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Sacred Mathematics
Connective Physics
Chronicles of Earth
Justice, Order, and Law
Extraterrestrial Life
Creating Reality
Tree of Life


Cycles, and one of their manifestations, Vibrations {and/or an explanation} are an integral aspect of the universe. They are involved in our daily lives, as well as our physical, psychological and spiritual growth.  From the motions of planets (see, for example, A Book of Coincidence) to the ups and downs of the stock market, from the characteristics of human generations to personal biorhythms, cycles play a basic, fundamental role.  Given the immense variety of cyclical influences in our lives, it is but a short step to using cycles to predict our future.

The brief treatise below considers a wide variety of cyclical manifestations; synthesizes and investigates their correlations; and then combines them in order to draw conclusions about the probabilities of forthcoming events.  The synthesis of these cycles considers the innate connectedness of a wide variety of different cyclical influences.  At the same time, this only skims a portion of the surface of the tip of an iceberg.  Just as the universe is the essence of Sacred Geometry, cycles/vibrations/frequencies add time to the space of geometry, and thereby complete the space-time continuum.


First the bad news.  

The business cycle, in its simplest terms, can be viewed as alternating periods of business expansion and contraction.  Depending upon whether the expansion is one of overproduction or overinvestment, the contraction will generally be termed a recession or a depression.  But more than just a measure of business health, the business cycle is in reality a measure of consumer (and by implication, businessmen) confidence.  Thus the business cycle can be viewed as a cycle of: depression, relief, optimism (i.e. expansion), and panic, followed by depression to begin the next cycle.  OR, for some enterprising individuals:  buying opportunities, growth, cashing in, vacation, and buying opportunities for the next cycle.  Trust me:  There are some very notable “enterprising individuals.”  (One might even note that major players thrive on the business cycle.)

The stock market serves as a convenient mathematical measure of the business cycle.  It  serves as a concurrent indicator of confidence levels, while at the same time, acting as a “leading indicator” of the level of business activity.  In fact, the stock market measures business investors’ confidence and what they expect to happen in the near future.

The stock market’s measure of consumer confidence has far-reaching implications.  Fashions, such as women’s hem lines, tend to follow the market (high hem lines and high stock prices imply confidence in various areas of life).  Movies such as the gangster movies of the 1930s, Godfather style movies of the 1960s, and Batman or Darkman in 1990, follow the stock market contractions of the same periods.  Financial indicators such as home construction and buying, auto and major appliance purchases, vacations, etc. all follow the stock market cycles, and in fact stock market trends measure the confidence and psychological attitudes of peoples (including those who are not investors), and thus provides a convenient and concurrent mathematical measure of attitudes and a wide range of economic, political, and societal events.

One of the most well known stock market cycles is the Kondratieff Wave, first proposed in the 1920s by a Russian economist who studied commodity prices.  Kondratieff concluded that prices moved in cycles, with periods of overall expansion of about 24 years, followed by periods of overall decline running from 23 to 25 years.  Scholars of Kondratieff Theory [1] have noted that tops, the end of expansions (e.g. 1814, 1873, 1920, and 1970) followed within a few years of unpopular wars [War of 1812 (unpopular with Americans with strong British sentiment), Civil War (1860-1865), World War I (1914-1918), and Vietnam (1965-1970)].  At the same time, upswings or recoveries began a few years after “popular” wars [Revolutionary (1775-1781), Mexican (1846-1848), Spanish-American (1895-1898) and World War II (1941-1945)].

More recently the Persian Gulf War signaled the beginning of an upswing in the 1990s, which until the turn of the Millennium set records for excess.  The 21st century is now beginning on a down turn.  Unfortunately, the last three past Kondratieff down-waves have been followed by mild recoveries, immediately followed by even more devastating recessions and/or depressions.  With the current and continuing failure of financial institutions, a devastating lack of accountability of Chief Executive Officers and their accounting co-conspirators, along with massive debt at the governmental, corporate, and consumer levels, any realistic future predictions of the economy must include a long, deep and global depression.  According to Dow Theory [2] the nineties’ bull market will be followed by a bear market, which will, in its own good time, correct the excesses of the preceding bull market.  This will involve a relentless decline of about 40% of the market value of stocks.  The best bet is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of roughly 0.618 of the 11,000 top, or about 6,800 on the Dow -- where items are still a bit overpriced, but where the godsend of most theories, inflation, will assist in making the prediction probable.

