Are the Extraterrestrials Who First Came to Earth Still Here?For Updates and more thoughts, visit the Halexandria Forums
With respect to “Prime Directive” Violations, and descriptions in ancient Sumerian texts of the Anunnaki (“those who from heaven to earth came”), there are three possibilities: 1) The extraterrestrials who first arrived on Earth, transformed Homo erectus into Homo sapiens (via DNA manipulations), and ruled the Earth for generations, have left the Earth and are not coming back. 2) They’re still here (and have been), but they’re staying out of the limelight. [In this connection, they just might have gone underground!] Or 3) They left, but they’re coming back (and they may not be too happy about what has happened since taking their “sabbatical”), i.e. get ready for Future Interventions! These possibilities -- and even a fourth or fifth possibility -- are discussed in a paper first presented at the 1995 conference of the International Forum on New Science. Inasmuch as the material is still relevant, the paper is presented here without further editing. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Are the Extraterrestrials Who First Came to Earth Still Here? Dan Sewell Ward Copyright 1995, 2003 Dan Sewell Ward Abstract Zecharia Sitchin has provided a fascinating documentation on the existence of extraterrestrials in the history of mankind. These extraterrestrials are described in ancient Sumerian texts (circa 1500 to 3500 BCE -- “Before Current Era”) as being the Anunnaki (“those who from heaven to earth came”). According to Sitchin (1985, 1990-1) and any open-minded interpretation of the various ancient texts available to us today, the Anunnaki were instrumental in creating man some 250,000 years ago, and were thereafter extensively involved in mankind’s history during the pre-Christian eras. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, can best be interpreted in a consistent manner by incorporating the ancient Sumerian description of the Anunnaki. [Laurence Gardner and others have provided ever more detail on the subject, including the recent publications of Genesis of the Grail Kings and Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark -- both written by Gardner, and includes comprehensive, extensively researched notes and justifications for the Anunnaki legacy.] Despite Zecharia Sitchin’s [et al] comprehensive research and scholarly interpretation of the ancient texts, two major questions concerning the Anunnaki have not been fully explored. The first question, which relates to the second, is why did they come to the Earth to begin with? The second question is whether or not the Anunnaki, after having been so completely immersed in the history of mankind, are still on the planet earth today. The Anunnaki According to Zecharia Sitchin (1985) and his interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts, extraterrestrials first arrived on the planet Earth some 485,000 years ago. These extraterrestrials were referred to by the Sumerians as the Anunnaki (“those who from heaven to earth came”). They are believed to have been from the planet Nibiru, a planet allegedly orbiting about our sun in a strongly elliptical orbit every 3,600 years. The planet's perihelion (closest point of approach to the Sun) is thought to be within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, at a distance from the Sun of approximately 2.75 A.U. (an A.U. being the distance from the Sun to the Earth). The fact Nibiru is not known to modern science is likely due to the planet's aphelion (furthermost point in the planet's orbit from the Sun) being more than eight times the distance from the Sun to the planet Pluto (roughly 40 A.U.). Furthermore, Nibiru is now far out in deep space and unlikely to be easily detected. The Anunnaki are an extremely long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500,000 Earth years, or about 140 “Nibiru years”. Accordingly, Anunnaki events move along very slowly compared to the hectic pace of humans. After the first Anunnaki arrived on Earth, for example, the first notable event was the discovery of gold 36,000 years later. This led to an Anunnaki mission to Earth to recover the gold from sea water roughly 445,000 years ago. This initial effort was led by an Anunnaki named EA, who assumed the title EN.KI (“Lord of Earth”). After the initial operation failed to produce the expected quantities of gold, an enlarged operation was commenced, this time under the command of EN.LIL (translated as "Lord of the Command"). Enlil was the half-brother of Enki. But while Enki was the older of the two brothers, Enlil was the Heir Apparent of Nibiru in the same manner as Isaac was Abraham’s favored son over Ishmael. The resulting Enki and Enlil rivalry turned out to be very important in the history of mankind and in understanding such historical documents as the biblical Book of Genesis. The original gold extraction operation had been located in Mesopotamia at the head of the Persian Gulf. The new plan was to mine gold from the ground in southern Africa (referred to in the Sumerian texts as the AB.ZU), ship it back to Mesopotamia, and then lift it off the planet for trans-shipment to Nibiru. Enki was given authority over Africa (including Egypt), while Enlil took control of Mesopotamia and the overall Earth mission. Roughly 272,000 years ago, the Anunnaki laboriously mining the gold from the South African mines mutinied! The mutiny and the difficulties the Anunnaki had encountered in working the mines were resolved when Enki proposed to create a “primitive worker” to do the work in lieu of the Anunnaki. In effect, Enki proposed, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Given the go-ahead, Enki and his half-sister, Ninki, created man, Homo sapiens sapiens, through genetic engineering for the sole purpose of providing workers to mine the gold! Man was created by cross-breeding Homo erectus with an extraterrestrial! Ninki herself carried the first “mixed worker” to