An ORME History
In other webpages of this brief treatise on the theoretical and experimental work of David Radius Hudson, we have encountered considerable Scientific Literature which supports what might best be described as the ORME theory. The validation of Hudson’s theories from state-of-the-art, quantum ORME Physics and chemistry, as well as the experimental and experiential developments of living organisms [ORME Biology] (including modern humans) utilizing certain monoatomic elements in their diet, cannot be overemphasized in its importance. Scientific results from independent and qualified observers lend credibility, while the breath and depth of the evidence strongly suggests that such theories, no matter how incredible in their scope and potential for changing Paradigms, must be seriously considered. In essence, the scientific basis for ORME is sound. [Pardon the pun.] Beginning in 1990, David Hudson was introduced by his uncle to the concept of “The Occult gold”. It began with something an innoucous as reading in the Time/Life book, Secrets of the Alchemists, references to the alchemist’s goal of making a “white powder of gold”, to make “the container of the light of life”. Hudson was not interested in Alchemy, but when he read claims of, “If you stand in its presence, you don't age. If you partake of it, you live forever,” his attention was grabbed. Hudson begrudingly agreed to read the book. And once hooked, he found himself reading hundreds of books on alchemy, history, biblical scholarship, and related philosophical writings. The ORME concept had begun to find support and confirmation from a whole new arena of scholarship. In an attempt to grasp the extent of this support and confirmation, it is perhaps best to begin with an historical account, reaching back into the translations and interpretations of the most ancient of human records. In the midst of this ancient history, we will also encounter, much as David Hudson did, clues, hints, and outright explanations of the philosophical foundations of the ORME. The Ancient Records One of the most fascinating stories to emerge during the twentieth century has been the discovery and eventual decipherment of countless texts from the ancient world. Scholars, old and new world farmers, archaeologists and young Bedouins, have all contributed to the process of unearthing everything from the Dead Sea and Daj Hammeraji scrolls to literally libraries of ancient Sumerian tablets. The interpretation and translation of these documents has proceeded in a variety of fashions, from instances of massive bureaucratic foot dragging to astounding successes in the translation and dissemination of hundreds, and even thousands, of clay tablets and schrolls. On the one hand, translation of the Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in 1947 and 1952, were not available for translation until 1990, and even then portions were not in a translated form for the general public until 1992. On the flip side has been the sucess of translating a vast corncucopia of ancient Sumerian and Babylonian tablets, and providing these materials to scholars and the general public alike. The Sumerian Civilization is the world’s oldest, known civilization, generally recognized to have extended its reign from circa 4,000 B.C.E. (Before Current Era) to roughly 2,000 B.C.E. Babylon rose to power after the fall of Sumeria, but inherited much of its literature. Thus, much of what we know of Sumeria has been faithfully recorded (albeit sometimes edited) by the Babylonians. A wealth of information on the very ancient world of Sumeria (predating ancient Rome, Greece, and even ancient Egypt) has now been made available to scholars and the public alike. The Sumerian texts include everything from ancient ledger sheets on the number of goats, sheep and fish brought to the local temple, to literary epics of heroes, gods, and incredible adventures. In typical scholarly fashion, all the stories that seemed the most interesting were quickly labeled myths (so as to prevent the unwary from learning unwelcome truths). It is said that “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set ye free... But first, the truth is really going to make ye mad!” Take, for example, one of the more significant so-called myths, the Enuma Elish, or the Epic of Creation. The Sumerian account of the creation of the heaven and the earth was repeated and recorded by Babylonian scholars sometime in the time period of 2000 B.C.E. to 1500 B.C.E. It is a tale of Gods and Goddesses, encounters and battles, and just the hint of something much, much more; and is described in great detail in the Annals of Earth, Episode I. Zecharia Sitchin, a biblical and ancient text historian and scholar, has pointed out [1] that the Sumerian Epic of Creation, can be readily interpreted as an almost literal description of the formation of the Solar