Peter Eliades [3] an established Wall Street analyst who theorizes that the planets and stars may influence collective human behavior, has identified a “Big Bertha” of cycles, based on a series of stock market lows that occurred in 1800, 1860, 1920, and 1980.  According to Eliades, these lows were followed by bull markets, and then about a decade later, significant stock market collapses.  An astrological connection also includes the theory that the series of three eclipses in May and June of 2002 (the first series of three since 1991) may coincide with a long term top in stock prices, and at a time when the planets Saturn (structure) and Pluto (deep change) were in opposition!  (Think of the latter as the hidden forces of Pluto destroying the Saturnian structures of society -- as in 9-11-2001, when the first of three Saturn-Pluto oppositions occurred.)

Elliott Wave Theory, using the mathematics of Fibonacci Numbers, has been extremely successful in predicting stock market activity in the past.  As practiced by Prechter [4], the theory identifies both short-term and long-term patterns.  Of particular note is the concept of cycles within cycles.  For example, the bull market from 1982 to 1991 constituted a “Cycle”, but contained within it, identifiable: “primary”, “intermediate”, “minor”, and “minute” cycles.  More importantly, the 1982-1991 upswing was considered to be a fifth wave in a larger “Supercycle” dating from 1932 to 1991.  This “Supercycle”, in turn, constituted a fifth wave of a “Grand Supercycle” extending from 1789 to 1991.  Prechter has even suggested a “Millennia” Cycle dating back to roughly 1000 AD.  This does not bode well for 2000 A.D. and its immediate aftermath, but may be irrelevant if the possible scenarios for 2012 A.D. arrive on schedule.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that, according to Elliott Wave Theory [5], the fifth wave is the end of a cycle, and is always followed by a reversal of fortunes.  The implications are that we are now living in a time when all the cycles, “Millennia”, “Grand Supercycle”, “Supercycle”, and so forth, are ending and we are entering a prolonged contraction of the world economy, which will correct the excesses of the last several hundred years (but which may do so in a far shorter time span).  There is even the possibility of an even longer cycle ending, which will be discussed in more detail below.


These cyclical predictions of a worldwide economic depression (and the societal implications of such) are in agreement with similar predictions by other analysts who rely on strictly financial data and market conditions.  The fact, nevertheless, is that the stock market, the economy, and thus our societies are predictable by cycles.  The fact that the stock market has continued blithely on and into the new millennium, hovering around the same levels, is not necessarily an indicator of any flaws in the theory, but rather that things on a millennial or Supercycle scale do not occur quickly.  In addition, there is always the possibility that the credibility of the stock market as a leading economic indicator has been compromised by interventions by governments, Cartels, Factions, The Federal Reserve, and other groups intent upon maintaining the facade of prosperity.

In the area of non-financial cycles, Forrester [6] in 1970 developed a computer model linking population, industrialization, pollution, natural resources and food into an interactive world dynamic system.  Each of the individual cycles was related to the other cycles, and seven possible future scenarios were forecast.  In the last thirty years, the subsequent changes in pollution, capital investment, natural resources, population and the quality of life suggest that world population may peak within the next twenty years and then suffer a catastrophic decrease to 10% of its current value -- equivalent to five and a half billion people leaving the planet without a replacement!  Forester’s original paper was not met with great support or enthusiasm from the vast majority of his so-called peers.

Iben Browning, et al [7] considered a wide variety of climate-influencing cycles ranging from “polar vortex peripheral oscillations” (6.6496 days) to polar precessional periods (25,920 years).  However, Browning also based much of his work on the sunspot cycles (11.125 and 178 years) and the “Tidal beat” (19 and 179 years).  He took into account as well the planet Jupiter and its tidal force on the sun and possible effect on the sunspot cycle at perihelion (every 11.862 years).  He has correlated high tidal forces with the birth of great conquerors of the world, from Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, and Charlesmagne, to Napoleon, Mao Tse-Tung and Hitler; and low tidal forces with the birth of such religious revelationists as Guatama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius, and Mohammed, along with the founders of Shintoism, Sufi and Sikhism.  Another 800-year cycle has been correlated with large scale migrations of peoples worldwide, and will peak again about the year 2000.  In the last sixty years, for example, something on the order of 150 million people have been involuntarily displaced (such numbers consider only migrations involving more than a million people).  The spectre looms that the coming decades will see much larger migrations, and in all probability, will be motivated by war, famine, lack of jobs, and religious and/or political persecution.

