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Kali Yuga

One Kalpa, a day in the Mind of God, is made up of four cycles (aka yugas) and/or ages known as the:

                                    The Age of Wisdom/ Satya or Krita Yuga

                                    The Age of Ritual/Treta Yuga

                                    The Age of Doubt/ Dvapara Yuga

                                    The Age of Conflict/ Kali Yuga


It is the latter Age in which we now live, and which we account for in our histories.  It is also believed by some, that the Kali Yuga is now ending -- or even that it has ended and we are now in a transition period called the “Twilight of the Kali Yuga.”  Supposedly, in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga, the Prime Creator gathers its data-collecting vehicles (i.e. us) back into the Mind of God--- to make way for the next cycle, the coming new age.  


It is, perhaps, dismaying to consider the idea that the human stint on life is nothing more than that of a “data-collecting vehicle”.  Or that we’re merely here to gather material for a stand-up comedy sketch in the afterlife.  But when one views the larger context of the human experience, such a job description might be considerably more appealing.  Even pain becomes just more data points on the graph of human lives, and therefore, should not be given any more significance than any other data point.  Hey, I’m in pain.  Wow.  


In the previous ages (Wisdom, Ritual, and Doubt), there were “more-than-human” beings.  During this time, in what constitutes ancient prehistory, there was no “civilization”, but an “era of gods”.  According to Hesiod (Greek poet, circa 700 B.C.E.), mortal people lived as if they were gods, and no miserable old age came their way. That cycle ended, but those beings continued to live upon the earth in an invisible way, mantling themselves in dark mist and watching over mortal men. "...in the realm of Yima, the Persian King of the Golden Age, before the new cosmic events forced him to withdraw into a 'subterranean' refuge (the inhabitants of which were thus enabled to evade the dark and painful destiny befallen the new generations), there was neither disease nor death... men and immortal gods shared one common life...”  Such descriptions are typical of countless traditions of different cultures which comprise in part the Chronicles of Earth.  


These beings did not experience time as we do, but had a super-temporal sense of Time. They regarded time qualitatively (not quantitatively) and as a rhythm (not a series).  From their view, time did not flow uniformly or indefinitely, but was broken down into cycles and periods in which every moment had its own meaning and specific value in relation to all others.  Certain numbers, such as five (Wicca), seven (Tarot), nine (Numerology) twelve (Astrology), and one thousand (Tao de Ching), were used not to express specific quantities, but rather to show typical structures of rhythm; such that different durations might still remain symbolically equivalent.  Meanwhile, the modern world experiences the illusion of time escaping or slipping away, with one’s goal to somehow capture it -- an attempt that can obviously never be achieved.  


The distinction between cyclical and linear thinking shows itself in modern astronomy’s use of a faulty “Bode’s Law”, while the Harmony of the Spheres, being a measure of cycles or orbital periods is the more relevant measure -- a measure where the end result is not strictly the time to complete a cycle, but the nature and relationship of the cycle itself.  It is the interaction of the different orbital patterns that is more important than any subdivision of one cycle and what that might mean.  Astrology, at its fundamental base, is thus a hint of this super-temporal view of time, where geometric relationships create the patterns of Sacred Geometry.  And therein lies its importance.

In the beginning of the Kali Yuga there was not only science, but a very advanced form.  Having originated from god-like beings, this science was dangerous to mankind or anyone not properly appreciative of the fundamentals.  It was thus confined to temples as “mysteries”, but where it eventually became extinct, when the only thing the ‘sacred flame’ could do was burn.  


In its place, another science was formed over the centuries as a surrogate, becoming the human and empirical science of which our contemporaries are so proud and through which they have thought fit to judge everything that they consider to be civilization.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, any attempt to validate the experience of time and the higher sciences brought to Earth by other beings "will generate results only among those who are already spiritually well disposed to accept this kind of knowledge."  Typical.  


Writing itself is a symptom of the Kali Yuga.  Thus the only testimonies we have are those which were handed down orally from one generation to the next and finally recorded when writing was invented in Sumer around 3100 B.C.E.  (Sanskrit, for example, didn't even have an official book of grammar until 500 B.C.E.)  What with Communications, Media, Education being what they are, that might have been a good thing!  


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We do, however, have other “oral traditions” (modern prophets, channelers, etceteras) which provide some insights.  Thel Dar [1], for example tells us: “that those of us who are living out these final days, the Twilight of the Gods, in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga when the Veils are tightly drawn, are like courageous and daring Olympic athletes, who with the help of their coaches (Inner guides etc.), intend to ‘wake-up’ and remember who they are in the darkest period of time, and bring about the wisdom necessary for the transition into the next "golden" age.”  [Please keep in mind that, information is not wisdom!]  


Similarly, it is said in the Shiva Purana that:  "The end of the Kali Yuga is a particularly favorable period to pursue true knowledge.  Some will attain wisdom in a short time, for the merits acquired in one year during the Treta Age (the second cycle, the Age of Ritual) can be obtained in one day in the Kali Yuga."   

Which means:  Go for it!  Give me a “W”; give me an “I”; give me an “S”; ...  



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[1] Thel Dar (channeled by Susan Ferguson), Notes taken from: Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, Inner Traditions.



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