term and gave birth to a being she called the “Lulu”. Later, fourteen “birth goddesses” (female Anunnaki) were utilized to produce additional workers. This solution was only a moderate success in that the Lulu (or “mixed worker”) was a hybrid and incapable of procreation (just as the mule, the cross between a horse and a donkey, cannot reproduce itself). And as the “birth goddesses” became weary of continually being pregnant, Enki and Ninki were forced to modify the genetic structure of the Lulu in order for it to be able to reproduce itself. They created the “Adama”. This latter step, however, was taken without Enlil’s knowledge! Eventually, many of the Lulus were taken to Mesopotamia to work in agriculture and aid the Anunnaki efforts to raise food for themselves and their new workers. According to the Sumerian texts, Enlil created E.DIN, a special place where new strains of edible crops could be developed and later implemented. Lulus were placed inside E.DIN, but without Enlil having learned of the Lulu’s recently acquired ability to procreate. When the obvious result became obvious even to Enlil, when the Lulu’s had effectively eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (i.e. sexual knowing), the result was the Adama’s expulsion from E.DIN. At the same time, Enki was the god who clothed the now homeless Adam and Eve. In fact, the duality of the God of Genesis can be explained by the often opposing actions of Enlil and Enki. Even the Jesuits of the Catholic Church have begun to acknowledge the reality of at least two gods in the story of Genesis. The existence of the Anunnaki as “gods” also explains Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 6:2, and 6:4. Scientific confirmation for the creation of mankind from Homo erectus roughly 250,000 years ago comes from two sources. The first is from Cann, et al (1987) wherein mitochondrial DNA (a form of DNA transmitted only maternally) had been used to postulate a single woman living in Africa roughly 250,000 years ago who became the mother of every human being now living on the planet. More recently, Dorit, et al (1995) have found no intraspecific polymorphism whatsoever in a gene paternally inherited, and concluded a date of the last common male ancestor of all humans currently on the planet to be 270,000 BCE. The ancient Sumerian texts also describe in great detail the events leading up to the Flood and Deluge of biblical renown (circa 11,600 BCE) and the histories of mankind down through the age of Abraham and his grandchild, Jacob. The Sumerian version has been found to corroborate the Book of Genesis at every turn, and in fact has provided a much more detailed description of the biblical events. In many respects, the Book of Genesis is an executive summary of the far more ancient Sumerian texts. Sitchin (1990-1) has given extensive documentation for the corroboration of the Sumerian texts and their interpretation by modern scientific discoveries. These Sumerian texts are readily available (e.g. Dalley, 1989) and any open-minded interpretation tends to confirm Sitchin's hypothesis. This is particularly true of the Sumerian Enuma Elish which describes the creation of our solar system in a scientifically consistent manner. The Sumerian texts in describing the details of the ancient history of mankind place a strong emphasis on the fact that gold belonged to the gods (the human term for the Anunnaki). In this regard, it is worth noting Genesis 2:11-12, where after God had created the heaven and the earth and placed man in the garden of Eden (but before creating Eve), the narrative informs us of the existence of gold in Havilah and the fact “the gold of that land is good.” This supports the ancient Sumerian texts in their assigning an overriding importance of gold to the Anunnaki. This emphasis, in turn, leads us to the primary mission of the Anunnaki in coming to Earth -- the why of their mission. But before describing this theory, it is necessary to digress momentarily and discuss the theories of David Radius Hudson (1994). Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements The ORME (i.e. Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements) is a term coined by David Hudson, and which, coincidentally, is the same as the Hebrew word meaning “The Tree of Life”. According to Hudson, a group of eight elements, known as “the precious metals” and including ruthenium, Rhodium and Iridium, palladium, osmium, platinum, silver, and gold, are to be found in nature in a mono-atomic form. In this mono-atomic state the precious metals no longer display the characteristics of metals, but lose their chemical reactivity and change the configuration of their nuclei. Within the new configuration, the atoms interact in two dimensions, with the superdeformed nuclei reaching high spin, low energy states. In this state the elements become perfect superconductors, with their electrons combining in “Cooper Pairs” and thus becoming photons of light. In addition, the mono-atomic elements exhibit a Meisner Field, a non-polar magnetic field which repels all other magnetic fields and is a primary indicator of achieving superconductivity. The physical characteristics of these mono-atomic elements have been described in some detail in the scientific literature (see, for example, Duncan, et al 1989, Greiner, et al, 1990, Macchaiavelli, et al, 1988, Dejbakhsh, et al, 1988, Lim, et al, 1989, Shimizu, et al, 1990, Randeria, et al, 1989, Adrian, et al, 1992, Boyer, 1975, Puthoff, 1989, and Haisch, 1994). The connection of the Orme phenomena with Zero-Point-Energy is particularly profound. For example Puthoff (1989) in describing a zero-point Lorentz force has predicted a weight loss of 4/9th when nuclei interact in only two dimensions. Hudson (1994) has experimentally observed this weight loss, as well as the mono-atomic element’s Meisner field levitating on the earth's geomagnetic field! The latter is based on the Meisner field excluding all external magnetic fields, including