The MeIn the Sumerian literature are the descriptions of The Me, “the holy laws of heaven and earth.” In one particular tale, the goddess, Inanna, decides to obtain for her followers The Me from her maternal grandfather, Enki. She does this by getting him thoroughly drunk, and skirting off with the goods. Enki apparently tries to stop her, but fails. At the same time, however, there is the very real possibility that Enki had determined all along to give Inanna The Me, but went through the pretence in order to avoid the wrath of the other gods and godesses, i.e., the Anunnaki. Regardless of his true motive, however, The Me are worthy of mention. (2/9/9) Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noel Kramer, in their book, Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, describe The Me is the following terms:
They include and/or involve (among other things):
kingship and priesthood “the holy measuring rod and line”, shepherdship, quiver, dagger and sword loosening and binding of the hair art of love making, art of prostitution, procreation truth, the art of being forthright slanderous and adorning speech the art of song, resounding musical instruments arts of power and treachery, deceit, plundering of cities lamentations and rejoicings of the heart the art of kindness crafts of the wood and copper worker crafts of the scribe, builder and leather maker perceptive ear, power of attention holy purification rites fear, dismay, consternation kindling and putting out of fire counseling, giving of judgments, making of decisions “bitter-toothed lion” assembled family and the making of beer! For what else could any civilization worthy of the name ask? Obviously, the Sumerian way is based on doing what is right and good -- as opposed to what is allowed by law and/or society.
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