her steadfast devotion to duty, the Queen would naturally wish to choose a... sturdy woman, one with demonstrated experience at child bearing.

            QUEEN:  Experience at child bearing?  Lots of experience...

            JACK:  Certainly.  Perhaps a mother with... oh say, six to eight offspring.  A woman well used... Thoroughly broken in, so to speak.

            QUEEN:  Broken in...  Yes, of course.  But sturdy!

            JACK:  As the ancient oak tree.

            QUEEN:  (relishing the idea)  Perhaps one who has also experienced more than one husband.

            JACK:  (surprised)  A whore?

            QUEEN:  (insulted)  Of course not!  This is a royal surrogation!  Besides, a whore is one who has been paid for her favors.  What we want is a mother, who would be lucky to give it away!  One perhaps who has more smelly kids than teeth.  Do you get my drift?

            JACK:   Of course.  I understand perfectly.  Trust me... To find just the right woman.

            QUEEN:  One in which my revenge will be sweet!  And perhaps, sufficient to discourage the King from constantly pursuing his extracurricular activities.  A real dog.  (She turns to go.)  I will of course rest easy, knowing my minister will either succeed or will... rest in peace. 

The QUEEN turns and exits right.

            JACK:  (forcing a smile)  I don’t know the meaning of failure.  (With the QUEEN out of the room, his smile fades to a forced grin.)  But I have a pretty fair idea.  (Then JACK takes a deep breath, and begins to talk to himself.)  Oh Lord, let’s see now.  What I need is a blonde beauty [Or alternate description, depending upon the actress playing the part], with “gusto” and large... (JACK makes the gesture for large breasts.)  Hands.  I also need one with no teeth, a smell to offend dead fish, and six to eight, illegitimate offspring.  (For a moment JACK frowns at the difficulty of the task set before him.)  Now where am I going to find...?

From off stage of the ramp, LIZ (Elizabeth, the peasant) lets out a blood curdling scream at one of her offspring. The scream should be sufficient to rout a Roman legion.

            LIZ:  Per-cee... val!!!!!!!

                        [The misspelling, and mispronunciation of “Perceeval” is intentional.]

            JACK:  Hmmmmmm.

LIZ enters from the center ramp.  She is in her forties and is a potentially attractive woman.  LIZ is dressed in peasants’ clothes and other fine rags, is missing numerous teeth, has allegedly the correct color of hair (with occasional strands of gray and fashioned in an unkempt and dirty mop), and to all appearances is exactly what JACK is looking for.  Coming on stage from the ramp, she sees JACK and makes an immediate demand.

            LIZ:  Have you seen Perceeval?

            JACK:  (calmly, mimicking LIZ’s mispronunciation of King Arthur’s Percival)  Who’s Perceeval?

            LIZ:   My sixth son.  The one with the deformed knee.

            JACK:  (starting to smile)  Your youngest?

            LIZ:  No.  I have a younger daughter.  But what difference does that make?  Perceeval is missing!  He’s always going off on one quest or another.  Now I fear he has joined the revolution.

            JACK:  (surprised)  The revolution?

            LIZ:  Yes.  The peasants are revolting.

            JACK:  They always have been.

            LIZ:  But Perceeval is too young.  He’s only twenty one, and still a virgin.

            JACK:  Oh Lord, how terrible.

            LIZ:  (forlorn)  I worry constantly about him.

            JACK:  I can certainly understand your concern.  Revolutions are not for the fainthearted.

            LIZ:  I just know he’s going to come back home, maimed or an amputee, carrying some dread scourge complicated with black lung disease or heaven knows what else.

            JACK:  War’s hell.

            LIZ:  (turning to JACK, pleadingly)  What am I to do?  Where can I go for help?

            JACK:  Where?

            LIZ:  Yes, where!?

            JACK:  (thinking quickly)  Where indeed!  Perhaps you have already found the place.

            LIZ:  (bewildered)  I have?  What place?

            JACK:  Right here.  I think I can help you.

             LIZ:  You?  But who are you?

            JACK:   His Royal Majesty’s Minister of Interior Affairs.

             LIZ:  Is that good?

            JACK:  That remains to be seen.  However, I feel certain that I can assist you.

            LIZ:  Oh wondrous thought!

            JACK:  There is a way, I feel certain, in which we could ensure your young son’s safety.