System, with each planet being described in detail: its evolution, encounters with other planets, and its physical description. Of particular interest is the fact that the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto -- supposedly not known to the ancients and not discovered by modern science until the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, respectively -- are detailed and described by the ancient Sumerians five thousand years ago. Uranus and Neptune, in fact, are described as twins, a fact not readily apparent to modern science until Voyager 2 visited each of the two planets on a NASA planned Grand Tour of the outer planets. The Sumerian description also explains why the apparent age of the Earth is some 500 million years younger than its Moon! Can you imagine the reaction of scientists who are only now learning about planetary formation, but then being appraised of the fact that the information had been written down 5,000 years ago? The amazing accuracy and precognition of the Sumerian texts is mentioned here as an indicator of the legitimacy of these texts. This is not information to be written off as myth or fantasy. It is not the work of mental midgets of the ancient world, nor is it fanciful modern interpretations. The Sumerian texts are now recognized as the original versions for which the biblical story of Genesis was taken -- albeit there was considerable condensation and some editing undertaken in the latter. (Genesis was actually written down for the first time while the Hebrews were being held captive in Babylonia, circa 600 B.C.E.) The point is made of the Sumerian texts’ legitimacy, because they provide highly significant detail to complete our understanding of the period of ancient history prior to 2000 B.C.E. Given this forwarning, it is perhaps just as well that we leap whole hog into the fray and rapidly document some of the more astrounding features of what might be considered a whole new version of ancient history, and how this history is particularly and crucially revelvant to the scientific and humanistic implications of the ORME. The Anunnaki According to certain ancient texts of Sumeria, extraterrestrials arrived on Earth in ancient times in order to mine gold. No kidding! These extraterrestrials were called by the Sumerian texts, Anunnaki, which means “those who from heaven to earth came.” According to Zecharia Sitchin, the ancient Sumerian texts desribe these Anunnaki as having arrived on Earth as early as 485,000 years ago, when the only pretense to modern man was a species known as Homo erectus. After a mere 40,000 years or so, and after these visitors who had first dropped in on “the dark hued Earth” had discovered gold in the oceanic waters, the Anunnaki arrived in force under the command of a leader named EN.KI (“Lord of Earth”). An engineer and a scientist, as well as the first-born son of the extraterrestrial’s chief honcho, ANU, Enki set up an operation to mine gold from seawater. [Seawater does, in fact, contain notable amounts of gold and Precious Metals. It is, however, a more difficult extraction process than earth mining -- based on the output of any such “mine”.] Roughly 30,000 years later, the powers-that-be decided the operation was not producing sufficient quanities of gold, and apparently began a mining operation in the ABZU, a region now known as South Africa. The Sumerian cuniform texts describe in detail this change in gold production priorities, as well as a profound change in the command structure. Enki was to continue to be in charge of the gold mining operation, but was demoted to second-in-command of the overall Earth-mission. The new commander was EN.LIL (“Lord of the Command”), a younger brother of Enki. Enlil, however, was the first born son of Enki's father, by his father's half-sister -- and thus according to the Anunnaki laws of succession, was the true heir-apparent. This situation is reflected in the Book of Genesis’ tale of Abraham, Ishmael (Abraham's first-born son), and Isaac (Abraham's first-born son by Abraham's half-sister, Sarah). We mention Enki and Enlil at this point, because their sibling-rivalry was to have profound consequences for the human species -- even more than providing a background for the Ishmael-Isaac, sibling-rivalry rift. The Anunnaki, in addition to having an inordinate interest in gold, were extremely long-lived. If Sitchin is correct in his analysis, lifetimes on the order of 500,000 years or longer may be in the cards for these extraterrestrial visitors. As such, one might surmise that such creatures do things at a somewhat more leisurely rate -- as if they are listening to a very different drummer, a drummer, who from the human viewpoint, is virtually comatose. This would explain, for example, the inordinately long period of the time intervals between the Anunnaki's first arrival on Earth, the