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Smallpox Vaccination Resistance

For individuals who prefer the idea of taking a smallpox vaccination -- just to be on the “safe side” -- read all about the subject of Smallpox. 

On the one hand, smallpox does appear to be a horrendous threat, even if the probability of a smallpox pandemic is small.  However, one can argue persuasively that any smallpox vaccines are not going to help!  This is, in fact, the crux of the matter, i.e. no matter how threatening a smallpox epidemic might seem, the real question is whether or not vaccination against it would be effective.

Two articles which are strongly opposed (i.e. resistant) to administering any Smallpox vaccine, especially any Mandatory Vaccines, are contained below.  

Leonard Horowitz, for example, has become a leader in what might be labeled “the smallpox vaccination resistance movement.”  Fundamentally, this movement is about avoiding the violation of the most basic, inalienable right of not having to submit to any vaccination of any sort or being subjected to injections, surgeries, or any other medical action against one’s free will.  The letter included below -- along with links to the relevant website -- is worth considering.   

But in all cases, of course, one must ultimately make their own choices  


ACIP-NVAC Smallpox Working Group
Mailstop E-05, 1600 Clifton Rd., N.E.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA 30333

RE: Smallpox Vaccination Concerns

Dear ACIP-NVAC and CDC Officials:  

I am writing to you to register my strongest opposition to the proposed smallpox inoculation program as a Harvard graduate in public health (1982) and internationally known authority in biological warfare and emerging disease research.  

My concerns transcend those legitimate issues raised by widespread opponents to smallpox vaccinations, including:  

            1) substantial risks of common side effects from smallpox vaccination to the general public and especially immune compromised populations,  

            2) inadequate smallpox vaccine safety testing record,  

            3) inadequate smallpox vaccine efficacy testing,  

            4) the availability of modern therapies to treat life threatening complications associated with smallpox infection,  

            5) the risk to unvaccinated populations from shedding infectious vaccinia virus for up to 21 days post vaccination,  

            6) lacking sufficient cost/benefit studies of the proposed vaccination campaign, and most importantly,  

            7) entirely lacking data from no risk/benefit studies having been performed on this proposed policy.  

Must I remind CDC and public health officials that the cornerstone of legitimate public health policy legislation rest entirely on this later premise -- that above all, more good should result than harm from the proposed vaccination program. To date, however, not one scientific assessment of the risk versus the benefit of smallpox vaccination has been conducted. Therefore, we simply do not know whether the proposed campaign would help and save more people that it might kill or maim. Obviously, this flies in the face of rational public health policy, and presents risks possibly more pervasive than a threatened or actual terrorist attack.  [emphasis added]  

The recent editorial in The Lancet [Vol. 359, No. 9313; 2002] should also be considered in this regard. The editors of this most esteemed scientific journal asked, “Just how tainted has medicine become [by pharmaceutical industry payoffs]?” They concluded, “Heavily, and damagingly so,” urging “doctors who support this culture for the best of intentions” to “have the courage to oppose practices that bring the whole of medicine into disrepute.” This speaks directly to your decision-making concerning the proposed smallpox campaign, especially reflecting on the following information.  

The little known fact is that the primary smallpox vaccine producers, Aventis and Baxter corporations, or their parent companies, are highly untrustworthy. They have been implicated on more than one occasion in committing genocide.  Genocide is simply defined as “the mass killing of people for economic, political, and/or ideological reasons.”

Baxter, along with other pharmaceutical firms including Bayer, is infamous for having committed genocide against the American hemophiliac population through their known sale of HIV-contaminated blood products. Both firms settled out of court for what amounted to economically motivated genocide. As the organizational chart shows [<http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/anthrax/flowchart.gif>], Baxter is a subsidiary of American Home Products (AHP).  AHP, like Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, is a progeny of I.G. Farben-Germany's leading industrial organization that virtually directed the Third Reich and Hitler's economic war engine. After World War II, I.G. Farben was primarily broken up into Bayer, Hoechst and BASF companies.  Aventis is a subsidiary of Hoechst.  In summary, both smallpox vaccine producers-Aventis and Baxter-share hideous legacies demanding caution, if not certain avoidance.

Please, for the sake of millions of people, public health, medical respectability, and the future of this great nation, Do not support any policy requiring forced smallpox vaccinations.

Sincerely yours,

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

President and Publisher, Tetrahedron Publishing Group

<http://www.tetrahedron.org> <len@tetrahedron.org>  


Another article worth considering is by Sherri Tenpenny, DO, who advises in the event of a “Smallpox Outbreak...do not panic.”  [Reminds one of the sage advice of “Don’t Panic” on the cover of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.]  Selected excerpts of this article follow below -- with the full contents available at<http://www.mercola.com/2002/jul/10/smallpox_outbreak.htm>.   

It should be noted that much of the information below was supposedly gleamed from a meeting on June 20, 2002, of the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP), where one and a half days of testimony were presented prior to posting the recommendations for smallpox vaccination by the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS.)  