            LIZ:   Perceeval?!

            JACK:  (Dismissing the name as unimportant.)  Whoever.

             LIZ:  How?  Tell me!

            JACK:  As a member of the insurrection, the peasants will undoubtedly wish him well.  I mean, he is one of them, correct?

            LIZ:  He’s definitely a peasant.

            JACK:  Thus he can come to no harm from them.  But if he were also made a Captain of the King’s royal guard, he would be under the protection of the King as well.

            LIZ:  He would?

           JACK:  Certainly.  And being a member of both the peasantry and the aristocracy, he would be on both sides, and neither side would want to harm him.  Thus he would be safe.

            LIZ:  Amazing!

            JACK:  There’s just one problem.

            LIZ:  (suddenly horrified)  What?

            JACK:  How to make him a Captain of the King’s guard.

            LIZ:   Oh my God!  There’s no hope!

            JACK:  (with a hand on her shoulder)  Do not despair!

            LIZ:  But he has no qualifications for being a Captain of the Guard.  He’s not even qualified to be a revolutionary.

            JACK:  Don’t worry.  Qualifications for any government post are irrelevant.  It’s all in who you know.

            LIZ:   But who do we know that could help my little Perceeval to become a Captain of the Guard?

            JACK:  (making it up as he goes)  Your son could be appointed a Captain in the King’s Guard if...

            LIZ:  If...?

            JACK:  If he, or a member of his family, were able to do some great service for the crown.

            LIZ:  I don’t know.  Perceeval has never done anything great.  He’s never had the aptitude.

            JACK:  But you are a handsome and perceptive woman.  Perhaps you could serve the crown in some significant way.  To Perceeval’s benefit, of course.

            LIZ:  Do you really think so?

            JACK:  I’m sure of it!!

            LIZ:  Then of course!  I’ll do it!  (Suddenly  she is dismayed.)  But what will I do?

            JACK:  I happen to know that the King is currently searching for a surrogate mother.

            LIZ:  (mystified)  A what?

            JACK:  A surrogate mother.  Someone to be the mother of the King’s heir to the throne.

            LIZ:  (astounded)  Mother of the King’s heir?

            JACK:  Of course.  It’s a great honor!  Not only would that person be serving the kingdom, but they would be accorded royal status.  The entire kingdom would hold them in the highest esteem.  Their future would be assured.  And any son of theirs would be spared a revolting life.

            LIZ:  Well, why not?  I mean it couldn’t be that tough.  I know how to be a mother.

            JACK:  Of course!  And I’m sure you’ve been a fine one!

            LIZ:  Lord know I’ve tried my best!  Do you have any idea how hard it is to raise kids these days?  They keep wanting to do what they want, instead of what they’re supposed to do!

            JACK:  Shocking!

            LIZ:  All I want is what’s best for them!

            JACK:  (putting his arm around her shoulders)  No one could doubt for a moment your good intentions as a mother.

            LIZ:  Thank you, you’re very kind.

            JACK:  It’s nothing, trust me.

            LIZ:  And to save Perceeval, all I have to do is be the mother of the King’s heir?

            JACK:  That’s it!  Simplicity itself.

            LIZ:  Then I’ll do it!  I’ll be the heir’s mother.

            JACK:  Wonderful!

            LIZ:  So, where is the little tyke?

            JACK:  (JACK’s smile disappears.)  Excuse me?

            LIZ:  Where is the heir to the throne?  I want to see him so I can start mothering him.

            JACK:  (Suddenly realizing the confusion.)  Ahhhh... You must realize that the duties of the surrogate mother include all of the duties of motherhood.

            LIZ:   Yes, yes I know.  Washing clothes, changing diapers, chasing after them, carriage-pooling...  Believe me, I’ve done them all.

            JACK:  (gingerly)  Well there is one other duty that you haven’t mentioned, which might be important for you to think about.

            LIZ:  What’s that?

            JACK:  (diplomatically) To become a mother, it is necessary for you to have... relations with a man.

            LIZ:  Relations?

            JACK:  Sex.

            LIZ:  Sex!!?  (JACK nods “yes”.)  With a man?!!  (JACK nods “yes”.)  You mean, just like that?!  I’m supposed to hop into some stranger’s bed?  Without so much as a “by your leave”?!!!

