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(the screenplay)

Premiered 21 April 2006

by Daniel Sewell DocPtah Ward


            Imagine a dysfunctional family of extraterrestrials vying for control of the Earth.

            Imagine also that this struggle has been going on for millennia.

            Imagine you are caught up in this conflict, where you realize that in order for you to survive... for even your species to survive... you must evolve into a higher being.

            And finally...

            Imagine that this story is true.


Humanki is a fictional account of Dawn Riordan, who finds herself in the midst of a state-of-affairs that may very well be a true account of the world.  While the events and storyline are fictional, the basis and underlying plot are likely true.  Many of the characters in the story are archetypes or real beings, their characterization based on the best available evidence from historical documents.  As a screenplay, Humanki is a greatly condensed version of the novel on which it’s based, The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus.


Dawn is an intelligent, attractive and unexpected heroine, a woman with prophetic dreams. Meeting her new boss, Gil Lewis, at the hospital after he is suspiciously injured in an auto accident, she receives from him a cryptic, prearranged code, and quickly finds herself on the run.  Very quickly, in the company of an unexpected ally, she begin a trek to key locations around the world, always staying one step ahead of their pursuers, while at the same time learning stunning truths about the world.  Humanki is first and foremost a story of Dawn Riordan’s journey of the soul, as she encounters challenge after challenge, and ultimately transforms herself into something far beyond what she had ever previously imagined. 

On one level, the screenplay is an adventure, filled with intelligent (but misguided) bad guys, chases, narrow misses, unique escapes, exotic locations, comic relief, and the inevitable romantic interest. Tantalizing clues are liberally dispersed throughout the story, and find resolution in the most unusual ways.  The storyline itself is fast-paced, filled with revelations and exciting events and ideas, and in the end, covers a great deal of territory.

Very importantly, Humanki deals with prophetic and extraordinary truths about ancient history, governmental conspiracies and vested interests, covert extraterrestrial activities, bewildering and anomalous events and theories, the incredible truths about the strange events occurring on the third planet from the sun, and the potential for the transformation of the human species from Homo sapiens sapiens to the next evolutionary quantum leap and something far greater.


Copyright 1995, 2006 Dan Sewell Ward



Episode One -- Alas Babylon

Episode Two -- Come Fly With Me

Episode Three -- Popo...

Episode Four -- And the Lady

Episode Five-- Out of Egypt

Episode Six-- Kali Lumenes

Episode Seven-- Avalon


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