the earth’s. Of particular importance in David Hudson’s work is the fact that the precious metals in their mono-atomic form can not be identified as such by standard methods of analysis such as emission spectroscopy -- unless special procedures are followed. In the case of emission spectroscopy, for example, the test must be conducted for some twenty times the standard length of test. The inability of standard procedures to identify elements such as rhodium and iridium in their mono-atomic state has made these elements appear to be extremely rare, and thus expensive! One source of the precious metals in South Africa, for example, produces one-third of one ounce of all of the precious elements per ton of ore. David Hudson has found widespread ore samples in the United States and elsewhere which are, in reality, producing in excess of 2,200 ounces per ton of ore! In the case of rhodium, which currently sells in the neighborhood of $3,000/ounce, Hudson is obtaining 1200 ounces per ton of ore! The inability of standard scientific methods in detecting the precious elements in their mono-atomic state is extremely important, as is the fact these elements are almost always found in their natural state in combination with gold. (Hudson, for example, made his discoveries of the mono-atomic state, while attempting to separate the gold from the refined ore.) Thus the search and overriding importance of gold to the Anunnaki may be, in fact, an attempt on the part of these extraterrestrials to acquire the precious elements in their mono-atomic form, and in large quantities. Why this would be important strikes at the very heart of why the Anunnaki came to Earth in the first place. The Tree of Life Based on a grand synthesis of historical, philosophical, mythological and scientific evidence, David Hudson (1994) has determined that the Orme he has identified is truly The Tree of Life. Hudson has noted, for example, the scientific basis for human cells to exhibit superconductivity (see e.g. Giudice, et al, 1981), and the extensive amount of research currently being conducted on treating cancer and other diseases with precious elements. These precious elements appear to be correcting the DNA, literally “flowing the light of life” within the body. Books on Alchemy have talked about “the white powder of gold” -- the same form in which Hudson found all eight of the mono-atomic precious elements. In addition, the alchemists of old, in their quest to accomplish “The Master Work” (in other words, to prepare the Elixir of Life and The Philosopher’s Stone; or in more anecdotal, traditional terms, to transmute lead into gold), taught that the key to success was to “divide, divide, divide...” The implication of this advice was that only in freeing the atoms of an element from the confines of its crystalline-like structure of many atoms of the same or diverse elements, could one hope to achieve the alchemist’s esoteric goal. In effect, the alchemists were attempting to reach the mono-atomic form of gold and the other precious elements! Hudson has also connected the Orme with the Hebrew tradition of the manna -- the white powder of gold -- as well as noting the use of the term, manna -- which literally means “What is it?” -- in The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Budge 1967). The historical and philosophical implications also include the Orme as part of the Melchizedek priesthood and the metallurgical foundry at Qumrun, where the Essenes were located. The Essenes are described in The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered (Eisenman and Wise, 1993), while other references include the mixture of the white powder of gold in water as being “that which issues from the mouth of the creator,” The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus, and “the semen of the father in heaven.” In the Essene tradition, the white powder of gold is referred to as the “teacher of righteousness” which is swallowed and taken internally. Hudson also believes Moses knew the secrets of making the Orme, and that the Ark of the Covenant was merely the container of the Orme. As a volatile superconducting electrical device, the Orme could thus explain the incredible properties of the Ark -- from levitation to “blasts of heavenly displeasure”. The implications of the existence of the Orme and taking the White Powder of Gold (and the other precious elements) is astounding. Based on the immense philosophical, mythological, historical, and scientific literature, Hudson believes a human ingesting the Orme in the correct manner can fulfill all the dreams of the esoteric alchemist: To have perfect telepathy, be able to levitate and/or bilocate, know good and evil when it’s in the room with you (i.e. eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), project one’s thoughts into someone else’s mind, heal by the laying on of hands, and cleanse or resurrect the dead within two or three days after they have died. The latter is evidenced by the traditions of the Anunnaki raising their own from the dead, as well as the gospels of Jesus Christ. In effect, the evidence suggests that an individual taking the Orme can become a fifth dimensional being! Implications The astounding implication of the juxtaposition of Sitchin, [Gardner] and Hudson’s work is the almost inescapable conclusion that the Anunnaki's purpose on arriving on Earth was to acquire the mono-atomic elements for the purpose of ingesting them and thus being able to have the abilities to accomplish all of the incredible feats described in six centuries of literature and philosophy! In effect, extraterrestrials from the planet Nibiru came to Earth to mine gold and precious elements, created mankind in order to have someone work the mines, provided the knowledge to a very limited, select number of human beings on the importance of the Orme and the method by which it could be made and taken internally by the individual, and then rather lost control of mankind as the human