            JACK:  Well, yes.  That’s the general idea.

            LIZ:  Just what kind of woman do you think I am?!!!!  Do you think I go around having sex with every man in pants?!!!  Am I a whore?

            JACK:  Well, no.   (Suddenly he becomes worried.)  I mean, you don’t get paid, do you?

            LIZ:  (proudly)  I bed no man, unless he be my husband!

            JACK:  Really?

            LIZ:  If you don’t believe me, you can ask any of them.

            JACK:  Any of who?

            LIZ:  My husbands.

            JACK:  (catching on)  How many husbands have you had?

            LIZ:  How many?  Hmmmmm. Well let’s see... There’s Thomas, Richard, and Harold... Freddie... Charlie...  

            JACK: We could say you’re experienced?

            LIZ:  (to JACK, angrily)  I don’t know what you are thinking about me, but I’m no slut!

            JACK:  Please.  I didn’t mean to imply anything derogatory.

            LIZ:  Can I help it if I can’t seem to develop a... lasting relationship?  I mean it’s hard these days, what with revolutions, wars, plagues...  Keeping a man isn’t what it used to be.

            JACK:  Of course. I understand.

            LIZ:  It’s not like I haven’t tried.

            JACK:  I’m sure you have.

             LIZ:  I’ve done everything a woman could be expected to do.

            JACK:  Of course.

            LIZ:  But nothing works!  I’m just a dismal failure!

            JACK:  No, no...

            LIZ:  There’s just no hope for the likes of me.

            JACK:  One must not become discouraged.  You’ve got to keep trying.  Stiff upper lip and all that.

            LIZ:  (looking at JACK’s incredibly understanding smile)  Well... you may be right.

            JACK:  Of course I’m right.

            LIZ:  So... What does this guy  look like anyway?

            JACK:  Who?

            LIZ:  The man I’m supposed to go to bed with.

            JACK:  Oh, very handsome... dashing... quite a hunk.

            LIZ:  (coyly)  Big shoulders?

            JACK:  Definitely!

            LIZ:  (smiling)  Does he have a beard?

            JACK:  Of course.

            LIZ:  (smiling even more)  I’ve always liked beards.

            JACK:  Sounds like a perfect match to me.

            LIZ:  (coyly)  Well, maybe.  Does he have a job?

            JACK:  (surprised)  Well... not exactly.  He’s the King.

            LIZ:  (very surprised)  The King? (JACK shakes his head, “yes”.)  Interesting!

            JACK:  At least.

            LIZ:  Wait a minute!!  Why does the King need a surrogate mother?  What about the Queen?

            JACK:  (feigning great sadness)  They can’t have children.

            LIZ:  Why not?  Don’t they know how?

            JACK:  Who knows?

            LIZ:  Have they tried?  (JACK shrugs, not knowing the answer.)  I’m not sure.  I mean if he’s already got a queen... It looks pretty hopeless.

            JACK:  Hopeless?  For what?

            LIZ:  For a long term relationship.  I mean, I’d really like to sort of settle down.  Multiple husbands, even if they’re consecutive, is not all that much fun.  I need just one man.  Sort of permanent like.

            JACK:  Oh, I don’t think you should worry about that.  After all, you will be the mother of the heir to the throne.  That tends to promote permanency.

            LIZ:   Well...

            JACK:  And the kingdom must have an heir!

            LIZ:  I suppose...  As my civic duty...

            JACK:  Think of your son, and his ambitions to join the King’s guard as a Captain.

            LIZ:  Oh, yes.  Poor Perceeval.  He’ll be so disappointed if he doesn’t get the job.

            JACK:  And dead.

            LIZ:  That’d break his little heart.

            JACK:  At least.

            LIZ:  He’s always been a sensitive boy.  Never able to accept disappointment.  I remember the last time he fell off his horse; he threw himself into the cesspool in despair.

            JACK:  The cesspool? 

            LIZ: (nodding “yes”)  He stunk for a month.

            JACK:  Then the sooner we get Perceeval into the military, the sooner we can quit worrying about him falling off horses.

            LIZ:  Yes, I suppose you’re right.

            JACK:  (eagerly)  Then you’ll do it?

            LIZ:  (martyr-like)  God, what sacrifices mothers have to make for their children!