In his book with N. Winkless, Browning [8] has also identified cycles in “deaths from earthquakes” (4.425 and 9.3 years), and “accumulated volcanic dust from eruptions” (4.425 and 8.85 years).  High times for earthquakes are predicted for early 2003, late 2007, and spring of 2011, while high times for volcanic activity are expected in roughly the same time periods.  The volcanic activity is also important because of dust thrown into the air, which can cool the planet, reduce crop yields and result in famines in many parts of the world (and thus motivate large scale migrations).  Famines were a major concern of Browning, particularly, in countries where food production is "intensive” (i.e. where every available plot of ground is used for farming).

Based on these and other cycles, Browning [7] predicted increasing earthquake activity for the last two decades of the Twentieth Century (there were 27 earthquakes worldwide in the seventies and eighties which caused a thousand deaths or more), as well as major volcanic activity, cooling temperatures forcing crop growing areas to move south by hundreds of miles, and famines nullifying the annual birth rate of 75 million humans and causing the world population to subside by some 10 to 25% in the next several decades.  Browning [9] also forecast, on the basis of a “plague cycle” occurring every 400 years, that AIDS would wipe out 50% of the human race by 2040 to 2050!

In Generations; The History of America’s Future 1584-2069, an 80 year cycle of generation types and recurring historical events is discussed.  Based on these generation correlated cycles, the authors expect a secular crisis beginning around the year 2000, and a major war (on the level of the American Revolution, American Civil, and World War I) at some point during the period from 1994 to 2004.  Since 9-11-2001, this scenario seems more and more likely.  2003 is not looking good!


Astrology has long been used to forecast events for both individuals and societies.  Predictions and analyses are based on the motion of the Sun, Moon and ten planets (including the newly -- 1976 -- discovered Chiron; a “comet” in a planetary orbit), and their relative aspects with one another.  The credibility of the latter aspect of planetary aspects is due in part to the fact the orbital periods (the time for each planet to make a complete orbit, i.e. their cycles!) are connected in the following ways:

            1) Mercury + Venus + Earth = Mars (within 1.31% error)

            2) Jupiter + Lunar Node + Earth = Saturn (0.02% error)

            3) Venus + Lunar Node + Mars + Saturn = Chiron (0.25%)

            4) Ceres + Saturn + Chiron = Uranus (0.86% error)

            5) Mercury + Venus + Earth + Mars + Saturn + Chiron = Uranus (within 0.16% error)

            6) Saturn + Chiron + Uranus = Neptune (0.39% error)

            7) Uranus + Neptune = Pluto (0.15% error)  

Ceres is my far the largest asteroid.  In addition, Saturn and the Progressed Moon, easily the most important aspects to the current condition of any astrological natal chart, have respective cycles of 29.4572 and 29.5055 years, differing in timing by only (approximately) 0.16%.  [Why is that, do you suppose?  Some sort of geometric connection?  Hmmmm...]

In terms of future predictions, the outer planets are considered to have the greatest significance.  Pluto, and to a lesser extent, Neptune, can influence entire generations, albeit on a very deep, subconscious level.  The transit of these outer planets through particular astrological signs identify in large part the issues and obsessions of specific generations.

For example, Pluto deals with a generation’s refusal to relinquish the garbage to which they’re so intensely attached, and the inevitable do-or-die transformation that is required. For example, the “Cancer” generation (1913-1939) must deal with issues of home, family, security and emotions.  They are often enamored with motherhood and blind patriotism, but get to experience WWI and the Great Depression.  Neptune, by contrast, represents the dreams a generation will have to sacrifice, and the areas where it will have trouble being realistic.  More than anything, Neptune is about Illusions.

Pluto’s transit of Scorpio (1983-1995) included such gems as AIDS, nuclear disasters, environmental poisoning, financial (other people’s money) disasters, and the demise of the USSR (whose sun sign is Scorpio!).  Plagues and famine became commonplace, but the fear of death may have shown signs of dissipating.  At the same time, Neptune transited the sign of Capricorn from 1984 to 1998, with Uranus joining it from 1988 through 1995.  (The two major planets conjuncted each other in 1993, exaggerating the process.)  This latter aspect constitutes the dramatic or subtle overthrow of conservatism, tradition, materialism, and governments; the shattering of illusions occasioned by Yuppies and the greatest stock market binge in history; money as a god abruptly shattered by massive debt; stock market and real estate crashes, frauds, unchecked capitalism, material scarcity, and the social security system going down in flames. Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius yielded a degree of disillusionment about the coming “New Age”, while Pluto in Sagittarius (beginning in 1995) has brought in the spectre of religious wars or a one-world religion.