discovery of gold, the launching of the first gold-producing attempts, and then the change to a South Africa gold-mining operation. Continuing along at this blistering pace (“blistering pace” in terms of the Age of the Universe!), the Anunnaki who were mining the gold mines of ancient South Africa, grew weary of the labors of some 144,000 years of toil, and mutinied! Imagine! What a bunch of slugs! The mutiny caused more animosity between Enki and Enlil, but also ingendered a momenous solution. Enki and his half-sister, Ninti, proposed to solve the lot of the Anunnaki miners by creating a “mixed worker” to do the dirty work. This half-breed was to be conjured up by mixing the genes of the Anunnaki with the genes of a local creature with potential: Our very own, home-town hero, Homo erectus. The Sumerian texts again go into great detail on the decision and the process of genetically engineering an Annunaki-Homo erectus half-breed, an early version named Adapa. The decision-making description in the Sumerian texts is particularly noteworthy in that it is highly reminescent of Genesis 1:26, wherein God (in the Sumerian version, Enki) said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...” Immediately following, the Sumerian version echos Genesis 1:27: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” The Sumerian version does make it clear, however, that it was Ninti (the Sumerian Goddess) that carried the first Adapa to term, after Enki's assistance in genetically engineering the little half-breed. It's probably worth mentioning at this point that ancient history and biblical scholars now recognize that the Book of Genesis is a highly condensed, slightly edited version of the original Sumerian texts -- and had been created circa 600 B.C.E. while the Hebrews were being held captive in Babylon (where all the Sumerian texts were located). The biblical editing comes mainly in the form of condensing the acts of Enki, Enlil and Ninti (and perhaps a few other Anunnaki) into a single, solitary, omniscience, omnipotent God. The fact this editing often does not make sense, does not appear to deter many advocates of a strict interpretation of the Bible. For example, a simple reading of Genesis suggests either two or more gods, or a single god with a serious split-personality. Even the Jesuit scholars of the Roman Catholic Church have acknowledged that the book of Genesis describes two or more gods. Furthermore, an understanding of the Sumerian original version explains, among other things, why God, also known as Enki, proposed to the Anunnaki to, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”; and then “created man in his own image...” The Sumerian and Biblical versions also address the two creation of man stories -- in Genesis, for example, verses 1:26-27 and 2:7. The Sumerian texts explain the apparent repetition by noting that the first creatures produced by Ninti and Enki (and later by other Anunnaki “birth goddesses”) were incapable of reproducing themselves. In effect, they were hybrids, as in the case of a mule -- a cross between a horse and a donkey. The cuniform tablets then describe how Enki and Ninti solved the problem of the Anunnaki birth goddesses -- who were having to engage in production-line pregnancies (not one of the dream jobs of the times). The solution was to create male and female creatures who were capable of creating their own little “mixed workers”. It is noteworthy that in the second creation story in Genesis, it specifically notes that “man became a living soul.” The ability to procreate was apparently understood to imply the presence of a living soul. The first male of this later version of man, according to the Sumerian texts, was called Adama, whereas in the biblical version, the name Adam appears without fanfare. As for Eve, scientists have theorized (in a highly controversial article in Science [2] -- a peer-reviewed journal) that a single mother is the grandmother of every living human on the planet, and that this single mother lived at about the time of the Anunnaki mutiny and its aftermath. A subsequent artilce in the same journal [3], written by different authors, were able to establish the single father of every living human as having lived during the same time frame as the mother. I.e. Adam and Eve. The Sumerian explanation of a cross breeding between the extremely long-lived Anunnaki and the comparatively short lived Homo erectus also provides some indirect evidence of why the Old Testaments patriarchs from Adam to Noah [The Adam's Family] lived for roughly 950 years (excepting Enoch, who did not die, but ascended; and Lamech, who apparently died just before or during the Great Flood and Deluge). Later, after the Flood, the life spans become less and less, as if the dilution of the Anunnaki genes -- possibly in combination of some other factor -- began to take its toll on