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Sacred Mathematics
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Chronicles of Earth
Justice, Order, and Law
Extraterrestrial Life
Creating Reality
Tree of Life


The first book of the Bible is a fascinating document.  On the one hand, it is the basis for many religions -- either as a matter of faith or one of historical precedence.  At the same time, it is a complete history spanning eons, but still capable of telling unique stories of individuals.  In the original Hebrew, it is a masterpiece of Sacred Geometry -- wherein it incorporates the Geometry of Alphabets while recreating the story of mankind.  But it is also the subject of a massive number of interpretations (and probably misinterpretations as well).  In this latter respect, it is often more that of “a puzzle wrapped in an enigma.”  

There is, for example, in the King James version a distinction between “God” and the “Lord God”.  Chapter One is exclusively the province of “God”, the creator of the heaven and the earth, while beginning at Genesis 2:4, the Lord God is supposedly in charge.  It is almost as if “God” was the universal creator, while the “Lord God” was an earth-based deity.  In fact, it was when (or after) God was resting on the “seventh day” that the Lord God began the “generations” on a whole new regimen.  God created man in his image, and the Lord God used a dusty clay model.  It’s possible they’re the same being, but the evidence is not strong in that regard.  On the contrary...  

There are the paradoxes, the apparent contradictions, the strange twists and turns of first one thing, and then, curiously, the seemingly opposite.  Consider one the most obvious:  

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..."  "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." -- Genesis 1: 26-27  [emphasis added]  

Why the plural tense?  Are we talking about the “royal we”?  If so, then why was the proposal to make man in the plural tense, but the actual act, in the singular?  Basically, we must ask, “What do you mean, “we”, white man?”  All of which is also applicable to:  

"And the Lord God said, Behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever;" -- Genesis 3: 22  [emphasis added]  

Become one of us, become a God?  Man?  Eat of the Tree of Life and live forever?  It might be justifiable as punishment to send Man packing, but why bring up the tree of life thing?  Obviously the tree’s fruit was an eye opener for the naked couple, but...?           

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, [and presumably to do long division as well] and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." -- Genesis 6: 1-2  

I can appreciate the daughters being fair, but “the sons of God” is not at all clear -- at least in the context of there being only one god.  But if there were two or more...  Then the “us” is clear, even if only one “he” was the final version of created man.  And if more than two, why not have sons of God?  (And presumably daughters?)  A pantheon!  

Biblical Scholars, including the Jesuits of the Catholic Church, have reluctantly had to admit that there must have been at least two gods in the story of Genesis.  In fact, if the role model for Genesis was the Sumerian Epic of Creation, then it’s pretty much of a done deal that there was a whole flock of Gods and Goddesses in the time before man.  Not necessarily before the Chapter One Creator God, but by the time of the Garden, Adam and Eve, and so forth.  This group of “lesser" gods and goddesses --  as distinct from the Creator God -- may indeed have been troubled by the possibility of man inadvertently joining their ranks by eating of the Tree of Life.  They might have also been concerned about man’s attempts to build new and wondrous things, such as:  

"And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."  -- Genesis 11: 6-7  

If the local gods and goddesses are not omnipotent, but simply superior beings, then the concern for man’s getting “uppity” makes sense.  Otherwise, why would a tower built to reach heaven give any concern to a true Supreme Being.  Did God actually think the Tower of Babel might reach the heavens?  If your kid tells you of his or her decision to build a Giza size pyramid in the backyard, is this going to cause you a great deal of worry?  

Alternatively, was it simply a “tower” or something a bit more?  Like a means of lifting off the planet?  Ah, then, now there’s a case of concern!  Because the key phrase is: “nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”   

This latter phrase hasn’t received a lot of press, even though it has been echoed in the words of Jesus Christ, i.e.  

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” -- Mark 11:24  

But the idea is probably noteworthy.  [The latter statement is the Grand Prize Winner for the Biggest Understatement within this website!  Congratulations to the winner!]  

Obviously, much of the early chapters in Genesis are perplexing in their interpretation.  If one ignores the two creation of man stories -- Genesis 1:27 (the image thing) and Genesis 2:7 (the dust one) -- you’ve still got a lot of reversals and inconsistencies.  For example:  

[ God placed Man in the Garden of Eden -- then threw him out.  In the process, He blessed Man (Genesis 1:28), and then cursed him (Genesis 3:17-19), as in:  

"...cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."    