            JACK:  Great!  I’ll inform the King.

            LIZ:  But what about my other children?  My youngest daughter is living with me while her husband is away, and depends on me for her daily bread.  I can’t leave her alone!

            JACK:  No problem...  You can... bring her here to the castle... while you are with the King.  She can be a... a maid.

            LIZ:  (looking down her nose at the idea)  A maid?

            JACK:  Or better yet, a lady in waiting.  For her husband.

            LIZ:  Oh, good.  (LIZ turns toward the ramp and yells at the top of her lungs.) ANN-NEE!!!!!  Get your tail in here!!  (Then she turns back to the shell-shock JACK, and adds, very demurely.)  She’ll be along.  I just hope she has something to wear.  (Then Liz becomes concerned.) Oh my!

            JACK:  Now what?

             LIZ:  What am I to wear?

            JACK: Wear?

             LIZ:  Is there a proper dress for this sort of thing?

            JACK:  A royal surrogation?

            LIZ:  Yes.  Shouldn’t I change into something more appropriate?

            JACK:  I don’t really know.  Perhaps I can borrow one of the Queen’s hand me downs.

            LIZ:    I hope it fits.

            JACK:  Don’t worry.  You won’t have it on that long.

            LIZ:  (smiling sexily)  Maybe not.  (Suddenly another concern arises.)  Uh oh.  Will I have to take a bath?   I’ve already had one this month.

            JACK:  I think the King would really prefer it.  He’s got sort of a thing about cleanliness.

            LIZ:  (knowingly)  I know what you mean.  They all have a thing about something or another.

            JACK:  I tell you what!  You take a bath and I’ll be sure to find you a lovely dress to wear.

            LIZ:  Well, okay. 

Interrupting JACK and LIZ’s conversation, the KING returns with the QUEEN.  The KING is of course dismayed at the sight of LIZ, while the QUEEN is delighted at the success of her revenge.

            JACK:  (with all the charm he can muster)  My Lord, I have good news.  (The KING looks skeptical.)   A surrogate mother has been found!

            KING:  (hopefully, and trying to avoid recognizing an embarrassed LIZ)  Oh really?  Where?

            JACK:  (swallowing hard)  Here my Lord.  A blonde beauty... just as you described.

            QUEEN:  (smiling profusely, addressing the KING)  And to think my dear husband that I doubted your wisdom and sense of duty to the kingdom.  (gesturing toward LIZ)  Your choice of a surrogate mother clearly demonstrates your good intentions.  (directly to LIZ)  Welcome dear lady.  Your sacrifice is exemplary.

            LIZ:  (to the QUEEN)  Thank you.  You’re very understanding.

            QUEEN:  It’s a royal quality.

            KING:  (gritting his teeth, addressing JACK)  Where did you...

            JACK:  (quickly interrupting the KING)  Your majesty will be pleased to know that the Queen has used her own great talents to assist in the selection of this lady to be the heir’s mother.

            KING:  (still gritting his teeth)  She did, eh?

            JACK:  Absolutely.

            QUEEN:  It’s the least that I could do.  (with emphasis, as she appraises LIZ)  The very least.

            LIZ:  (Beginning to realize her possibilities, LIZ starts to shine up to the KING, while the QUEEN finds it all very amusing.)  I only hope... your kingliness... that I can perform all of my duties to your complete satisfaction.  (smiling)  I just love men with...  (sexily) ...beards. 

            KING: Really?

            LIZ:  Oh yes.  (LIZ then notices something on his coat.)  Oh!  Did you know you have a spot on your shirt?  Let me get it out for you.

            KING:  No, no. That’s not necessary.

            LIZ:  (motherly)  I just wanted to show my appreciation for everything you’re doing for me.

            KING:  (nervously to JACK)  Like what?

            LIZ:  Your kindness, your attentions... your generosity in allowing my daughter to stay in the castle...

            KING:  Daughter?

            QUEEN:  Daughter!!?

            JACK:  The lady has a younger, married daughter living with her.  I assumed your majesty...

            LIZ:  (interrupting and feigning embarrassment)  I can’t imagine what’s keeping her.  (LIZ turns and bellows once again.)  ANN-NEE!!!!