mankind. This may be the first hint of the “food of the Tree of Life” and longevity. On the one hand, the genetic engineering that produced mankind utilized the genes of the long-lived Anunnaki, and as a consequence gave mankind -- initially at any rate -- a very long lifetime. These long lifetimes may have become less over the millennia, due to the dilution of the genes. But there is also the possibility that the Anunnaki withheld from mankind -- with the possible exception of certain high priests and kings -- of the “food” which would allow man to virtually live forever. The Sumerian texts provide us with additional insights into this possibility. They note, for example, that it was Enlil who created the garden of Eden (E.DIN in the Sumerian version), and placed man there (Genesis 2:7). And after Adam and Eve had eaten of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (possibly the sexual knowing of being able to procreate), it was also Enlil who became worried that man might “become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever;” sent man from the Garden (Genesis 3: 22-24). [Perhaps, the relevant tree should have been named the Tree of Knowledge of Life and Death!] On the one hand, if we take the biblical version literally, then it is only a matter of eating of the tree of life, in order to live forever. In other words, man can live forever, but only if he changes his diet to include the fruit of the Tree of Life. What is that fruit -- the rapidly, aging human might ask? Consider, as your first hint, the fact that the Hebrew word which translates as “the golden tree of life”, is ORME! If one is concerned by the fact that the God of Genesis appears to be denying to mankind what modern science and David Hudson's ORME project is now promising to deliver; keep in mind that there was in all likelihood, at least two gods of Genesis. In the Sumerian version, for example, it was likely Enki who clothed the newly homeless couple (Genesis 3:21), when Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of E.DIN by Enlil. The Sumerian version, in fact, allows us to solve many of the apparently contradictory acts of the allegedly single God of Genesis. It was Enlil, for example, who found Cain wanting (Genesis 4:5), and after Cain slew Abel, cursed and turned Cain out into the world (Genesis 4: 11-12). But it was Enki who guaranteed safe passage for Cain by ensuring vengence unto the seventh generation for anyone who would kill Cain (Genesis 4: 15). In Chapter 6 of Genesis, when the “sons of God” [apparently, the younger Anunnaki, acting like typical teenagers of a 100,000 years or so of age] were taking the “daughters of man” for wives, it was Enlil who determined to drown the whole lot of the human beings (Genesis 6: 7). But it was Enki who contrived to save Noah (known to the Sumerians as Ziusudra and the Bablylonians as Utnapishtim) by having him build an Ark. The Sumerian version goes into much more detail wherein the god Enki assisted Noah, and also includes considerable description of the Flood and Deluge, including the reactions of the Anunnaki (safely in Earth orbit) as they observed the near-total destruction of mankind. Suffice it to say that the Sumerian cuniform texts provide a consistent, scientifically accurate and realizable account of the early genesis of mankind. The texts also indirectly place us on the trail of an esoteric mystery, the solution of which promises to revolutionize our modern world in the most profound imaginable sense. The first clue in the Sumerian texts is the fact that the Anunnaki were willing to encounter the rigors and dangers of interplanetary space flight in order to mine and transport gold back to their home world. [Their homeworld, incidentally, is according to Zecharia Sitchin, a planet called Nibiru -- which orbits our Sun in a highly elliptical orbit, reaching perehelion within the asteroid belt every 3,600 years or so.] Another clue comes from Genesis 2: 11-12, where: 1) after six days of creation, 2) a seventh day of rest, 3) the creation of man with a soul and the placing of him in a garden of Eden, 4) where God had also planted the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil... the biblical genesis suddenly encounters five verses about rivers and the fact that within the whole land of Havilah, “there is gold; And the gold of that land is good...” For some reason, immediately following the most profound of creation stories, and prior to God encourgaging Man to get dressed or to keep the garden of Eden in mint condition, the Bible announces, in effect, that, Thar's gold in them thar hills! The fact that the mention of gold occurs immediately after the first mention of the two trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and immediately preceding God’s command to Man not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, is also