Generally Accepted Facts  

Nearly every article or news headliner regarding smallpox is designed to instill and continually reinforce fear in the minds of the general public. Apparently the goal is to make everyone demand the vaccine as soon as it is available and/or in the event of an outbreak.  A very similar media campaign was developed prior to the release of the Salk polio vaccine in 1955. The polio vaccine had been in development for more than a year prior to its release and was an untested “investigational new drug,” just as the smallpox vaccine will be.  The difference is that the potential side effects and complications of the smallpox vaccine are already known, and they are extensive.  

Generally accepted facts about smallpox include:  

  1. Smallpox is highly contagious and could spread rapidly, killing millions  

  2. Smallpox can be spread by casual contact with an infected person  

  3. The death rate from smallpox is thought to be 30%  

  4. There is no treatment for smallpox  

  5. The smallpox vaccine will protect a person from getting the disease  

As it turns out, these “accepted facts” are not the “real facts.”  

Myth 1: Smallpox Is Highly Contagious  

Smallpox has a slow transmission and is not highly contagious,” stated Joel Kuritsky, MD, director of the National Immunization Program and Early Smallpox Response and Planning at the CDC.  This statement is a direct contradiction to nearly everything we have ever heard or read about smallpox.  However, keep in mind that this comes “straight from the horse’s mouth” and should be considered the “real story” regarding how smallpox is spread.  [emphasis added]  

Even if a person is exposed to a known bioterrorist attack with smallpox, it doesn’t mean that he will contract smallpox. The signs and symptoms of the disease will not occur immediately, and there is time to plan.  The infection has an incubation period of 3 to 17 days,[1] and the first symptom will be the development of a high fever (>101ş F), accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headache, severe abdominal cramping and low back pain. The person will be ill and most likely bed-ridden; not out mixing with the general public.  Even with a fever, it is critically important to realize that at this point the person is still not contagious.  In fact, the fever may be caused by something else, such as the flu.  

However, if a smallpox infection is developing, the characteristic rash will begin to develop within two to four days after the onset of the fever. The person becomes contagious and has the ability to spread the infection only after the development of the rash.  [emphasis added]  

“The characteristic rash of variola major is difficult to misdiagnose,” stated Walter A. Orenstein, M.D., Director of the National Immunization Program (NIP) at the CDC. The classic smallpox rash is a round, firm pustule that can spread and become confluent. The lesions are all in the same stage of development over the entire body and appear to be distributed more on the palms, soles and face than on the trunk or extremities.  

Action Item:  In the event of an exposure, it is imperative that you do everything you can to improve the functioning of your immune system so that an “exposure” does not have to result in an “outbreak.”  

a. Stop eating all foods that contain refined white sugar products, since sugar inhibits the functioning of your white blood cells, your first line of defense.[2]


(There are many other health-conscious dietary considerations to consider, but that is beyond the scope of this article.)


b. Start taking large doses of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has been proven in hundreds of studies to be effective in protecting the body from viral infections,[3] including smallpox. [4] For an extensive scientific review on the use of this nutrient and a “dosing recipe”, read Vitamin C, The Master Nutrient, by Sandra Goodman, Ph.D.

<http://www.positivehealth.com /permit/Articles/ Nutrition/vitcpre.htm>


c. If you develop a fever, you still have time to plan. Purchase enough fresh, organic produce and filtered water to last three weeks. Move the kids to grandma’s or the neighbor’s house.


d. Remember: you may not get the infection and you are not contagious until you get the rash!  

Myth 2: Smallpox Is Easily Spread By Casual Contact With An Infected Person  

Smallpox will not rapidly disseminate throughout the community. Even after the development of the rash, the infection is slow to spread. “The infection is spread by droplet contamination and coughing or sneezing are not generally part of the infection.  Smallpox will not spread like wildfire,” said Orenstein. He stated that the spread of smallpox to casual contacts is the “exception to the rule.” Only 8% of cases in Africa were contracted by accidental contact. Transmission of smallpox occurs only after intense contact, defined as “constant exposure of a person that is within 6-7 feet for a minimum of 6-7 days.”[5]  

Dr. Orenstein reported that in Africa, 92% of all cases came from close associations and in India, all cases came from prolonged personal contact. Dr. Tom Mack from the University of Southern California stated that in Pakistan, 27% of cases demonstrated no transmission to close associates. Nearly 37% had a transmission of only one generation, meaning that the second person to contract smallpox did not pass it onto the third person. These statistics directly contradict models that predict an exponential spread to millions.  

Even without medical care, isolation was the best way to stop the spread of smallpox in Third World, population dense areas. With a slow transmission rate and an informed public, Mack estimated that the total number of smallpox cases in America would be less than 10, a far cry from the millions postulated by the press.  Dr. Kuritsky said at the CDC Public Forum on Smallpox on June 8 in St. Louis, “Given the slow transmission rate and that people need to be in close contact for nearly a week to spread the infection, the scenario in which a terrorist could infect himself with smallpox and contaminate an entire city by walking through the streets touching people is purely fiction.”  

