Multiple UniversesThe subject of Multiple Universes was briefly mentioned in Creating Reality, and alluded to in Creating Reality -- Another View. Many of the philosophical thoughts on multiple universes are concerned with “bifurcation points”, where decisions by beings of Consciousness cause a splitting of reality, and thereafter separate realities continue as it their reality was the only game in town. This tends to decrease the value of making any decision -- although the “Catch 22” is that not making a decision is in fact making a decision about deciding or not. Decidedly so! A slight variation on this theme is that we begin creating some aspect of our reality -- be it a dream, a vision, or some goal we wish to see fulfilled. But when it does not instantly or quickly happen, we give up on it and the remnants of our original thought forms slip away into another reality, another universe where we hung in there in our manifesting. This is a slightly improved concept in that decisions still have value, and in fact, the really nifty ones are the ones in which we maintain a focus. It is not clear, however, what happens in an alternative universe when we manifest our visions in this one. Is there a giant, gapping hole in the other one? Or a duplicate of our success? There seems to be no way to tell. But perhaps we can make some guesses. The idea of multiple universes is, after all, not purely a philosophical issue. Science has its own vested interest as well. If science begins to probe into the problem, will they some day catch up with philosophy and make multiple universes a scientific reality, as well as a philosophical possibility? After all, many traditions of philosophy have long advocated the connectedness and unlimitedness of the universe we currently inhabit. Science is only now seeing the truth of this; and in fact we can now -- given the basic assumptions of The Fifth Element theory -- demonstrate or prove mathematically that everything in the one universe is connected energetically, and there appears no limit as to what can be attained from within our universe. Also, research into Time and Mind-Matter interactions have demonstrated experimentally that we are indeed connected. Thus if science finally begins to perceive the truth of what the ancient traditions and philosophies have been saying for millennia, why not in the context of Multiple Universes? There are also modern theories of physics under development -- ranging from Zero-Point Energy to Superconductivity, which require the existence of multiple dimensions, in some cases 10 dimensions, in others 27, and in still others, an indeterminate number. The distinction between dimensions and universes may appear clear, but there is nothing in the various theories which prohibits a dimension beyond the four dimensional space-time continuum from being a part of a full-fledged universe -- the latter being composed of any number of space and/or time dimensions. Laurence Gardner has written in his book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark [HarperCollins London, 2003], that “the Ark of the Covenant has its final resting at Chartres Cathedral.” [Chartres, France] That the superconducting nature of the Ark allowed it to move into a “collapsed six dimensions, or through a portal into fully expanded dimensions”, into what Gardner refers to as “the Realm of the Orbit of Light: the Plane of Shar-On, the Field of Mfkzt that was known (even if not scientifically understood) by the Master Craftsmen of ancient times. Considering the extraordinary characterisitics of Superconductors, this scenario is well within the realm of possibility. There are also theories that suggest that Black Holes are the doorways or portals into another dimension and/or universe -- else where would all those particles which fall into the Black Hole’s gravity well end up? In a massively packed, very crowded, infinitesimally small space? Possibly. But wouldn’t that simply be the condition prior to a Big Bang look-alike, the latter ready to spawn a whole new universe? And what’s to prevent that spawning happening now or in the past? In fact, the speck of dust on an astronomer’s shoulder might be a whole new universe in itself. The idea was suggested in the popular media by the movie, Men in Black, in which a whole universe was contained within a ball hung around the neck of a cat. And in the other direction, where our universe was nothing more than a golf ball in a much larger universe. While the movie might not be taken seriously by scientists, the fact remains that the visualization is not that far-fetched from modern physics. These quantum leaps of universal sizes is quite possible, but from the viewpoint of science is not something that can be readily researched (or, more importantly, receive funding for). Theorists, in fact, have suggested that yes, it might be very likely that other universes do exist. The idea is not something that can currently be proven, but the implication is very seriously considered. Quantum mechanics, for example, as a mathematical description of how the universe works on the smallest scales, claims (among other things) that matter and/or energy can appear spontaneously out of the vacuum of space, via something known as a quantum fluctuation, something equivalent to a hiccup in the energy field. One hiccup resulted in what is referred to as the Big Bang, an explosion of all matter in our universe when it was initially in an incredibly small dimension. The Big Bang continues now as an expanding universe, the particles of the explosion for the most part racing away from each other, but intermingling along the way, forming galaxies, suns, planets, golf balls, etc. It’s as if there was an absolute nothingness, and then... hiccup... and a few billion years later there is a vast, expanding universe full of stars and other celebrities. The source of the hiccup is of particular interest. If one lived in only 2-dimensions (aka as “Flatland”), then something in the third dimension passing through our plane would appear suddenly, and just as quickly disappear. From the three dimensional point of view, not much has happened, but from the two dimensional point of view, it’s a real eye opener. Thus why not an object normally residing in four or five dimensions casually wandering through our three dimensions, and thus the “hiccup”. Or perhaps an ever grander event, the kind that gives rise to new religions? Also, if there was one Big Bang, then another quantum fluctuation could give rise to another universe -- separate from ours. According to a so-called anthropic principle, there are perhaps an infinite number of universes, each with its own set of physical laws. The fact that one of them happens to be ours is not that big of a deal. It’s much easier to believe, say the anthropic advocates, than a single universe “fine-tuned” for our existence. Unfortunately, this argument assumes only one form of life -- what works in our universe. It doesn’t take too much imagination to conceive of other universes with other natural laws, and life of a whole new variety. Even life in this universe may be quite diverse! One can also make the argument that if there is no fundamental reason that something cannot exist, then it is not only possible for that thing to exist, but it’s likely that it does. Of course, there might not be a way of detecting another universe, but this does not negate its possible existence. After all, there is no way to detect the means by which a magnet does its magnetic thing, even when we see or can detect the results. Andreas Albrecht, a cosmologist at the University of California at Davis, says the question isn’t open for debate for the simple reason that you can’t argue with quantum mechanics. “As far as we can tell,” Albrecht says, “that’s the fundamental language that Nature speaks. Nature doesn’t answer questions for certain; it answers questions by giving probabilities.” And in quantum mechanics, “There’s a possibility that almost anything happens." Including other universes. If cosmologists are queasy about that, they don't have a choice. “It comes out of the mathematics,” Albrecht explains. “It”s forced down our throats.” The latter does, admittedly, assume that one accepts Quantum Mechanics as reality. If not then there’s very little forcing. It’s just that the current data on the subject of reality is that the mathematics of modern Quantum Physics implies multiple universes. What the math does not address is: “Why?” Affirmation Illusions Holograms Creating Reality Forward to: Multiple Timelines Multiple Choice Intermingled Realities |
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