noteworthy. Scholars tend to identify the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with sexual knowing -- in effect, God (also known as Enlil) did not want Man to have sexual knowing and thereby procreate. However, there is no admonition against eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, the name of which strongly suggests a connection with the Tree’s fruit and the life of the individual who eats of it. Thus, if as the Bible implies, Man was allowed to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life, it may have been done so in order for him to enjoy the biblical life span of some nine hundred to a thousand years. The question left unanswered involves the possible connection between gold and the Tree of Life. Is gold, for example, connected with the Anunnaki's long life span? While the Sumerian cuniform texts provide some marvelous insights into the biblical story of Genesis, it is perhaps worth concentrating our efforts on the gold question. Why, specifically, were the Anunnaki willing to go to the trouble of interplanetary space flight, work at hard labor in the ancient mines of South Africa for tens of thousands of years, create a “mixed worker” from their own genes and those of an early version of the modern day ape, and then save enough representatives of the slave contingent to continue the work after the Flood and Deluge -- just in order to acquire gold? By the same token, what justifies mankind’s preoccupation with gold (as opposed to other precious metals and/or gems such as diamonds, saphires, rubies, etcetera) as the premier symbol of wealth? Why would countless wars be fought over the precious yellow metal? Why would the Incas have amassed well over 120 million ounces of gold by the time of the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors (and at the same time, used very little of it in religious and mundane activities)? Why were the Alchemists of the Middle Ages so preoccupied with the transformation of base metals into gold? Why does “The Occult gold” play such an important part in the esoteric Ha Qabala? Why is gold, even in modern times, given such precedence over other precious metals, even when these metals have more varied industrial uses? [It has been estimated that 85% of all manufactured products use in the process or end product one or more of the eight Precious Metals!] Perhaps we can gleam some hints by following the story of gold down through the ages. The Great Flood and Deluge of the seventh and eight chapters of Genesis are described in greater detail in the Sumerian cuniform texts. The latter describes a close passage of the Anunnaki's home planet, Nibiru (you really must remember these names!), triggering the Flood by causing the massive ice cap on the continent of Antartica to slide off the continent and thereby cause a massive tidal wave of unprecedented proportions. Because of the ice age conditions of the era, the ice cap was undoubtedly much larger than today's ice cap. This is due to the fact that an ice age is accompanied by most of the water in the hydrologic cycle being locked up in the form of ice. In this situation, there is less water for plant growth, and the lack of plant growth reduces the ability of the earth to retain the heat falling on the earth from the sun. It’s a vicious cycle. At the same time, in the age of Noah (“Noah” means “respite”), there was a massive, ice-age caused drought! The Antartica-ice-cap-inspired tidal wave constitutes the Great Flood of biblical renown. The Deluge followed by virtue of the fact that the melting ice cap was adding massive amounts of water to the hydrological cycle and the result was rain, rain, and more rain. Both the Sumerian and biblical versions of the Flood and Deluge note the duality of this event, along with the total devastation of the planet Earth and its biosphere. It is clear from archaeological records, for example, that after the flood agriculture began in the mountains, and not in the river valleys where farming would be infinitely easier. The valleys were in fact, filled with mud and water, and would require immense amounts of work to be made useful. Yet, the Anunnaki, faced with the momumental engineering task of restarting their mining operations and in the process reintroducing man into the world, chose to stick it out. They stayed on Earth, rebuilt all that had been lost, introduced agriculture and animal husbandry to mankind, all in order to maintain their presence on the Earth. Why? Was it simply to ensure a continuing supply of gold? Probably. A strange story is told in Genesis 9: 20-27. Apparently, Noah planted a vineyard, and almost instantaneously became drunk, and wound up uncovered within his tent. Ham saw the naked, drunken sot and told his brothers. Shem and Japheth marched into the tent backwards, a blanket upon their shoulders and covered Noah, never seeing the