Point to ponder:  Mass vaccination was halted in Third World countries because it didn’t work.  In India, villages with an 88% vaccination rate still had outbreaks.  After the World Health Organization began a surveillance and containment campaign, actively seeking cases of smallpox, isolating them in their homes, and vaccinating family members and close contacts, outbreaks were virtually eliminated within 2 years. The CDC and the WHO organization attribute the eradication of smallpox to the ring vaccination of close contacts. However, since the infection runs its course in 3-6 weeks, perhaps ISOLATION ALONE would have effectively accomplished the same thing.  

Myth #3: The Death Rate From Smallpox Is 30%  

Nearly every newspaper and journal article quotes this statistic. However, as pointed out in the presentation by Dr. Tom Mack, it appears that the “30% fatality rate” has come from skewed data. Dr. Mack has worked with smallpox extensively and saw more than 120 outbreaks in Pakistan throughout the early 1970s.  

Villages would apparently have “an importation” every 5-10 years, regardless of vaccination status, and the outbreak could always be predicated by living conditions and social arrangements. There were many small outbreaks and individual cases that never came to the attention of the local authorities.  

Mack stated that even with poor medical care, the case fatality rate in adults was “much lower than is generally advertised” and thought to be 10-15%. He said that the statistics were “loaded with children that had a much higher fatality,” making the average death rate reported to be much higher. Amazingly, he revealed his opinion that even without mass vaccination, “smallpox would have died out anyway. It just would have taken longer.”  

Even so, people died. Why? After all, smallpox is a skin disease and “other organs are seldom involved.”[6]  Kathi Williams of the National Vaccine Information Center asked this question at the Institute of Medicine meeting on June 15th. On June 20, an answer was finally forthcoming when a member of the ACIP committee said, “That is a good question. Does anyone know the actual cause of death from smallpox?”  

At that point, Dr. D.A. Henderson, from the John Hopkins University Department of Epidemiology volunteered a comment. Dr. Henderson directed the World Health Organization’s global smallpox eradication campaign (1966-1977) and helped initiate WHO’s global program of immunization in 1974. He approached the microphone and stated, “Well, it appears that the cause of death of smallpox is a ‘mystery.’”  He stated that a medical resident had been asked to do a complete review of the literature and “not much information” was found. It is postulated that the people died from a “generalized toxemia” and that those with the most severe forms of smallpox -- the hemorrhagic or confluent malignant types -- died of complications of skin sloughing, similar to a burn. However, he concluded by saying, “it’s frustrating, because we don’t really know.”  

Comment: I find this to be extremely frightening. If we knew why people died when they contracted smallpox, perhaps current medical technology could treat the complications, making the death rate much lower. Considering that the last known case of smallpox in the U.S. was in Texas in 1949, continuing to report that smallpox has a 30% death rate is similar to saying that all heart attacks are fatal. Based on 1949 technology, that would be accurate reporting. But in 2002, all heart attacks are NOT fatal. Neither would smallpox have a mortality rate of 30%.  


Will Three Unlicensed Smallpox Vaccines Be Used to Immunize 500,000 Americans?  

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Smallpox Bioterrorism  

Sanitation Vs. Vaccination - The Origin of Smallpox  

US Will Be Retaining Smallpox Stocks  



1. JAMA, June 9, 1999; Vol. 281, No. 22, p 3132.

2. Bernstein, J, et al., “Depression of lymphocyte transformation following oral glucose ingestion”, Am. J. of Clin. Nut., 1977; 30:613.

3. Murata, A., “Virucidal Activity of Vitamin C: Vitamin C for Prevention and Treatment of Viral Diseases”, Proceedings of the First Intersectional Congress of Microbiological Societies, Science Council of Japan 3:432-442, 1975.

4. Kligler, I. J., Bernkopf, H. “Inactivation of Vaccinia Virus by Ascorbic Acid and Glutathione”, Nature, vol. 139:pp.965-966, 1937.

5. Am. J. Epid. 1971; 91:316-326.

6. JAMA, June 9, 1999; Vol. 281, No. 22, p 2130.  


Fundamentally, it is irrational, illogical, and contrary to all forms of reason to force anyone to be vaccinated.  For if the vaccines are effective, then those choosing to be vaccinated have nothing to fear from those not being vaccinated.  Whereas those avoiding vaccination do have reason to avoid those who have been vaccinated, if only because the latter could be carriers of the virus/disease.  But if the vaccines are not effective, then the vaccinated are supposedly not protected from the unvaccinated.  Thus any mandatory vaccination program is predicated on the basis that the vaccines are probably not effective.  

Mandatory vaccination is thus akin to madness, and may be considered total justification for Anarchy and/or Revolution.  OR just Creating Reality of a far different sort.

As they say, “Don’t get stuck.”


Health and Responsibility         Vaccines         Smallpox

Smallpox Vaccine Results

Or forward to:

Ritalin, et al         Drug Enforcers

Medical Organizations         Inexpensive Remedies         Mental Health



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