JACK looks heavenward, the KING reacts as if his entire right side has become paralyzed, and the QUEEN is shocked but secretly amused.  The QUEEN’s smile is short lived, however, as ANNE quickly makes her entrance.  ANNE is a good-looking, very attractive young lady, dressed in well-to-do peasant’s clothes of the Elizabethean era.  The KING is suddenly rejuvenated with the possibilities, the QUEEN is dismayed, and JACK is merely amazed.

            ANNE:  (nonchalantly)  You scream for me mom?

            LIZ:  (slightly perturbed, but going to great efforts to be civil)  Yes I did.  Sometime ago.

            ANNE:  Sorry.

            KING:  Hello.

            ANNE:  (to the KING)  Hi.

            KING:  I am the King!

            ANNE:  (not really knowing what to say)  Hi... King.

During the following, the QUEEN becomes increasingly jealous and LIZ shows motherly concern.

            KING:   You may call be George.

            ANNE:  (gaining in confidence, as any attractive woman would)  Hi... George.

            KING:  And what is your fair name?

            ANNE:  Anne.

            LIZ:  Ann-nee.

            KING:  (gesturing to LIZ, and swallowing hard)  And this is your mother?

            ANNE:   I think so.

            LIZ:  (extending her hand)  Elizabeth.  But you may call me Liz.

            KING:  (avoiding her hand, and turning to JACK)  Minister!  (JACK fairly leaps to the KING’s side.)  Why have you not offered the heir’s future mother a robe befitting her new station?

            JACK:  Another robe?

            KING:  (magnanimously)  Absolutely.  Escort... Elizabeth... to the royal wardrobe where she may be fitted with clothes appropriate to her station.  The Queen, in whose good taste I have the greatest respect and admiration, will go with you and help select something appropriate.  (when all hesitate)  NOW!!

JACK, QUEEN, and LIZ exit stage left where JACK found the QUEEN’s robe.  JACK tries to smile and make the best of it.  The QUEEN takes several suspicious glances at the KING and ANNE, but decides that she can do nothing about it for now.  LIZ is concerned for her daughter, but assumes she is in good hands (i.e. she doesn’t know the KING very well... yet).  As they exit, the KING turns to ANNE and in his most charming manager, begins to converse with her.

            KING:  Tell me, fair maiden:  Have you ever been inside the castle before?

            ANNE:  (thinking)  No. And no.

            KING:  (mystified)  Two no’s?

            ANNE:  I’ve never been in the castle, and I’m not a maiden.

            KING:  You’re married?

            ANNE:  Yes.

            KING:  (unhappily)  Happily, I presume.

            ANNE:   Sort of...

            KING:  (encouraged)  Ahhhh, perhaps not so happy.  (When ANNE coyly averts her eyes, the KING guesses.)  A philandering husband?

            ANNE:  Oh, no.  He’s faithful.  He has no time to be anything but faithful.

            KING:  (probing)  He is ungenerous?  He does not give you the things you need?

            ANNE:  (sadly)  He makes bread well enough.

            KING:  He’s a baker?

            ANNE: No.

            KING:  Ah!  I see.  He makes bread well enough, but not love.  Is that it?  (ANNE can only look away causing the KING to smile.)  Have no fear, my dear lady.  In this castle, your every dream will be answered, your every fantasy fulfilled.

            ANNE:  (sexily)  I have a great number of dreams and fantasies.  I mean... a lot!

            KING:  (sexily, as well)  As I said, every dream, every fantasy.  It may just take a little longer.

            ANNE:  I’ve never complained about it taking longer.

            KING:  (starting to drool)  I shall personally see to it that you have no complaints.

            ANNE:  You’re very thoughtful.

            KING:  I can be. Tell me Anne: What sort of things do you like to do?

            ANNE:  (flirting)  I’ve always enjoyed long... walks.

            KING:  Walks!?

            ANNE:  They’re romantic.  And you get to see so many interesting things.  (Suddenly excited, she gestures toward the ramp.)  Did you know there’s an aardvark out there writing his memoirs?

            KING:  (shocked)  What’s this?  An aardvark writing his memoirs?  (ANNE shakes her head “Yes”.)  But we’ve granted no one leave to undertake such a task!  (Anne shyly asks “No?”, while the KING turns to the portal.)  Minister!!

JACK enters from the portal.

            JACK:  Sire?