Other combinations of planetary cycles include Chiron and Saturn in virtually continuous opposition from 1986 to 1995 (and later from 2003 to 2006).  Saturn is the planet of duty, limits, responsibility, boundaries, authority, and reality; while Chiron is the maverick, astrologer, holistic healer and mentor.  The opposition of these two planets in effect pitted the maverick mentor of individualists against the responsible authority who would impose boundaries and limits on those same individuals.  This has been greatly amplified as Pluto and Saturn opposed each other in 2001 and 2002, the first hit just prior to 9-11-2001.  The remaining seven hits of Chiron (Maverick) opposing Saturn (Structure) may tell the tale as to which side finally overcomes the other.  [Give me an “M”; give me an “A”...]

The Babylonian astrologer, Berossus, taught that great conjunctions of planets in either Capricorn or Cancer mark the end of great epochs in human civilization.  From January 10th through the 14th, 1996, the Sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus and Neptune all conjuncted in Capricorn.  Inasmuch as Capricorn signifies authority and governments (it is ruled by Saturn!), it would appear that more than one government and/or authority (which includes religion, medicine, law, etc.) is in jeopardy in both the present and the near-term future.  The number of governments throughout the world currently in jeopardy include Argentina, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and Palestine, and so forth.

The mass conjunction in Capricorn carried with it, however, something of a silver lining.  The challenge of Capricorn, according to Dan Rudhyar [10], is self-reliance -- the kind based upon an inner realization that one is forever capable of creating oneself anew in order to meet life’s challenges and opportunities -- and an unwillingness to depend upon intermediaries between oneself and the Divine.  The challenge is to become the highest Capricorn type of person: to be at peace with oneself and the universe.  Capricorn may bring to humans the very great possibility of being an agent through which the power of some vast super-individual Whole (social, communal, national, or universal) could be focused.  To some degree, this seems to have been a challenge successfully met by some.

Paradigms, according to Thomas Kuhn [11], are a society’s basic way of perceiving, thinking, valuing, and doing; based on assumptions of who we are, what kind of universe we live in, and what is ultimately important to us.  Paradigms underlie our institutions and mores, as well as our patterns of thought and systems of value.  They are absorbed by each individual born into a society as though by osmosis, accepted as given, and almost never questioned.

Society’s institutions (political, scientific, educational, religious, legal, medical, etc.) limit change.  They persist by legitimacy, which is based in turn upon perceptions of people.  Harman [12] has noted... “the empowering realization that all institutions in society, no matter how powerful, obtain their legitimacy from the perceptions of people -- and hence that people have the power to change institutions by challenging the legitimacy of prevailing institutional behaviors.”

The cyclical changes of climate, generational beliefs and attitudes, financial (and thus psychological confidence levels), tidal forces, sunspot activity, astrological aspects, and the like, have forced societies to confront a host of problems.  We are now faced with the dismal and continuing decline in the quality of educational systems, the dearth of governmental and corporate leadership and/or fiduciary responsibility, the spectre of widespread crime (including police and judicial crimes), exorbitant and rapidly escalating medical and legal costs to the point where we can afford neither (and where we can seriously question whether or not either is worth the price in the first place), far reaching and radical changes (even threats!) to our traditional religions and institutions, and outright challenges to our most fundamental cultural beliefs.  Justice, Order, and Law are at a point where the powers-that-be are in the death throes of profound dimensions.

Adding to this general merriment are runaway deficits, the world sliding into a devastating world depression, the breakup and questionable survival of numerous governments, the crumbling of communism as a fundamental alternative economic and political system, widespread racial, ethnic, and tribal strife (which may be exaggerated by disastrous economic downturns), and the very real potential for uncontrolled mass migrations of people to escape civil war and famine, among other things.  Added to this is a continuing environmental devastation, a plague of AIDS which could decimate the world, and predictions and prophecies of catastrophic earth changes within the next twenty years.

These dire consequences, whether real or imaginary, current or predicted, all point to a major Paradigm Shift.  The crumbling and decline of so many of our institutions, the withholding of legitimacy by more and more individuals, has embarked the world on an enormous adventure -- one in which major changes will be the order of the day.  And with the demise of institutions; new, radically different ideas and concepts will replace them.  These paradigm shifts are being initiated by the collapse of limiting forces (institutions and the like), which had here-to-before held back the forces of change.

