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Cronus and Zeus

The story of Zeus and his father, Cronus, is worthy of some in-depth consideration.   

In Greek Mythology, Cronus was considered to be the son of heaven (Uranus) and earth (Gaia).  Cronus’ son, Zeus, was known to the ancient Greeks as the King of the Gods, while Cronus was generally considered to be an even more ancient, pre-Hellenic deity, and thus someone seldom worshipped by the ancient Greeks.  

Cronus’ father, Uranus, meanwhile, had had many children by his mate, Gaia, but the story goes that Uranus hid them in the Earth.  Gaia, as might be expected, mourned for her lost children, but she also sought revenge.  [It’s a female thing.]  As it turned out, Cronus was the only one of her children willing to risk everything in going up against Uranus.  Aided with a harpe, supplied by Gaia, Cronus was able to castrate Uranus -- an act generally interpreted as an event separating heaven from earth.   

Cronus then became the Lord of his brothers, and, according to myth, shut up the most dangerous of them in Tartarus.  He then took for consort his sister, Rhea.  But when he was warned by his parents that his own child would likely overthrow him, he swallowed the first five of Rhea’s offspring -- Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon.  That is to say, he took all their powers and presence and eclipsed them.  

With the sixth child, however, Rhea tricked Cronus and gave him a stone to swallow, which he promptly did.  [It was not specified as to whether it was a gall or a kidney stone, but Cronus must have been really stoned when he swallowed it, or wouldn’t he have at least noticed?]  When the sixth child, Zeus, came of age, he loosed the prisoners of Tartarus, made war on Cronus, and won!  In the process, his siblings were freed.  Yea.   

Because of his dietary inclinations, Cronus was frequently identified with the Semitic baalim and Moloch, to whom human sacrifices, particularly of children, were made.  In other words, he was not a nice god.  This fact might be considered to be relevant.  I.e., a god of wrath and vengeance, perhaps?

 The stories of Uranus, Cronus, and Zeus (and the rest of the mythologic gang) are the Greek versions, and thus stem from the time frame of the ancient Greeks.  In their frame of reference, therefore, Zeus was the current and ruling head, while Cronus was history (in every sense of the word) and Uranus was ancient history (literally!).  This is important if one is to consider any connection between the Greek mythology and the far more ancient, Sumerian myths -- the latter including the various members of the Anunnaki, the cadre of Gods and Goddesses.  

Uranus, the planet, can, for example, be clearly associated with the Sumerian god, Anu (aka heaven), the father of Enki and Enlil.  Anu/Uranus was the head honcho of Nibiru, the so-called Twelfth Planet.  It might be noted that Anu spent little time on the outpost Earth -- but more than say King George did of the American colonies.  (Curiously enough, there’s a lot of similarities between the two.)  In fact, the act of separating heaven (Anu/Nibiru) from Earth, may be analogous to the American Revolution, where the upstart colonies became independent of England (but where the tie that binds was never completely, irrevocably broken in either case).   

But if Uranus identifies with Anu, then the question becomes as to which of the Sumerian gods does Cronus compare?  The most likely answer appears to be Enlil, who was the head of the Anunnaki council on Earth (the Sumerian version), and thus “the Lord of his brothers”.  Enlil was also not above incorporating (the act of swallowing) as his own the powers of his children -- or for that matter anyone of the same or next generation.   

Similarly, by this logic, Gaia becomes either the Sumerian Antu or Ki.  Antu was the Great Mother Sky goddess, while Ki was considered to be the Sumerian earth goddess, and thus the more logical choice -- depending upon the scholar doing the interpretation of the ancient texts -- for the mother of Enlil.  Rhea is probably equivalent to Ninki, the half sister of Enki (and possibly Enlil).  Thus Gaia/Ki helps her son, Enlil/Cronus to overthrow Anu/Uranus.  Ki may have had a thing about earth at some point, and could have been jealous of Antu (with both Anu and Antu being sky types).   

Meanwhile, Rhea/Ninki takes part in the overthrow of Enlil/Cronus, and probably due in part to Ninki’s horror at Enlil’s actions in allowing humanity (her creation) to drown in the Great Flood and Deluge!  Ninki may also have been willing to take Enki’s side in the Enki and Enlil rivalry because of Enki’s saving of Ziusudra/Noah and his family.  

The overthrow of Cronus/Enlil seems to have been done by Marduk, the eldest son of Enki, who became the Babylonian God, circa 2000 B.C.E..  The occasion was marked in part by the fact that Enlil’s son, Ninurta, had just committed the rather grave gaffe of atom bombing Sodom and Gomorrah into oblivion, and in the process causing the destruction of the Sumerian civilization by radioactive fallout.  [And thus providing Ninki/Rhea one more reason for her to be upset with Enlil’s treatment of her human creations.  As the Anunnaki like to say, “It’s not nice to fool mother Ninki!”]   

According to the Sumerian chronicles, Enlil and the Anunnaki gods then flew away like birds abandoning a sinking ship.  This was also, likely, the beginning of the Age of Aries -- which by Anunnaki tradition was to be associated with Marduk’s planet, Mars.  Marduk is thus the equivalent of the Greek Zeus, even if Enlil was not his father (Enlil was his uncle -- but also the previous generation).  [Enki was Marduk’s father.]  

But when the Age of Aries ended circa 600 B.C.E., in all likelihood, so did Marduk’s reign.  The Age of Pisces began in its place, and being associated with the planet Neptune, probably brought Enki back in as the head honcho.  This does not discount Marduk, or any other of the Anunnaki, still being in the picture, but the turning point of the Sixth Century B.C.E. seems to have instituted the new state of affairs such that the Gods and Goddesses are no longer overtly interfering in the affairs of mankind.

 The relevance of the Greek myth of Cronus and Zeus -- a myth based on events likely to have happened long before 600 B.C.E. (making it essentially pre-Hellenic), and even in part circa 2000 B.C.E. and before -- is that the question of which Anunnaki will be in charge of the upcoming Age of Aquarius is still up for grabs.   

Anu/Uranus (Aquarius) may or may not be in the driver’s seat -- the connection between heaven and earth having previously been severed.  I.e., Anu’s not coming back, even if his favorite great granddaughter, Inanna may have her own plans.  Meanwhile, Enlil/Cronus seems unlikely to return, as well, what with his son, Ninurta, having done so much damage with the Sodom and Gomorrah fiasco, and Marduk/Zeus having brought the forces of the Anunnaki [in particular, Ninki’s wrath] to bear against him.  Enlil abstaining, of course, could be bad news for any Hebrews still worshipping a vengeful Jehovah/Enlil/Cronus.  

[Note also that the Sumerian mythology ended with the 2000 B.C.E. demise of the civilization, and thus the mythology/history of events later than 2000 B.C.E. would not have been included in the Sumerian version of who’s on first in terms of head honcho.]  

Accordingly, it would seem likely that the Cronus and Zeus myth was a description of what transpired during the Age of Aries and perhaps just prior.  But by the time of the Age of Pisces, the Enki card was being played, and neither the Greek nor the Sumerian myths address this latest changing of the guard.  The only remaining question, therefore, is to what extent Enki surplanted Marduk as Zeus, and with Marduk relegated to being one of his sons -- for example, Apollo, as a possibility.  

But the really big question is whether or not A Once and Future Myth, of something equivalent to it, is the future scenario beginning about 2012 A.D..  Is Enki ready to step down and let someone else take over.  Say Ningishzidda, for example?  

Things could soon become verrrrrry interesting.  


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