population increased exponentially! It is noteworthy that the first attempt by the Anunnaki to extract gold was from sea water, specifically the head waters of the Persian Gulf. According to Hudson, the primary form which gold occurs in sea water is in the mono-atomic state. The precious elements also occur in herbs and numerous vegetables. Grapes, for example, can be a primary source. Volcanoes are also a source in that the interior of the Earth is the primary manufacturer of the elements. Hudson has also discovered in the brain tissue of pigs and cows, over 5% of the brain tissue by dry matter weight consists of rhodium and iridium. It is worth recalling Genesis 2:11-12, previously cited, wherein there was not only gold in Havilah, but “the gold of that land is good.” The emphasis on the gold being good -- as opposed to simply being there -- may imply the “good” gold is the mono-atomic gold and/or the gold which includes in its deposits the other precious elements in their mono-atomic state. I.e. the mono-atomic state is what makes the gold “good”! Early indications from the continuing research on the Orme and its effect on human beings suggest rhodium to be the primary element in the health of the individual, while iridium appears to provide the incredible talents promised by the Orme. The key to benefiting from the Orme, however, appears to be the specific procedure by which the “teacher of righteousness” is swallowed. (Hudson (1994) has suggested the need for a forty day fast, in which after ten days of water only, the Orme is ingested in doses of some 500 milligrams for the subsequent thirty days.) In addition to all of the other possible talents the Orme might provide mankind, it is worth noting the extremely long life spans of the Anunnaki may be due in part to the Orme and its proper ingestation. One might also assume the long life times of The Adam's Family (from Adam to Noah, and to a lesser extent from Shem through Abraham) might also have been due to the Anunnaki sharing the Orme with the patriarchs and other carefully selected individuals. Given the background provided thus far, it is possible to now consider the thesis of this paper: Whether or not the extraterrestrials (the Anunnaki) who came to Earth nearly a half million years ago are still here. The answer to this question, of course, depends upon the reason the Anunnaki came to Earth. But, if in fact the “why” of their arrival and long-term stay was in order to acquire the mono-atomic truly precious elements for purposes of ingesting them and acquiring the Orme talents and abilities (including possibly the extremely long life spans of the Anunnaki), then the question becomes whether or not the Anunnaki are still here and still mining the precious elements of Earth. Points of Evidence There are three possibilities: 1) The Anunnaki left and are not coming back. 2) They’re still here (and have been), but they’re staying out of the limelight. 3) They left, but they’re coming back (and they may not be too happy about what has happened since taking their sabbatical). I. Currently, there is a lack of evidence for their overt presence. This is particularly true when one considers their overwhelming presence and complete involvement in the affairs of mankind from the creation of man until as late as the time of Alexander the Great. Sitchin (1985) has stated, that from the time of Alexander’s death in 323 BCE, “the Wars of Men have been the wars of men alone.” However, Sitchin has also stated (1995) that “I have never written that they ever left.” [There is also the pivotal date of 600 B.C.E.] In ancient times, the population of mankind was extremely small compared to modern times. Thus mankind may have been much easier to control by a few hundred gods, or a mere dozen of the Anunnaki who were highly influential in the large scale interactions between the Anunnaki and mankind. The exponential increase in mankind’s population, however, may have taken from the Anunnaki the ability to easily and overtly control mankind. An analogy is perhaps in order here. To step on an ant or keep it under control is considered trivial for a human. But if this same human is faced with the onslaught of army ants on the move, a man is virtually helpless. His only recourse may be to flat get out of the way! Stopping army ants is not an option. The Anunnaki may feel the same way about the billions of human beings currently dominating the Earth. A few might be easy to control, but large numbers of independent souls are chaotic. And one aspect is abundantly clear: the so-called gods are very definitely mortal, even if they are long lived. This point is emphasized in the story of Isis and Ra as related in The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Budge, 1967, pg Lxxxix), and by numerous examples in the Sumerian texts (Sitchin, 1985). II. There are some very distinct and contrary views of the Anunnaki -- roughly as many different philosophies and reasons to act as there are major figures. Not only does one encounter the strong rivalry between Enki and Enlil, but also between Marduk and Ninurta (the two eldest sons, respectively), between various factions in their several major wars (from “The Battle of the Titans” to the first and second “Pyramid Wars”), and the fact of the goddess Inanna’s attempts to take power on several occasions. Peace among the various factions has been difficult at best, with such goddesses as Ninki being the primary peace facilitator. In this connection there are also two “camps”, so to speak, divided by those Anunnaki born on Earth and those born on their home planet, Nibiru. The latter include Enki, Enlil, Ninki, Marduk, and Ninurta. While Enki and Ninki may have a special relationship with mankind by virtue of having created us (and because there may be little motivation for them to return to Nibiru and relative obscurity), the others may have little or no interest in the welfare of Man and/or Earth. On the other hand, those Anunnaki such as Inanna, her