The demise of communism in the Soviet Union, for example, destroys established systems and institutions and initiates a time of economic and political chaos.  But, at the same time, it also allows millions of people to enjoy enormously greater choices, freedoms, and opportunities for growth -- including, very importantly, the freedom to fail, to fall on one’s face, to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune!  In essence, the destruction of “the establishment” allows individuals the opportunity to reclaim their power, and to achieve the Capricorn self-reliance and independence from authority described above.  But it doesn’t necessarily present them their power on a silver (or even a plastic) platter.

Then there is the mother of all cycles, the end of the Age of Pisces -- which has been in place since roughly 600 B.C.E.  This is likely to be the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 A.D., in which the dual forces of Novelty and Habit are correlating a host of cycles to bring everything to a grand finale in the form of 18 paradigm shifts comparable to the appearance of life or invention of language in the last 135 minutes, 13 of which would occur in the last second!  Cycles are not only important in our lives, but if the mathematics of Time Wave Theory are correct... Cycles Rule!


Ah yes... Now for the good news.  

“May you live in interesting times.”  Depending on the source of the quote, this ancient Chinese saying is considered either a curse -- attended by massive stress and a lack of ease, comfort, and genteel routine -- OR a blessing, filled with stimulation, adventure, sound and fury (and, presumably, signifying nothing).

It has been suggested that these “interesting times” constitute a blessing.  There is, in fact, a basic, fundamental, single cause of virtually all of the world’s so-called problems.  It’s much as if all of the pollution of the Amazon River was due to some evil doer(s) dumping toxic chemicals at the river’s source, high in the Peruvian Andes.  Solve the problem at the source and the river will rejuvenate itself over time.

The source of most of the world’s problems can be linked to what might constitute yet another cycle, this one covering a period of three and a half to seven thousand years.  In, The Chalice and the Blade, Riane Eisler [13] describes the rise of the patriarchal or dominator culture, which replaced an essentially egalitarian or partnership one.  It was roughly five thousand years ago that the cultural evolution of societies worshipping the life-generating and nurturing powers of the universe -- symbolized by the chalice -- was challenged and ultimately overwhelmed by a dominator society, where the  power to take, rather than to give life -- i.e. the power of the blade -- became the ultimate power.

The society replaced by the blade was one in which difference was not necessarily equated with inferiority or superiority, where social relations were based primarily on the principle of linking rather than ranking, and where the emphasis was on sustaining and enhancing life.  On the other hand, the dominator society instilled within its basic paradigm: competition, ranking, superiority and inferiority, men over women (the beginning of his-story), slavery, humans over nature, an emphasis on technologies designed to destroy or dominate, and, most important of all, a disconnectedness of all things.

It can be shown that virtually all of the world’s problems derive, at the most fundamental level, from the dominator or patriarchal society.  It can also be argued that the paradigm shifts, the collapse of institutions, and the re-empowerment of individuals (and thus the re-establishment of their equality) are indications that the bloody five-thousand-year dominator detour is rapidly coming to an end.  The litany of "“errifying” and “upsetting” predictions may thus be viewed as no more of a bother than a report of baseball scores.  [Unless, of course, you’re a Chicago Cubs fan.]

The concept of a single source of the world’s problems lends itself to another critical idea, that of all things being interconnected (as in Connective Physics).  The fact world and personal events correspond to astrological transits and progressions, that consumer and business confidence is mirrored in the levels of stock prices, that hem lines and movies correlate with financial markets... these factors provide evidence of a connectedness of all things.  The simultaneous collapse of institutions, along with environmental and earth changes, and the fact that so many cycles seem to be reaching a critical point at virtually the same time (certainly within the same period of years) argues for the connectedness of the many cycles which appear to affect our lives.

Human beings typically resist changes, and resist very strongly the kind of changes suggested here.  This resistance usually derives from the fact that change often implies a temporary or permanent loss of control.  And with the massive number of changes currently being faced, it might appear that the universe, or at least, the planet earth, is wildly out of control.  But this may not be precisely the case.

In fact, if everything is connected and interrelated, then it is possible that every major challenge we currently face in the world is all part of a neatly orchestrated grand design, that the varied cycles are all interrelated, and that the universe is not out of control, but is proceeding along largely as it was intended!  Even intended as per our choices!  There can still be free will on an individual basis (how we choose to deal with things), but a great deal of what is happening may have been carefully planned and coordinated.  Under these circumstances, when control is no longer an issue (because any real hint of our being in control was illusionary at best to begin with), one might look forward to the process with great anticipation, and even delight in its unfolding, “go with the flow”, so to speak.  We all have the choice to decide if these interesting times are a curse or a blessing.