Hey man, you’re dirt!  On the other hand...  

“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”  Genesis 3:21  

Just as God show Adam and Eve the door, He gives them a door prize!?  

[ He cursed Cain...  

"Now art thou cursed from the earth... When thou tillest the ground; it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and vagabond shalt thou be in the earth." -- Genesis 4:11-12           

And then He protected Cain!!!  

"...Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.  And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him." -- Genesis 4:15  

[ Man fell out of favor...  

"And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." -- Genesis 6:6  

But then...  

"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."  -- Genesis 6:8  

We’re either talking about a very inconsistent God -- even one possibly schizophrenic.  Either than or something else.  

The simplest answer is often the best.  Therefore, how about the idea that there was more than one local god?  This does not discount the possibility of a truly Supreme, Singular Being from creating the heaven and the earth, but the down-to-earth activities are inevitably the work -- and possibly the conflict -- of two or more gods.   

Over the last fifty years or so, there have been found and interpreted, libraries of clay tablets from the Sumerian Civilization, circa 4,000 to 2,000 B.C.E.  The Sumerian texts, specifically the Epic of Creation is essentially the long version of Genesis (or Genesis is the edited, condensed Reader’s Digest version, or the executive summary of the Sumerian account.  The Sumerian texts are on six tablets, with a 7th glorifying God -- akin to the 7 days of Genesis.  The Epic details the creation of the planets (aka the firmament), and the separation of the “waters”.  (Keep in mind also that the Sumerian texts described the creation and some characteristics of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto -- with modern astronomy finding these planets only in the last 150 years or so.)  

The latter brings up the critical question of:  “How was the Sumerian knowledge obtained (who told them!)?  

According to the texts: the Anunnaki (i.e. "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came").  

Are there any more questions?  

Okay.  But pay attention here.  This is a crash course.  According to the Sumerian texts, a deposed leader of a planet called Nibiru discovered gold on Earth.  This might not sound like a big deal for a species obviously capable of long range interplanetary travel, but gold figures heavily into the situation.  Recall that:  

In Genesis, after God made the heaven (the firmament) and the Earth, divided the waters, created grass, herbs and trees, placed lights in the firmament, created the fishes, the fowl, the great whales and animals, made man in his image, rested on the seventh day; after which he watered the earth (Genesis 2:6), formed man (again?) of the dust of the ground and breathed life into him (such that he became a living soul -- Genesis 2:7), created the Garden of Eden and placed man in it (Genesis 2:8), then grew the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:9), arranged for four rivers, one to irrigate the garden (Genesis 2:10), and immediately thereafter (Genesis 2:11) announced, "Thar's Gold in Them Thar Hills"!  

Strange.  There is no mention of copper, aluminum, or carbon...  Just... gold.  Gold, apparently, is very important!  Biblically, as well as to the Anunnaki -- the latter apparently spacefarers from the planet, Nibiru.  

Again, according to the texts, thousands of years after the earth gold discovery, the gold rush began in earnest.  The Anunnaki in charge was named EA (Nudimmud), or Enki ("Lord of Earth" -- EN, lord; KI, earth).  Enki was an engineer/scientist.  He established a base at the headwaters of the Persian Gulf, at Eridu (now considerably inland due to the sediment build up), in order to acquire gold from sea water.  

[The fact the Anunnaki put an engineer in charge should give us considerable pause.]  

Roughly 29,000 years later (greater than the time for the precession of the equinoxes -- and a strong implication of the Anunnaki extremely long lifetimes), it became apparent that acquiring gold from sea water was not living up to expectations.  Anu (the head honcho of Nibiru) and his heir-apparent, Enlil ("Lord of the Command") arrived on the scene to set things straight.  

Therein begin the earth portion of the continuing sibling rivalry saga of Enki and Enlil.  One was the first-born son of Anu, and the other the first-born son of Anu and his half-sister.  Remember the tale of Abraham, Sarah, Ismael, and Isaac?  Same drill.  Enlil had it over Enki (just as Isaac had it over Ismael), and their rivalry would last for some 450,000 years -- give or take an eon.  Talk about carrying a grudge!           