twin brother, Utu, as well as Nanna, Ningal, and Ishkur, were born on Earth and may feel this planet is where their destiny lies. At the same time, however, they may not feel any concerns for the fate of mankind. The divergent opinions and motivations for the Anunnaki may imply the need for the various factions to cease their overt warfare and go undercover. There are references in the ancient literature where mankind occasionally began to object to being used as cannon fodder in the Anunnaki wars, and thus the gods may have of necessity been obliged to control the affairs of mankind without our knowledge. There is also the distinct possibility of the continuing wars on the planet today being instigated or inspired by hidden forces and agendas, including potentially those of the differing Anunnaki factions. III. There is also a possibility the Anunnaki recognized the incredible rate of man’s progress (which relatively speaking was enormously faster than theirs). They may have taken action accordingly. If a typical Anunnaki, for example, is capable of living in excess of 400,000 years, and man is (currently) living roughly 80 years, this amounts to a multiple of 5000. Thus, if a human sleeps 8 hours, does this imply an Anunnaki sleeps roughly four and a half years? Furthermore, if the Anunnaki rate of progress in terms of their personal growth is measured by their history, one might have to conclude the Anunnaki time scales are extremely different from that of Mankind’s. It has been suggested by authors such as Ferguson (1995) and Frissel (1994) that the speed at which mankind is evolving is an extreme rarity in the universe, and probably the result of a wildly successful interplanetary experiment in genetic manipulation (when Enki and Ninki cross bred Homo erectus and the Anunnaki). As such, mankind might pose a serious threat to a race who could conceivably sleep through World War II! There is also the implication of our spiritual growth being extremely rapid and the resultant motivation of the Anunnaki to do everything in their power to keep us down on the farm. IV. Lao Tzu, Confucius, Guatama Budda, and Zoroaster were all born in the one hundred years from 550 to 650 BCE., i.e. circa 600 B.C.E.. With them were born philosophies and religious teachings, which for the first time, departed from the worship of flawed Gods and Goddesses, and became more involved in profound, universal-God philosophies. From this viewpoint, the god(s) of Genesis is not the God of the universe, but is instead, a description of Enki and Enlil, and to a lesser extent, the other Anunnaki. Were the more profound philosophies which arose around the turn of the Sixth Century BCE a coincidence, a universal-God inspired event, or perhaps, a gift from Enki and/or Ninki? Keep in mind Ninki is very likely the original focus of the matriarchal, goddess religions which flourished for tens of thousands of years up until the final destruction of Crete circa 1250 BCE when the last “official” version of the goddess religions was forced to go underground. The goddess religions may, in fact, have been derived separately from the mainstream of the Enlil-dominated, Sumerian-civilized version of his-story, and probably populated by ancient men and women who grew weary of working the mines and lit off on their own for the uncivilized (and infinitely more appealing) wilderness life. The question which still begs for an answer is whether or not Ninki, or some combination of other Anunnaki gods, arranged to have true philosophies introduced six hundred years before the Current Era. It is a distinct possibility. V. Numerous races in the history of mankind have abruptly vanished from the scene after having established a thriving and often boisterous culture. Several MesoAmerican cultures such as the Olmecs, Toltecs, and Mayans, comparatively isolated from other influences appear to have simply left one day, leaving their cities and worldly goods intact. Teotihuacan, for example appears to have been abandoned circa 200 BCE. An explanation of why such cultures could simply drop out of sight may derive in part from the ancient primary god of Mexico and Central America, Quetzalcoatl. According to Sitchin (1990-2), the plumed serpent god, Quetzalcoatl, was none other than the Sumerian deity, Ningishzida, one of the younger sons of Enki and easily one of the least belligerent of the Anunnaki. Quetzalcoatl is also identified as the Egyptian god, Thoth. (In this regard Marduk is believed to be Ra, Enki is Ptah, and Inanna is Isis. This cross identification is then used to connect the Isis/Ra conflict and myths with those of Inanna and Marduk. It also suggests Marduk may no longer be on the scene!) As the God of Wisdom, Enki was proficient in genetics, engineering, architecture (including sacred geometry), life sciences (including how to raise the dead), and other such esoteric disciplines. Much of this wisdom and knowledge was apparently passed onto his son, Quetzalcoatl/Ningishzida/Thoth, quite possibly from Enki’s viewpoint, the only worthy recipient. Quetzalcoatl, therefore, may be one Anunnaki on the side of mankind, and may have assisted in the growth and enlightenment (and ascension?) of those people under his sway -- the cultures in Mexico and Central America, in addition to ancient Egypt (specifically the Old and Middle Kingdoms) where Thoth may have provided similar esoteric knowledge. In particular, Moses was compared to Thoth in a second century BCE work by the Judaeo-Greek philosopher Artapanus, who credited the prophet with a range of “scientific'“inventions (Hancock 1992). Thus, Moses’ ability to make the Orme -- from his time as a prince of Egypt -- may have come directly or indirectly from Thoth! Husdon (1994) believes, for example, Moses used his time on Mount Sinai to build a foundry and create the Orme. Clearly, his having to wear a veil thereafter because of major burns on his face make this a viable consideration. In addition, Moses was to bring down