            KING:  We are reliably informed there is an aardvark out there writing his memoirs.

            JACK:  (diplomatically)  Yes sire.  But he’s an unusual aardvark.

            KING:  But I am the King!  First among my people!  And I have not yet begun my memoirs!

            JACK:  Naturally!  As King, some menial would write your memoirs.  Your time is too precious to waste on such trivia.

            KING:  (becoming convinced)  Yes, that’s true.  I am the King!  I cannot waste my valuable time...  (Turning to JACK, once again concerned.)  Still... an aardvark?

            JACK:  (confidentially) After all, sire, the aardvark is first among the animals, just as you are first among your people.

            KING:  (soothed)  Of course.

            ANNE:  (suspiciously to JACK, while the KING goes off into his own thoughts)  The aardvark is first among the animals?

            JACK:  Yes.

            ANNE:  How is that?

            JACK:  By way of... the alphabet.

            ANNE:  (She squints at him for a moment.)  You’re despicable!

            JACK:  (proudly)  I know.

            KING:  (abruptly)  I have it!

            JACK:  (shocked)  What?

            KING:  (to JACK)  You will have the honor of writing my memoirs.  I will tell you all of the great moments of my life, my glorious and astounding heroic deeds, my most memorable conquests... (a quick glance at ANNE.)  My greatest feats of strength, etcetera, etcetera.  As Minister of the Royal Historical Archives... (The KING quickly takes off his latest necklace and with somewhat less fanfare than the first time, bestows it on JACK.)  You will tend to all of the menial details!  (again glancing at ANNE)  But later, of course.  (to ANNE)  Perhaps you’d like to see the rest of the castle.

The QUEEN and LIZ return, with LIZ in some hideous multicolored robe; obviously selected by the QUEEN to be as ugly as possible.  Everyone else react with appropriate horror.

            QUEEN:  (as she enters)  Nonsense my dear, you look positively smashing!

            KING:  Oh my God!!

            ANNE:  Mommy?

            LIZ:  (uncomfortably)  It does sort of... match my eyes...

            QUEEN:  Perfectly.

            LIZ:   ...after a long night.

            QUEEN:  Trust me, my dear... it’s you!

            LIZ:  Really?

            QUEEN:  (to the KING)  Perhaps I can find something for her daughter as well. 

            KING:  I doubt it.  You’d never be able to match it.

            QUEEN:  Perhaps a lovely shroud.  Or the latest fashion from the Tower of London.

            KING:  (grimacing)  Later perhaps.  Now, however, I wish to show the castle to our new arrivals.

            QUEEN:  (sweetly)  May I help? There’s a charming downstairs apartment I’d love to show them.

            KING:  You’re very kind.  But I wouldn’t think of taking you away from your duties here.

            QUEEN:  But my duty is to you, my husband.  At all times.  Every moment of the day.

            KING:  Naturally.  But I must insist.  You may stay here, while I act as host.  (When the QUEEN again starts to argue, the KING’s voice is raised.)  That is my... (suddenly softening)  wish.  (He quickly turns to the others, and offers his arm to ANNE.)  Ladies?

ANNE delightfully takes the KING’s arm and they briskly exit, leaving LIZ at a loss as to what to do next.  Then LIZ realizes they’ve left her, and with a quick “Oh!” rushes off to rejoin them.

            QUEEN:  (angrily turning on JACK)  Somehow I suspect things are not going as planned!

            JACK:   (very uncomfortable)  It’s been known to happen.

            QUEEN:  As I recall, the idea was to present the King with an unappetizing choice, such that he would find the prospects so unappealing, that I would not find it necessary to rip the heart out of another female!

            JACK:  Certainly, a noble goal.

            QUEEN:  Now we have the prospects of feeding numerous progeny to the wolves.  If this keeps up, we’ll be in trouble with the Environmental Defense League for poisoning wild animals.

            JACK:  Oh, I’m sure we won’t have to worry about that.

            QUEEN:  Then what, pray tell, do you plan to do about it!!?

            JACK:  (worried)  Do about it?

            QUEEN:  Think of it as possibly your last action.

            JACK:  My last action?

            QUEEN:  Possibly.

            JACK:  (thinking furiously)  Well, in that case, I would, of course, initiate... Plan B.

            QUEEN:  (skeptical)  And what is plan B?