The Compromise Plan was to mine the gold.  Enki was placed in charge of mining South Africa, while Enlil took over the administrative duties in Sumer.  Thousands of years later, more Anunnaki began arriving, opening mines, and creating boom towns.  (See the movie: Paint Your Spaceship.)  

This was not a sterling plan, however.  [pardon the pun]  There were wars and mutinies.  Turns out the Anunnaki are not into tens of thousands of years of working the mines -- even for gold.  Enlil was then taken hostage, whereupon he blamed Enki (naturally!).  But Anu knew better (it’s the “Father knows best” syndrome).  The problem was that mining was hard work -- and no fringe benefits for the last 130,000 years or so.  

But Enki had a solution.  He proposed to cross breed the Anunnaki with some local beasts known as Homo erectus, and make them do the work.  Everybody agreed.  (Well, all of the Anunnaki.)   Enki’s proposal was to combine DNAs -- i.e. create man in the image of the Anunnaki.  Enki and his half-sister, Ninhursag (Ninti) began a program of genetic engineering and created ADAPA ("the mixed worker") or ADAMA.  Ninti, given the job of carrying the creation to term, was able to announce, "I have created it!"  

After Ninti's first born, the team resorted to 14 Birth Goddesses to begin an assembly line birthing operation for the new mixed workers.  Unfortunately, the ADAPA was a hybrid -- i.e., he could not procreate.  So this plan worked for a while.             

But the assembly line goddesses found the program somewhat arduous.  Assembly line birthing has never been what it’s cracked up to be.  For the goddesses it was less than appealing -- not a whole lot better than mining.  Thus in a second act of creation of man [Ah, so!  Two creation stories!], Enki and Ninti created a man and woman who could procreate.  Enki just didn't tell Enlil about the new models.  [The plot thickens.] 

Meanwhile, Enlil had decided he wanted his own undocumented workers to do the ditch digging and crop raising in Mesopotamia.  So he placed some of Enki and Ninti's creations in a place called in the Sumerian texts, E.DIN.  To tend the garden, and the trees.  Enlil, however, still thought they were hybrids and incapable of procreating, whereas Enki had sold him the new models.  Boy was Enlil surprised!  For, of course, the new state of (love) affairs eventually became obvious!  These two had been eating of the Tree of Life!  And for this crime, Enlil threw them out of the Garden -- the ultimate act in party pooping.  

This then is the key!  The solution to the Biblical paradoxes is that there were (at least) two gods -- and for the most part, working from contradictory agendas.  In fact, most of the following history is based on the rivalry between Enki and Enlil, with the rest of the Anunnaki being split in their agendas as to who to support next.  

According to the Sumerian texts, the Number One God was Anu (MARDUK in the Babylonian version), while in the creation of Man, Enki was God.  The Lord God referred to either Enlil ("Lord of the Command") or Enki ("Lord of Earth").  Enki made man, Enlil created the Garden of Eden.  Enki was the “serpent” who genetically engineered man so he could procreate (eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil).  Enlil is the God who threw man out of the  garden, and Enki who clothed him.  Enlil took Abel's offering, but ignored Cain's, cast Cain out and cursed him; Enki gave him his passport to freedom.  The other players are identified in the Sumerian Family Tree.           

The “sons of God” (not the Lord God), the "giants in the earth", were the Anunnaki who found the female half-breeds to their liking.  Sumerian texts talk about the Anunnaki sons breeding with human women, and creating "mighty men of renown."  Enlil hated it and vowed to kill off man.  As luck would have it, he got help. The Deluge and Flood.  

Roughly 11,600 B.C.E., Nibiru had a close encounter of the most important kind with Earth, triggering the ice cap of Antarctica to slide off and swamp the place.  The Anunnaki had seen it coming and hauled ass while Enlil demanded that the humans not be forewarned! Enki by subterfuge saved Noah, the latter also known as Ziusudra (Sumerian) or Utnapishtim (Babylonian).  Noah also saved the animals, the fowl, his family, and a fair number of laborers on the Ark.  Enki told Noah to tell the city folk that he's building a boat to journey away from Enlil, who is mad at him and is causing untold misery -- and the town folk are only too eager to help build the Ark.  (“Noah,” by the way, means Respite.  Things had been altogether too dry on earth prior to the Deluge and Flood.)  