from the Mount, “tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.” (Exodus 24:12) Not commandments on tables of stone, but tables of stone, and the law, and commandments. The tables of stone were undoubtedly the Orme, which Moses had made on the Mount which was covered by clouds for six days, and which was seen a “devouring fire on the top of the mount”. (Exodus 24:17) Also, you don’t teach laws written on tablets kept hidden! VI. During the time of the Spanish Conquistadors conquest of Mexico and Peru, an absolutely phenomenal amount of gold and silver was taken and shipped back to Spain. Estimates of the amount of gold and silver “extracted” from the Inca Empire alone amount to over 60 million ounces of gold and 300 million ounces of silver! And the Spaniards never really believed they had managed to find El Dorado, the mother-lode of all the gold. If gold was so incredibly precious to the Anunnaki, why did this overwhelming surplus of gold reside in Mexico and Peru in the mid 1500s AD? Had the Anunnaki not made a pickup in recent centuries, allowing for the accumulation? Were the Indian miners still actively recovering the gold, even when there was no god hanging around to demand its continuing production? Keep in mind in the case of the Inca Empire, that the South American territory was under the control of Ishkur, identified as the Inca Great God, Viracocha. There was a clear demarkation between Quetzalcoatl’s territory and Viracocha’s. And while, there is some indication Viracocha/Ishkur, the “God of War”, may have shoved Quetzalcoatl/Thoth/ Ningishzida aside at one point -- thus accounting for the legends of Quetzalcoatl’s departure from Central America and his promise to return (possibly in 1987?) -- the fact remains that the methods of operation in South America were not for the benefit of the human population. Ishkur was not the sort of Anunnaki to free the slaves and cease demanding the gold which “belonged to the gods”! On the other hand, and this may be critically important, the Anunnaki may ultimately have had little interest in yellow gold, essentially the gold in its metallic state. If the mono- atomic gold (along with mono-atomic rhodium, iridium, etcetera) was what the gods were truly interested in acquiring, then the yellow gold might have been thought of as a waste or by-product of mining the mono-atomic elements, the latter the all-important Orme. Thus, the surplus of gold in the ancient Mexican and Inca Empires does not necessarily imply the absence of the Anunnaki. I.e., the yellow gold of the Incas was not gold that was “good”. VII. Hoagland (1994) has presented a fascinating concept in his analysis of the so-called “Face on Mars” located near the area of Cydonia. The region includes what appear to be pyramids situated at precise angles in relation to one another and to the “Face” itself. The evidence for artificial constructions by intelligent beings at one time on Mars is impressive. And the similarity between these structures and those of in Sumeria, Egypt and Mexico (e.g. Teotihuacan) suggest a connection between them, and by implication with the space-faring Anunnaki. More recent disclosures have also suggested structures on the Moon. The Martian and Lunar structures may or may not be active at the present time, but with the limited amount of information available, this can not be clarified one way of the other. It is likely, however, such structures may have been a base or small-scale colonization effort in the past, and there is some evidence (Sitchin, 1990-1) of recent activity near Mars. Such evidence tends, however, to come under the same category as reports of UFOs. It is extremely difficult to make definitive judgements as to their accuracy. On the other hand, UFO activity around volcanoes might tie in with the fact the primary source of mono-atomic elements are volcanoes. Such considerations, unfortunately, are highly speculative, and at the present time, are unlikely to provide clear answers. Nevertheless, there is at least one UFO style event which might suggest a continuing presence by the Anunnaki in this century. In their book, The Fire Came By, Baxter and Atkins (1976) describe an incredible event which occurred on June 30, 1908 AD. Witnesses described a cylindrical object, shining very brightly (apparently much too bright for the naked eye) and with a bluish-white light. According to the eyewitnesses, the object was moving vertically for about ten minutes. The object appears to have initially streaked across the nighttime sky in a direction about 10 degrees from true north. Whereupon it turned to move almost due east, and then just as suddenly changed to proceed just slightly north of due west. The object then caused an immense explosion in the region of Stony Tunguska, some 40 miles NNE of Vanavara, in the frozen wasteland of Siberia. The Tunguska Explosion, as it came to be called, exceeded in sheer force the enormous size, destructive capability and long-term effects of the volcanic eruptions at Thera (Santorini) circa 1500 BCE, Vesuvius (August 24, 79AD), and Krakatoa (August 26, 1883 AD) between Java and Sumatra. The explosion at Tunguska was comparable only with the explosive capabilities of the heaviest hydrogen bombs. Furthermore, the Tunguska explosion had all the ear marks of a mid-air explosion, and none of the characteristics of an object slamming into the Earth. The trajectory of the object could be likened to an attempt by an intelligently controlled air or space craft to evade a pursuer, only to fail at the attempt, resulting in its eventual massive destruction. In effect, a mid-air “dog fight” or aerial combat between two opposing forces. Inasmuch as in 1908, the United States War Department still had letters from Orville Wright in their “crank” file; such alleged aerial maneuvers would have to be between extraterrestrials -- either of the same or different species. And because the Anunnaki have amply demonstrated their ability to war among themselves, it