old man in his birthday suit. When Noah came around, he knew that his younger son had seen him, whereupon he cursed Ham and blessed Shem and Japheth. Taken literally, Ham was the victim of bad luck, wherein he had chanced upon a drunken father, and then been cursed for his so-called impropriety. Doesn't make a lot of sense. On the other hand, if instead of a vineyard, Noah had planted a Tree of Life and was involved in a drinking of the fruit -- partaking of the golden nectar in a religious ritual, in the process of which he was not totally conscious of his mundane surroundings... Then Ham's intrusion, possibly intentional and in order to learn the secrets of his father, was in fact a crime and punishable in the fashion described in the Bible. This version makes sense! The Anunnaki, over the course of some 7,000 years, provided Mankind with virtually all of the rudiments of civilization. One so-called myth, the story of Inanna and the God of Wisdom, describes this process in some detail. The myth begins by Inanna delighting in her womanhood and wishing to test her powers. With youthful audacity, she sets out for Eridu, the residence of Enki, the God of Wisdom, to “bless” her maternal grandfather. Enki welcomes her with a feast, and the two begin to drink the wine. As the evening proceeds, Enki becomes ever more generous and Inanna ever more intentional. Enki offers Inanna the treasures of his kingdom, the attributes of civilization, what the Sumerians called The Me. The last Me (“decision-making”) turned out to be critical, for at the moment Inanna received it from Enki, her eagerness turned from bravado to true decision. Deciding she wanted to keep the Me, she hastily and prudently departed. In her “Boat of Heaven” [something capable of flying, perhaps?], Inanna returned to her city of Uruk to share her new found wealth with her people. Enki made some pretense at attempting to recover the Me from Inanna before she reached Uruk, but his attempts were such as to make one suspect he was merely making a show for the benefit of Enlil (who would have roundly condemned such actions). Enki was apparently again on the side of Man, while Enlil was in his customary role as the adversary. Moreover, as the God of Wisdom, Enki knew that the powers of knowledge needed to be shared; as King of Eridu, he knew that the best rule is the self-sufficiency of his citizens; as Father, he knew that the best way to raise his children was by encouraging initiative and independence -- including “decision-making”. In this and similar stories from the Sumerian cuniform, mankind developed the world’s first civilizations, beginning with the Sumerian civilization (located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern day Iraq). It was undoubtedly followed by the Egyptian civilization, the Indus Valley civilization, and in all likelihood the early civilizations of MesoAmerica, which culminated in the Inca civilization. The latter, of course, according to some scholars, was the civilization that immediately preceded the civilizations of the Dinkas and the Dos! It was the Incas who inherited and added to the immense amount of gold ultimately taken by the conquering Spaniards under Pizzaro and other thieves. Most scholars date the first real attributes of civilization to the Sumerians between 4000 and 3500 B.C.E. (even though the City of Jerico had walls as early as 8000 B.C.E.). The Sumerian Civilization flourished for almost two millenia, when it crashed with a vengence. The story of the crash is an epic in itself. For the sibling rivalry between Enki and Enlil had continued with a vengeance, particularly with respect to their sons and grandsons. The final, decisive moment occured circa 2024 B.C.E. when the first-born son of Enlil, Ninurta, settled a major series of battles in the south of Palestine by atom bombing two cities (which in Genesis were called Sodom and Gommorah). The cities were, of course, obliterated. And within the year, the winds had carried the radioactive clouds across the upper Arabian desert to quite literally wipe out the Sumerian civilization. (The latter was located primarily in the southern portions of the Tigris-Euphrates valley -- while the subsequent civilizations of Akkad, Babylon, et al, were located further north, and had been spared the full brunt of the radioactive clouds of death. Abraham, as it turns out, had already left the area, and was thus still able to father a nation.) Meanwhile, in this same War of Gods and Men, the first-born son of Enki, Marduk, had managed to capture Babylon by this time, and thus was able to avoid the radioactive carnage occurring in the more southerly Sumerian lands. Then, after a peace had been negotiated, Marduk remained in Babylon. Later, in 1953 B.C.E. the great temple in Nippur was rededicated and the lands of Sumerian declared hapitable again. After a period of the