Furthermore, the sequencing of events may also be relevant.  It’s as if we’ve been given hints, followed by broader hints, clear signs, and then blatantly obvious signs (the latter being equivalent to a two by four upside the head).  These events suggest the absolute necessity of changing the manner in which our society has “done business” over the last several millennia, and that we’re being given every opportunity to do so.

In other words, the “design” takes our money, our financial net worth and institutions, our status (all too often, sadly, our only sense of identity), and our egocentric ways.  Then it slaughters our sacred cows and rattles our paradigm cages, massively restructures our environment, speeds up the time tables with enforced early retirement programs (from AIDS and other plagues), and then, if we still haven’t caught on, makes altercations to the very stability of the earth. We are being asked to make our Descent into the Underworld (voluntarily or otherwise).  The whole process is done one step at a time (with some overlap in case we might learn to live with the external changes, but without making internal changes if the process is too slow).  Everything is done in such a way that at any point, at any time, each individual is free to quit fighting the changes and simply enjoy the ride.  But irrevocably, the world moves toward a definite, grand change, with or without all of the humans tagging along.  At any point, each individual has free will and the right to choose.  And perhaps, to be able to figure out, as Seneca previously noted:  “The willing, the fates guide; the unwilling, they drag.”  Your choice; but all pain stems from resistance.  [And as the “Borg” once said, “Resistance is futile.  You will be assimilated.”  Bummer.]

It is worth remembering that an optimist is defined as someone who believes we live in the best of all possible worlds, while a pessimist fears that this is true.  The essential element here is that the world in which we live is the same; the only difference is the point of view of the optimist and the pessimist.  Ultimately, it’s all in one’s perspective -- a perspective which one can choose. One may not be able to control objective, collective reality, but we can all learn to control how we react to it.  We are, in fact, solely responsible for our experiences because we control how those experiences affect us!

Furthermore, Creating Reality can be an individual choice.  We can choose to decline to participate in realities of which we do not like.  If someone else is going to war, don’t be part of it.  Don’t participate, and don’t get emotionally involved.  Do your own thing.

The really fundamental changes occurring in the world today can be viewed as opportunities, which allow for greater individual freedoms such that people can change in whatever manner or degree they choose!  And by considering change, good or bad, as an inevitable part of life and (instead of a threat to one’s security) as an opportunity for growth and new experience; by searching for meaning in our lives and keeping a sense of humor; we can delight in the adventure ahead of us.

Finally, by becoming self-reliant -- by no longer depending upon governments, authorities, leaders, teachers, gurus, and others; by no longer investing in stocks, banks, politicians, and the like; by no longer adhering to the limits imposed by a dominator society -- we can take control of our lives and enjoy these interesting times to the fullest.

And later we can all have a good laugh about our adventures.  

Meanwhile, consider:  


Sacred Geometry         Underground Cities

Forward to:

Vibrations         Music         Harmony of the Spheres



[1]  Shilling, A. G., Forbes, March 18, 1991, page 74-75.

[2]  Eliades, P., Barron’s, December 3, 1990, page 20-21.

[3]  Russell, R., Barron’s, October 8, 1990, page 20.

[4]  Prechter, R., The Elliott Wave Theorist, June 28, 1991, page 6.

[5]  Prechter, R., A Turn in the Tidal Wave, New Classics Library, Gainesville, Georgia, 1989.

[6]  Forrester, J.W., “Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems”, M.I.T. Journal, 1970.

[7]  Browning, I. and Gariss, E. M., Past and Future History; A Planner’s Guide, Fraser Pub., Burlington, VT, 1981.

[8]  Browning, I. and Winkless, N., Climate and the Affairs of Men, Fraser Publishing, Burlington, Vermont, 1975.

[9]  Browning, I., Video Report: “Climate and the Affairs of Man, 1991 Update”, June 3, Fraser Publishing, Burlington, Vermont.

[10]  Rudhyar, D., Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life, Aurora Press, New York, NY, 1979, page 78-79.

[11]  Kuhn, T., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962.

[12]  Harman, W., Global Mind Change; The Promise of the Last Years of the Twentieth Century, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sausalito, California, 1988.

[13]  Eisler, R., The Chalice & The Blade, Harper & Row, San Francisco, California, 1987.



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