            JACK:  (JACK has no idea.)  An alternative plan.

            QUEEN:  But what does it entail?

            JACK:  Entail?

            QUEEN:  Yes!  What do we do?

            JACK:  (still searching, but growing more confident as he goes along)  We outflank them with subtlety.  We cleverly modify the situation in such a way that they are confused and stunned.  We accomplish our aims by the most indirect of actions.

            QUEEN:  Subtlety is not essential.  My interest is in getting rid of Anne!  By any means whatsoever.  Kidnapping, guillotining, flushing her down the sewage pipe, whatever can be done quickly.

            JACK:  I’ll initiate Plan B immediately.

            QUEEN:  Or sooner!

            JACK:  Fortunately, we have a little time while everyone is touring the castle.

            QUEEN:  You’re sure?

            JACK:  Trust me.

            QUEEN:  Naturally.  How can you fail when you know how it would upset me.

LIZ enters, apparently looking for ANNE and the KING.

            LIZ:  Where did they go?

            QUEEN:  Where did who go?

            LIZ:  The King and my daughter.  I was walking down the Hall of Armor with them, when all of sudden I looked up and they were gone.

            QUEEN:  You lost them?!!

            LIZ:  You don’t think the King will be upset with me, do you?

            QUEEN:  Upset?  Somehow I doubt it.  (to JACK)  What are you standing there for?  Find the King!!

            JACK:  (hesitating)  Find him?

            QUEEN:  (with barely controlled anger)  Our guest will miss out on the tour!  Thus the King must be found as soon as possible!  You never know what might happen!!

            JACK:  (hating the idea of interrupting the King)  Yes, your majesty.

            QUEEN:  Quickly!!

            JACK:  Jack is always quick. 

JACK exits.

            LIZ:  (impressed with the QUEEN’s apparent concern)  You’re very kind.

            QUEEN:  What?

            LIZ:  To go to so much trouble for me.

            QUEEN:  Don’t mention it.  We certainly want you to enjoy your stay with us.  Particularly, since it will be such a brief visit.

            LIZ:  (suddenly concerned)  What do you mean?

            QUEEN:  (sweetly)  Once you are with child, it will not be necessary for you to remain away from your home.  We are not so cruel as to deny you and your daughter the company of your village friends.

            LIZ:  But I thought I’d just invite them up here.

            QUEEN:  Here? 

            LIZ:  Just short visits.  A few of my female friends.

            QUEEN:  I don’t think so.

            LIZ:  But they would enjoy the visit so much!  The palace is so lovely this time of year.

            QUEEN:  But windy.

            LIZ:  Windy?

            QUEEN:  Being built so high, the castle takes the full brunt of the winds.  The village, on the other hand, is sheltered by the surrounding hills.

            LIZ:  That’s true, but the hills resulted in a lot of smog in the village.

            QUEEN:  You’ve had the smog; we inherited the wind.

            LIZ:  That’s terrible!!

            QUEEN  Living in a luxurious palace is not all a bed of roses.  It does have its disadvantages.

            LIZ:  Oh?

            QUEEN:  Lack of privacy, being downwind of the village...

            LIZ:  You’re so dedicated.

            QUEEN:  We try to be.

            LIZ:  And I want to be just like you.

            QUEEN:  Oh?

            LIZ:  To have your sense of duty; to be able to suffer without complaint.  And of course, I’ll want to be with the child after his birth, to continue to mother him.

            QUEEN:  Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary.  We have menials for that sort of thing.

            LIZ:  But a young child needs a lot of mothering.  Things only a mother can do.  Without a mom, kids tend to get out of control.

            QUEEN:  As do peasants.

             LIZ:  They always have to be told what to do.

            QUEEN:  (still referring to the peasants)  Constantly.  And for their own good.

            LIZ:   Naturally.   It’s so easy for them to get in trouble.

            QUEEN:   Oh I know.  Riots, insurrections, assassinations.

            LIZ:   Running away from home, having the wrong kind of friends...

            QUEEN : Someone has to tell them what to do, just to ensure they behave themselves.

            LIZ:  Constantly.  Oh, I’m so glad we agree.

            QUEEN:  We do?

            LIZ:  Of course.  And neither of us would want the royal heir to run amuck like a spoiled child.

            QUEEN:  Or a peasant.