is not necessary to imagine other extraterrestrials in order to account for an apparent continual state of war between opposing forces. However, there were no reports of a second object in the skies above Siberia. Another interpretation may be needed. The exact time and location of the explosion is well known. An astrological natal chart of the event may be able to provide an alternative explanation. This chart is sufficiently striking, particularly when the ingredients are analyzed in some detail, the overall impression of the chart becomes ones of a clear signal of some kind, as in a warning. It is noteworthy the explosion did not kill a single human being, but was inescapable in terms of being witnessed by a variety of methods. Thus one is forced to evaluate the event as being of profound importance, perhaps in the same category as the phenomena of crop circles. VIII. The interspecies warfare among the Anunnaki has manifested itself in a variety of forms. This includes items as relatively mundane as different philosophical viewpoints with respect to law codes. For example, while the original Sumerian so-called laws were really codes of behavior (“take care of widows”, “do not cheat laborers”, and so forth), a later code instigated by Marduk detailed specific punishments for different crimes. Known as the Hammurabi code, the latter utilized fear of reprisal as the motivating force, instead of the earlier concept of doing what is right, or adhering to The Golden Rule. The different Anunnaki factions definitely had different modes of operating. This becomes relevant to our thesis if we question who precisely might be in charge. The myth of Ra and Isis (or Marduk and Inanna), details a time when Ra was old and senile, and Isis proceeded to take away his powers. The end result was Isis “knew Ra by his own name”, and Ra “hid himself from the gods, and his place in the boat of millions of years was empty.” The implication is that Ra was vanquished and lost his position in the Anunnaki hierarchy. It is important to realize the myth derives from the XVIIIth Dynasty, roughly [according to Immanuel Velikovsky] the time of King Solomon and Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt (circa 1000 BCE). Thus Marduk may very well have inspired much of the Babylonian history (from 2000 to 1000 BCE), but then lost it all in Egypt at the hands of the “great goddess, Isis.” In addition, the Anunnaki attached considerable importance to astronomical alignments. They dated the beginning of the Nippurian calendar (the same as the Jewish calendar) from 3,760 BCE in the Age of Taurus, based on a mass conjunction of planets. Two millennia later, they changed the calendar such that instead of Taurus, it became the Age of Aries. [The ages proceed backward, due to the Precession of the Equinoxes of the Earth.] At that time, astrology was changed to place Aries on the Ascendant instead of Taurus. (It was also a time when the female was demoted in relation to the male -- but that’s another story.) The beginning of the new age of Aries was marked by an astronomical alignment of all of the visible planets (including the Sun and Moon) in March 1993 BCE -- which is also the beginning of the Chinese Calendar. The significance of the astrological ages is important in that Marduk was temporarily held off from his bid for power in Babylon by the claims of his brother, Nergal, that it was not yet time, not yet the Age of Aries -- Aries being identified as Marduk’s planet Mars. The fact Marduk may have survived in power for only half his tenure does not eliminate the idea. We, in fact, have our own abruptly ended Presidential examples. By the same token, the Age of Pisces,, beginning roughly 200 to 600 years BCE is identified with the planet Neptune, which in turn is identified with Enki. This may explain why the Astrological Age of Pisces began with the philosophers (Lao Tze, Budda, etcetera -- perhaps even including Jesus Christ). It may also explain why the Anunnaki are not making themselves obvious and painfully present -- Enki may currently be in charge. For our purposes, the relevant issue may be the forthcoming Age of Aquarius -- traditionally associated with the planet Uranus, and identified with Anu, the father of Enki and Enlil. The question of who may be in charge in the new millennia may appear somewhat in doubt. However, it might be pointed out the name Inanna means “beloved of Anu”. And Anu, the quintessential dirty old man, was notorious for providing all manner of benefits to his great grand-daughter, Inanna! Thus the temporary apparent absence of the Anunnaki may be due to the Age of Pisces in which mankind is being allowed something of a breathing space to grow and develop. It may also include the presentation and subsequent availability of profound philosophies the basis of which would aid in our growth. At the same time, the Age of Pisces may be ending in the very near future (if not already) with the most likely date being 2012 A.D.! [However, there is another spectacular alignment of planets on September 8, 2040 A.D., and thus this later date may be the actual beginning of the Age of Aquarius.] Conclusions and Future Implications The accumulated evidence of several millennia strongly supports the contention initially proposed by Zecharia Sitchin, [Laurence Gardner and others] of extraterrestrials having arrived on Earth for the purpose of mining gold. These Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru created and subsequently interacted in overt and substantial ways with mankind over thousands of years. Based on the work of David Hudson, it becomes clear the Anunnaki came to Earth to mine gold and acquire supplies of the precious elements (such as rhodium, iridium, silver, and gold) in their mono-atomic state in order to ingest them as a means of acquiring and maintaining their powers and potentially their longevity. The preponderance of the evidence makes this conclusion virtually inescapable. In addition, there