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Why We Are Here

Why We Are Here is a poem by Robert Arthur Lewis which was distributed in Seattle, on the occasion of the World Trade Organization Ministerial Summit in 1999.  Its relevance is particularly apropos when there are seemingly so many who wish to dictate the destinies of our lives – for good or evil.  


Why We are Here  

Because the world we imagined, the one we had always counted on is disappearing.

Because the sun has become cancerous and the planet is getting hotter.

Because children are starving in the shadows of yachts and economic summits.

Because there are already too many planes in the sky.


This is the manufactured world you have come here to codify and expedite.

We have come to tell you there is something else we want to buy.


What we want, money no longer recognizes like the vitality of nature, the integrity of work.

We don't want cheaper wood, we want living trees.

We don't want engineered fruit.

We want to see and smell the food growing in our own neighborhoods.


We are here because a voice inside us, a memory in our blood,

tells us you are not just a trade body,

you are the blind tip of a dark wave that has forgotten its source.

We are here to defend and honor what is real, natural, human and basic

against the rising tide of greed.


We are here by the insistence of spirit and the authority of nature.

If you doubt for one minute the power of truth or the primacy of nature

try not breathing for that length of time.


Now you know the pressure of our desire.

We are not here to tinker with your laws.

We are here to change you from the inside out.

This is not a political protest.

It is an uprising of the soul.


Robert Arthur Lewis



Groupies          Hierarchy         Money         The Federal Reserve

Corporate Rule          Corporate State         One World Order         Capitalism

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