following few years, with Ninurta putting a quick end to the next several rulers of Sumeria -- and the Anunnaki finally determining that Ninurta could not be trusted with the fate of mankind (after atom-bombing most of what was then civilization) -- Marduk was given supreme authority over Earth, which he would rule from his palace in Babylon. According to the Babylonian king, Hammurabi: “Lofty Anu, lord of the gods who from Heaven came to Earth, and Enlil, lord of Heaven and Earth who determines the destinies of the land, determined for Marduk, the firstborn of Enki, the Enlil-functions over all mankind; made him great among the gods who watch and see, called Babylon by name to be exalted, made it supreme in the world; and established for Marduk, in its midst, an everlasting kingship.” That paragraph says a great deal. It correctly identifies Anu as the lord of the Anunnaki, Enlil as the man in charge on Earth (and who determined the destinies of mankind), Marduk as the first born of Enki, the assignment of the Enlil, “Lord of Earth” functions over all mankind, established Marduk at Babylon, and set the stage for the next thousand years or so. Marduk, whose “ruling planet” was Mars, took over the earth during the Age of Aries (the Greek equivalent to the Roman Mars), and reigned until the Age of Pisces, circa 600 B.C.E., when a new scenario was slated to begin. Babylon, however, had, according to historians, a rival. The most notable, perhaps, was Egypt. It should be borne in mind that the legendary earliest kings of Egypt were Ptah (aka Enki) and Ra (aka Marduk). [It’s a small world (when it comes to the Anunnaki).] But Egypt was the place to which the main action was shifting. For in the same year that the great temple at Nippur was being rededicated (1953 B.C.E.), Jacob was born to Isaac -- and it wouldn’t be long before the favorite son of Jacob would be bound, against his will, on a slow camel to Egypt! [Interestingly, the Chinese calendar, based on astronomical observations, was also begun in 1953 B.C.E. -- March 5th to be exact. [4] (We’re not sure if it was a Thursday, or perhaps a Friday.) With reference to Egypt, no archaeologist has ever discovered the body of an Old or Middle Kingdom Egyptian pharoah. In effect, there are over 80 kings in 12 dynasties whose bodies are missing! [5] This might be serious, except for the implication of these guys having had ready accesss to the ORME -- and thus not prone to leaving smelly old bodies lying about! Furthermore, Moses, while Prince of Egypt, had access to learning the process himself. Whereupon at Mount Sinai (during the Exodus), he set up his own foundry, creating the ORME to be placed inside the Ark of the Covenant. The biblical description of Moses during his time on and off the Mount provides the evidence for this view, as well as the Ark’s incredible powers of Levitation and occasional “blasts of heavenly displeasure”. Moses, the Ark, the Raiders, are other stories. Suffice it to say that there was a massive paradigm shift in 600 B.C.E. (among other things, Marduk no longer being in charge). Still later, a strange group of Hebrews, the Essenes, were practicing metallurgy, creating their own version of the White Powder of Gold -- what had formerly been thought of as the Food of the Gods -- and had begun feeding it to a woman named Mary. But that’s another story. (Albeit, a related one. See, for example, History 009.) The more recent ramifications of the history of the ORME, including the efforts, trials and tribulations of David Hudson, the connection of the ORME to the Ark of the Covenant, and the world of gold and the other precious metals coming under Corporate Rule -- all of these incredible tales can be found in Laurence Gardner’s books, Genesis of the Grail Kings [5] and Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark [6]. The latter book is essential reading! White Powder of Gold David Radius Hudson ORME Tree of Life Forward to: ORME Physics Nuclear Shell Model Nuclear Shell Structure Growth Structures Rhodium and Iridium ORME Biology Scientific Literature Monoatomic Elements Star Fire Dem Wid de Gold The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus _______________________ References: [1] Sitchin, Zecharia, The Wars of Gods and Men, Avon Books, New York, 1985. Also, [2] Cann, Rebecca L., Stoneking, Mark, Wilson, Allan C., “Mitochondria DNA and human evolution”, Nature, Vol. 325, January 1, 1987. [3] Dorit, R.L., Akashi, H., Gilbert, W., “Absence of Polymorphism at the ZFY Locus on the Human Y Chromosome,” Science, Vol. 268, May 26, 1995. [4] National Geographic, December 1993. [5] Gardner, Laurence, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, New York, 1990. [6] Gardner, Laurence, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold, HarperCollins, London, 2003. |
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