is no evidence (other than the apparent lack of their interaction in our day-to-day lives) the Anunnaki ever left the Earth. There is also no known motivation which might have encouraged them to leave. On the other hand, there is reasonable and convincing arguments to suggest the Anunnaki are still on the planet (albeit they may be commuting from either Mars or the Earth’s Moon, and/or simply staying out of sight). They may be, however, maintaining whatever control they are exercising from behind closed doors. Furthermore, it is very likely there are several factions of the Anunnaki with disparate goals and agendas for mankind, and that these disagreements may very well be spilling over into the affairs of humanity. These conclusions suggest two notable implications. The first is one of awareness, in which each of us begins to view our world and society from a different perspective. This is the process of evaluating our Paradigms -- our view of looking at our world that has developed from birth and which includes possibly serious misinterpretations -- and considering if we wish to revise our paradigm. It is a process which demands we “pay attention” to events in our lives, and recognize the fundamental difference between “the gods” and the creator of the universe. The other implication is whether or not we as a race can expect to see a renewed overt involvement by the Anunnaki in our lives. The Anunnaki’s demonstrated appreciation of astronomical alignments as a means of determining when certain events should proceed has already been mentioned. We know, for example, that an alignment circa 4000 BCE apparently initiated the Sumerian Civilization, an alignment circa 3100 BCE may have initiated the Egyptian and Indus Valley Civilizations (as well as the Mayan Calendar), a 1993 BCE alignment initiated the Chinese Calendar and effectively began the reign of Marduk, the Temple of Solomon (circa 1000 BCE) was delayed from the time of David (“because it was not yet time”), and the Christian Era arrived approximately 4 BCE, shortly after the profound philosophies of the East began and after the Anunnaki dropped out of sight. For Updates and more thoughts, visit the Halexandria Forums
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Cydonia “Prime Directive” Violations Extraterrestrial Life Forward to: _______________________ References: Adrian, F.J. and Cowan, D.O., 1992. "The New Superconductors", Chemical and Engineering News, December 21. Baxter, J. & Atkins, T., 1976. The Fire Came By, Doubleday, NY Boyer, T.H., 1975. "Random electrodynamics: The theory of classical electrodynamics with classical electromagnetic zero- point radiation", Physical Review D, Vol 11, No 4, 15 February. Budge, E.A.W., 1967. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Papyrus of Ani, Dover Publications, New York. Cann, R.L., Stoneking, M, and Wilson, A.C. 1987. "Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution", Nature, Vol 325, 1 January. Dalley, S., 1989. Myths from Mesopotamia, Oxford Univ Press, NY. Dejbakhsh, H., Schmitt, R.P., and Mouchaty, G., 1988. "Collective and single particle structure in 103Rh", Physical Review C, Vol 37, No 2, February . Dorit, R.L., Akashi, H., Gilbert, W. 1995. "Absence of Polymorphism at the ZFY Locus on the Human Y Chromosome," Science, Vol 268, 26 May. Duncan, M.A. & Rouvray, D.H., 1989. "Microclusters", Scientific American, December. Eisenman, R. and Wise, M., 1993. The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, Penquin Books, New York. Frissel, B., 1994. Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are, Frog, Ltd., Berkeley. Ferguson, V.S., 1995. Inanna Returns, Thel Dar Pub., Seattle. Gardner, Laurence, 1999. Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, London. Gardner, Laurence, 2003. Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, HarperCollins, London. Giudice, E.D., Doglia, S., Milani, M., Smith, C.W., and Vitiello, G., 1981. "Magnetic Flux Quantization and Josephson Behavior in Living Systems", Physica Scripta, Vol 40. See also: Giudice, E.D., Doglia, S., and Milani, M., 1981. "Nonlinear Properties of Coherent Electric Vibrations in Living Cells", Physics Letters, Vol 85A, No 6.7, 12 October. Greiner, W. and Sandulescu, A., 1990. "New Radioactivities", Scientific American, March. Haisch, B., Rueda, A., and Puthoff, H.E., 1994. "Inertia as a zero-point-field Lorentz force" Physical Review A, Vol 49, No 2, February. Hancock, G., 1992. The Sign and the Seal, Touchstone Books, NY. Hoagland, R.C., 1994. Lecture presented at the International Forum on New Science, Fort Collins, September. Hudson, D., 1994. "Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements", Lecture at the International Forum on New Science, September. Lim, C.S., Spear, R.H., Vermeer, W.J., and Fewell, M.P., 1989. "Possible discontinuity in octupole behavior in the Pt-Hg region", Physical Review C, Vol 39, No. 3, March . Macchiavelli, A.O., Burde, J., Diamond, R.M., Beausang, C.W., Deleplanque, M.A., McDonald, R.J. , Stephens, F.S., and Draper, J.E., 1988. "Superdeformation in 104,105Pd", Physical Review C, Vol 38 No 2, August. Puthoff, H.E., 1989. "Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force", Physical Review A, Vol 39, No 5, March 1. Randeria, M., Duan, J.M., and Shieh, L.Y., 1989. "Bound States, Cooper Pairing, and Bose Condensation in Two Dimensions", Physical Review Letters, Vol 62, No 9, 27 February. Shimizu, Y.R., Vigezzi, E., and Broglia, R.A., 1990. "Inertias of superdeformed bands", Physical Review C, Vol 41, No 4, April. Also, Shimizu, Y.R. and Broglia, R.A., 1990. "Quantum size effects in rapidly rotating nuclei", Physical Review C, Vol 41, No. 4, April. Sitchin, Z., 1985. The Wars of Gods and Men, Avon Books, NY. Sitchin, Z., 1990-1. Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, New York. Sitchin, Z., 1990-2. The Lost Realms, Avon Books, New York. Sitchin, Z., 1995. Private Communication.
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