And of course, it was Enlil who did the Tower of Babel gig (about 3400 B.C.E.).  Enlil is definitely not a fan of man!  Even the stories of Abraham begin to make sense.  Isaac and Ishmael are simply a reprise of the Enlil and Enki drama -- the drama which about 2000 B.C.E. flourished into all out war.   

Abraham (as noted in the Chronicles of Earth) was the commander of an elite military, calvary force.  In rescuing Lot, with his 318 well trained and armed men, Abraham was in the employ of Enlil.  And with such credentials, Abraham, upon arriving in Egypt was able to immediately go before the Pharaoh -- which was not the privilege of most shepherds!   

But the dramatic climax came at Sodom and Gomorrah, where Enlil’s son went over the edge and used nuclear weapons to obliterate two cities in conflict with Enlil (a “grievous sin” from one point of view).  The result was not only their fiery end, but anyone exposed to the blast was either incinerated or turned into a pillar of salt.  Unfortunately, the fallout was even more grievous, in that the Sumerian Civilization met its end as a result of its being downwind from ground zero.  


Now...  Is any of the above, legitimate?  

Basically, yes.  The entire scenario is based on the Sumerian texts, and the thoughtful and insightful consideration of numerous scholars, including Zecharia Sitchin, Laurence Gardner, and many others.  It is also based on hard science.  In the latter category there is the evidence concerning:  

The advent of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon man (particularly in the timing of their appearances and evolutionary timescales);  

The identification of the ancestry of Adam and Eve, from mitochondria DNA and the male equivalent;  

An understanding of the varying lifetimes of The Adam's Family and their descendants, and the Sumerian King List (“Before the Flood” and thereafter);  Comparative Religions

The identification of Adam as “Adama”; E.DIN as Eden, Enoch as Enmendaranna; Lamech as Ubar-tutu; Noah as Ziusudra, etceteras;  

The fact of the Sumerian Civilization suddenly having all of the firsts: (aka The Me, which included: writing, law, proverbs, priests, animal husbandry, and genetic engineering of crops), and agriculture returning after the Flood (around 11,500 B.C.E.) in the highlands instead of the -- flooded -- valleys).           

The gods of the ancient Egyptian Civilization: Ptah, Ra, Shu and Tefnut, Geb, Seth and Nephtys, Osiris and Isis, Horus, Thoth -- all being identical with their Sumerian counterparts, and the dating of Ra after the flood, Ptah’s rebuilding, the creation of the Sphinx circa 10,000 B.C.E. (the Great Pyramid having been constructed earlier); and even  

The early MesoAmerican Civilization, where the precursors to the Incas (the latter being the race immediately preceding the Dinkas and the Dos) created in what must have been a hell-of-a-place to start one, a civilization.  The Andes was not an agricultural region, such as the Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, Indus valleys, but on the other hand, there was in abundance: gold and tin (the latter a critical ingredient in bronze).  The Andes location was also at a high elevation in case of high water!  

There is just too much evidence not to believe the plausibility of the above.  But if you want more detail, simply refer to the Annals of Earth.  The evidence is astounding!  

But there is also an unanswered question in all of the above.  What is so all-fired important about gold?  (Besides the fact that it’s “god” with an “l” inserted.)  

In a word (or two), gold is the source for the ORME, the Star Fire, the “What is it?” of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the “white powder of gold” of the Ha Qabala, the key ingredient in the long lives and powers of the Anunnaki -- and by implication of their step-children, the members of the human race.  Gold is one route to the Tree of Life, as well as The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Gold is the premier example of the Precious Metals (gold, silver, rhodium, iridium, platinum, palladium, osmium, and ruthenium).  

Genesis, therefore, is the story of such magnitude and majesty as to stun the imagination.  

Genesis is, truly, “the origin, or mode of formation or generation,” of humans for whom “nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”   


Epic of Creation         Chronicles of Earth

Forward to:

Comparative Religions         Sumerian         The Me

Enki and Enlil         Anunnaki         Sumerian Family Tree

Adam and Eve         Adam’s Family         Deluge         Sodom and Gomorrah



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