            LIZ:  Absolutely.  I certainly wouldn’t want the heir to go through what I’ve been through.

            QUEEN:  Heaven forbid!  Look what it’s done to you!

            LIZ:  Keeping them under control is what it’s all about.

            QUEEN:  Particularly for those you cherish.

            LIZ:  I’ve always loved my children.  That’s why I stay on them so much.

            QUEEN:  And the peasants I’ve always... taken a great interest in.

            LIZ:   I’m so pleased we’re getting along so well.

            QUEEN:  One works with what one has.

JACK enters, followed by the KING and ANNE.  JACK is happy at his successful mission, while the KING is peeved and ANNE is moderately amused.

            JACK:  Good news!  The King returns!

            QUEEN:  (feigning surprise)  What?  Back already?

            KING:  (chagrined)  We took the quick tour. 

            QUEEN:  You were always very... quick.

            ANNE:  (smiling, to the QUEEN)  You have a very nice castle here. 

            QUEEN:  (cynically)  I hope it’s big enough for you.

            ANNE:  It’s perfect!

            KING:  (lusting after ANNE)  Of course, there’s much more to see.

            ANNE:  Oh really?

            KING:  There’s something I’d particularly like to show you.

            ANNE:  Oh?  Something very... special?

            KING:  Extremely special.

            ANNE:  Is it bigger than a bread box?

            KING:  Not quite.  But close.

            ANNE:  I can hardly wait.

            KING:  Neither can I.  (turning and making a royal announcement)  Nightfall  approaches!

Lights on the stage quickly dim.

            JACK:  (noticing the sudden dimming of lights)  Apparently.

             LIZ:  (to JACK)  How did he do that?

            KING:  The Queen will now escort our guests to each of their chambers, where they will undoubtedly wish to freshen up.  My Minister and I will join you shortly thereafter.

            LIZ:  (puzzled)  Freshen up?

            KING:  An opportunity to bathe and perfume yourself.

            QUEEN:  Perhaps a dip in the moat to remove the encrustations.

            LIZ:  (turning to the QUEEN)  That sounds like fun.

            JACK:  (as the ladies begin their exit)  You’ll love it.

The QUEEN, ANNE and LIZ exit.

            KING:  (with the ladies gone)  And now Minister, I would have a word with you.

            JACK:  Your wish is my command.

            KING:  Naturally.  Now.  As my faithful minister, we are naturally concerned for your well being.

            JACK:  (suspiciously)  Oh?

            KING:  Yes.  And at the same time, we wish to ensure that our guests are accorded all the rights and privileges due them.

            JACK:  And how may I be of service?

            KING:   By servicing...

            JACK:  Servicing?

            KING:   By spending the night making love.

            JACK:  To the daughter?

            KING:  (astounded)  Of course!  (confidentially)  She will stay in the Visiting Queen’s chambers.  Her mother... for whom it is my duty to...

            JACK:  Surrogate her?

            KING:  Exactly.  She will stay in my chambers!

            JACK:  Of course.

            KING:  Naturally.  (as an afterthought)  I should mention one other thing.

            JACK:  (suspiciously)  Oh?

            KING:  The daughter is extremely shy and just a bit naive.  She will be expecting you, but because of her inexperience, her shyness, her chambers will be totally dark.  No lights of any kind will be allowed.  You understand of course.

            JACK:   (realizing the ruse)   I will of course be unable to see her.

            KING:  (beginning to laugh)  Naturally.  She is quite shy.

            JACK:  (joining in the merriment)  I’ll hardly be able to recognize her.

            KING:  (laughing even more)  Nor will she be able to recognize you; thus sparing her any possible embarrassment.

            JACK:  (laughing heartily)  Of course. It will be so dark, she could even mistake me for the King.

            KING:  (laughing uproariously)  Exactly.  And you could mistake her for her mother.

            JACK:   (continuing to laugh)   I can imagine.

            KING:  I’m glad you understand your duties so perfectly.

            JACK:  What’s a Jack for, if not to do his King’s every bidding.

            KING:  I appreciate your loyalty.  And of course, your continuing devotion... to your duty.

            JACK:  Trust me.

Together the KING and JACK exit.


Act I, Scene 1 --Early Ukraine

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Act I, Scene 3 -- Crusades



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